
Halloween Part 1

Andy slid off from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and mouth. She then went to their walk-in closet and open her cabinet. She pulled out one of the clothes that are still covered with black anti-dust. She removed her nightie and then put her sexiest lingerie. Then, she removed the leather jacket for her husband and put it on. 

 She fixed her hair and strode bare feet to the bed at the right side where her husband is sleeping. She shook him and he slowly opened his eyes. 

"Good morning, love." He took her hand and kissed it. Then he sat up and looked at her. She stepped back and showed him the jacket. "That's handsome." He said. Andy smiled charmingly at him. She opened the jacket to showed him what's she's been hiding. "Oh." He gaped at her from her face to breast to her stomach to her lower part. "Love, you look glorious." 

 She giggled and climbed on the bed and crawl on top of him. 

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