
Something Odd Part 2

        She said that she wanted some snacks and for tonight. So, they passed by the convenience store and then buy a few chips and then, ice cream and other stuff. He paid for everything and his phone chimes. He texted his dad that they just buy something and then after hearing that it's an emergency and they need to go. He immediately took the items after paying for it and he grabbed her wrist.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"Dad already sent bodyguards in our location." 

        Black cars of the Pattinson with a Lion on front arrived and two come out from the car. He nodded at them and he opened the door for Esme. Esme entered the car and he gave the items and closes it. He immediately went to the driver's seat and then he drove the car back home.

        When they reached home, few bodyguards had gathered, and his father is holding Zayne as he checked them one by one.   

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