
Chapter 1368: Able to

Long Chen took a deep breath as he stood up. Since he was sitting all this while, he was starting to feel lazy.

He stretched his arms, giving some exercise to his numb body. He took a deep breath. "I am ready."

"Good. Then go ahead. If you can master the entire Chaos, then you will be able to achieve many things. However, even if you learn a fraction of it, destroying this small space should be easy for you. Show what you learned."

"Because no matter what, you'll be leaving this reason. What matters is if you'll be able to leave with your own abilities or if I'll have to force you out after you fail," the old man informed Long Chen, who was already pretty concerned about it. 

Even though he had grasped some of it, it was going to be his first time to utilize this ability. Success or failure, everything depended on the next few minutes. 

He rubbed both his hands, creating some warmth before separating his hands. 

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