
Chapter 444: Settling Scores

"Xia? Isn't that the name of that girl?" Xun asked Long Chen. She remembered the name of the girl that Long Chen had met before.

"Yeah, it's the name I still remember from my first trial. It is her name," Long Chen said as he reminisced about a girl that he had left behind. The girl from the world that he still considered a dream world, unaware of the reality and the mystery surrounding it.

"So you still haven't forgotten her," Xun muttered.

"I haven't forgotten anyone from that dream world; why would I forget her? I remember every moment I spent in that dream world," Long Chen responded.

"Dream World..." Xun muttered as she shook her head, but she didn't bother explaining.

"Oh, Right. Can I keep her in my storage ring since she isn't alive? I should be able to, right?" Long Chen asked Xun.

"Yeah, you can keep her in your storage ring. She will just be frozen in time inside your storage ring until you bring her out," Xun answered him as she nodded.


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