
New Life Part 2

         Freya took the crawling Rhys and check his diapers. She called for Steven and he came out of the bathroom.

"This one just poop. It's your son, go change his diapers and clean him up." She gave it to him. Steven grinned at her and he went back to the bathroom to change Rhys diapers.

        She took the other baby and she checked his diapers. His diaper is full, and she changed it. Then she let him crawl on the crib. She took the vacuum to clean up the carpet that serves to be their playground. She put him back there and she went to her desk and check her emails.

        Her business is stable and though she's working from home. All her assets are doing well, and the best part is, the Eagle Empire is somehow collapsing, and their business is going down. Zachary's hotel is expanding and become one of the tops.

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