
Flameguard AFB

A big building about 20 km from the living quarter. It wasn't decorated too much on the front. It was not even decorated at all. It's the location for our party. The youngs were having a wild party scattered across the base while the old one was having a classy party there.

The driver opened the door for us, and we stepped to the red carpets that were laid down on the entrance of the building. Inside of it, we saw many luxurious tables which were colored light-brown and had a white chair covered with a luxury white silk. There was a private that acts as a server, and guess what; It was Andrew. He wore a black vest and a long sleeve white shirt coupled with black trousers and black shoes.

"Private Graham, How was the training?" I asked him with a sophisticated tone.

"Just as usual, General Galliard," He said as I handed him the cap and grabbed a glass of champagne from him.

"I will go with the others," Maria said as she walked away to a group of women.

"Ok, Have fun," I said as I grabbed a glass of champagne, but suddenly Graham held my left hand just before I left. I asked him why," Is there anything that is bothering your mind, Private?"

"General, may I speak privately with you?" Graham said while giving a glass of champagne to another Officer.

"Sure, but first, you must serve all of that champagne in that tray first," I said while pointing my index finger to his tray while smiling.

"Affirmative, General," He said as he gave another champagne.

"Meet me on edge on Runway 3 ok? Just tell your C.O that General Galliard needs you," I said as I left him with the tray of champagne on his hand.

I took a seat in one of the reserved seats, and Gen.Blackwell sat in front of me. He put his cap on the table, thus exposing his white hair, and I did the same too. I put the champagne glass in front of him, then cross my hand.

He talked, "General Galliard, What is the first performance?" He put his smartphone on top of his table.

I grabbed the smartphone from my back pocket then opened the file containing the schedules of performance, "The next one is an opening speech by... GENERAL ALEXSON???? Haha," I tried to hide my laugh but failed.

"What's so funny, General Galliard?" He asked me while smiling.

"Nothing, excuse me for a second," I covered my mouth while leaving the chair, and my phone thus ran away from the building heading outside. In outside, I laughed as loud as I could.

"HAHAHA, Maria is the MC again," I laughed, and some of the base members looked at my direction. I coughed to let it go and headed back to the chair.

With a confused face, Abraham asked, "Why did you laugh?"

"You can see who is the MC for that section," I said as I sip a bit from the champagne.

He opened his smartphone then nodded several times, "Hohoho, I see, teenager as usual," he said then put the smartphone back to the table.

Someone appeared on the stage. She was Maria, who was chosen as the one to give the opening speech. She held a mike on her right hand and did the greetings.

With full confidence, she said, "Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen."

"Evening," The whole audience replied.

"This is my honor to be in front of you. Thanks for General Galliard as my closest brother-in-arms and a special mention for Brigadier General Blackwell for his support so I can stand up here today," Maria continued her speech while the audience listened.

"We've come a long way until this point. The point where everything seems to be at its best. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, we must NOT forget the fact that progress requires sacrifice. The sacrifice that our brother and sister-in-arms do every single day.

We have blood and sweat spilled on the progress. The progress that makes us receive this comfort and pride that we have today. Today is Sunday, but today is NOT an ordinary Sunday. Today, we will finally give an insignia, an identity for our new base," She continued giving his speeches while a male officer brought a piece of paper to her.

She opened the paper while speaking with a good accent, " With this, I declare the new military base to be called Flameguard military base. This declaration was signed by Mayor General Meyer and General Galliard. That's all I can say. Thank you for your attention," she said as she walked to the backstage.

"Wow Wilson, I never thought that that girl could do that," Abraham clapped his hands slowly, so slowly that it cannot be heard.

I poked on the old man's shoulder while saying, "That's why she is my master, haha."

He scrolled his smartphone while I saw Andrew was giving me a signal from behind by waving his hands back and forth. Weirdly enough, he was wearing the ABU uniform. I stood up from my chair, "General, excuse me for a sec," I brought my phone and the cap with me for now.

I walked to him, who was standing near the door. He stood up in that door while having his HK416 holstered on his back. He wore the cap that didn't have any insignia at all. I followed to a bench at the end of runway 3. Today, there wasn't any flight because the young's party was shooting their weapon to the sky, including the dangerous threat that the spec-op operators held.

"So Wilson, why did you bring me here? Why did you kidnap me?" He frowned his face while glaring at me.

"You want to know why? Because of this [Direct Projectile]," I fired a bullet from his pistol to a bird while using that spell.

"Wait, you kidnap me just because you want that spell? Why don't you ask me earlier?" He said while smacking his head with his palm.

"Hey, you can ask Benjamin later for that behavior," I said, referring to the event which I was aimed by five-person on the head.

"Yeah, this is all Benjamin's fault, but why did you kidnap Charlotte as well?" He asked while holding a bottle of vodka.

"Is that vodka? We aren't supposed to drink that," I asked him, knowing that vodka contains 40 units of alcohol per bottle.

"Nah, this is just regular mineral water in a bottle of vodka. I want to drink with style, not to be drunk," he said as he sipped from that bottle.

"Oh, I see. Yes, I kidnap Charlotte, as well. I need her as a hostage," I explained to him.

"Why?" He asked me again, curiously.

"You see that village over there," I pointed my finger to a cluster of light in the dark. I continued with, "That's Vialis village," I paused.

"Oh, I see now, yeah, his father is the landlord," he said while holding his smooth hair.

"How's school?" Andrew asked me again as he sipped the water from the vodka bottle.

"Just like usual. Magic and stuff," I said as I put the cap on my thigh.

"Oh, I see. The D.I gave me new knowledge every day. Sorry, General, but I have to go now," he said as he picked up the bottle and stood up from the chair.

"Haha, General Galliard? You can call me Wilson when we are alone," I waved right hand on him.

"Haha, see you later, Wilson," he walked away, and I grabbed candy from my jacket pocket.

I opened the package and put the sour candy in my mouth. It was very delicious.

"I want a Cigar, but this will do," I said as I gazed to the beautiful sky.

Party time, Fun time

MaxwellKHAcreators' thoughts
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