
Prologue. Part -1

Werewolves. Mythological animals and the subjects of many stories and nightmares throughout the world.

These are people who morph into vicious, powerful wolves. They are blood thirsty and are unable to control their lust for hunting and killing.

According to Greek mythology, werewolves were the result of a curse which made an appearance with the legend of Lyacon. According to the legend, Lyacon, the son of pelasgus, angered the God Zeus when he served him a meal made from the remains of a sacrificed boy. As punishment, the enraged Zeus turned Lyacon and his sons into wolves.

In the Nordic folklore, The saga of volsungus tells the story of a father and son who discovered wolf pelts that had the power to turn people into wolves for ten days. The father-son duo donned the pelts, transformed into wolves and went on a killing rampage in their forest which ended when the father attacked his son causing a lethal wound. The son only survived because a kind raven gave the father a leaf with healing power.


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