
Chapter 1267: Not allowed to die

"I am not saying that you need to die, but I'm just curious. Why couldn't you die if you wanted to?" Long Chen asked 

The woman went silent, not saying anything. She simply took off her clothes and turned back to reveal her bare back. 

On her back, there was a strange formation made by cutting her skin with something sharp. Even though the wounds had healed, the marks of cut were still left, leaving that formation. 

"Is that a formation?" he asked. 

"That's right. Every woman who is brought here suffers from this too. They all have this formation of their back which stops them from dying. No matter how hard we try, our body simply stops working as soon as we try to kill ourselves," the woman answered. 

"So it's impossible for us to kill ourselves," Long Chen said, sighing.

"Don't worry. You'll all be free today. You won't have to kill yourself," Long Chen told the woman as he turned back and started walked towards the stairs. 

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