
Chapter 7

Bellamey Pov


I continue to hear my name being called. I am inside a dark room. A deep voice continues to call out my name.

???:... Bellamey I know I am not chick but you have to listen me

Bellamey: Who is there show yourself.

???: The shitty lizard and his user is ear he can feel you like I can feel him. If the user is as battle hungry as the lizard it is likely he will come for you and you must be ready I would be annoyed If I lost to him the dude brags way to much. When you need me yell out my name.

Bellamey: What is your name

????: My name is...


Bilu wakes me up buy tackling me. That was some dream. Bilu Artoria and I now in LA who knew Kuroka was not hiding in the Underworld but hiding in Las Angeles the city of Angels which is quite ironic since she is devil. Vivi, Mutsu and Darcy could not come because they have a test coming up and are force to study. One thing good about being reincarnated and retaking highschool all over again is knowing all the material.

Bellamey: Hey Bilu can you get off me

Bilu: Hey Bellamey I nevr realize you got some well defined muscles.

Artoria: Can the two you stop monkeying around.

Bellamey and Bilu: Did you just tell a joke

Artoria: What I can't be funny I can't make a joke. .... Shutup

Ok I make Bilu get off me and ask her to work on her labtop. like I said Bilu is great in certin things but sucks in others. Like video games, computers, and martial arts.. I ask her to scan for Kuroka and she hacks into computers.

Bilu: Bingo

Bilu mangers to catch her on the cameras. It looks like that she has been injured and someone has been chasing her. They look like Fallen Angels. The one that is leading them looks like a boy around my age he. He white has blonder hair whith red in it and blue eyes He is wearing a black shirt jeans and a red leather jacket. Something about him screams danger. I have not felt this in a long time the last time I felt this was when I faught Sairaorg in a one one fight.

Bellamey: Shall we go ladies.

Bilu: Yeah I needed a workout now I don't have to feel guilty about eating Artoria's last piece of cake.

Artoria: YOU DID WHAT !

If you value your life when it comes to Artortora you must never and never steal or come betweeen Artoria and cake you just don't do it. She grabs by the head and palms it in her hand. Bilu should know she should not mess with Artoria when it comes to cake. Wow she is holding her up there for a long time. Who Knew Artoria had that much upper body strenghth.


Artoria: Vile theif you stolen my sacred treasure and because of your transgression I shall have my vengence of fury of thousand burning suns. I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD CALIBURN !

Bellamey: Isn't this going a bit overboard just for a piece of cake.

I should not have that because as soon as I said that she gives me one of those rape faces that you see in anime. You know the one when a shadow covers half their face.

Bellamey: I am sorry contine on


I feel like I should stop this some how. I guess I have no choice but to bribe her. As they say a life for a life a cake for a cake.

Bellamey: Artoria if you let Bilu go I will take you to Sweet Treats when we get back to Kuoh

Artoria: Anthing on the menu as much as I want.

Bellamey: So can you let Bilu go I think your crushing her skull.

Artoria reluctanly lets go Bilu

Bilu: I thought I was going to die.

Artoria: You should thank Bell that you get to see your next sunrise.

Bilu: Thanks boss you really saved me as reward I will let you play withh my ass as long as you want.


Bilu: I see you looking at it. It not like mind it one of best features. My boobs may be smaller than everyone elses but when it comes to my backside I am the strongest there is.

She is not wrong Bilu has the best ass out eveybody. Hey I was black in my last life I think I am half black in this life. I don't know I just know my mom has brown skin. Do devils have races. Well I digress anyway what brother would not like a little junk in trunk Artorai is no slouch either it the cake it goes to her hips which I am totally ok with.

Bellamey: Don't thank me yet I will be using your video game money

Bilu: I change my mine no booty for you.

I bring her in to embrace and I slap her ass she blushes.

Bellamey: No take backs

Bilu: Meanie

You know you like it Bilu I know you play those Hentai games when you think nobody is around. I look over at Artoria and put her inembrace and I slap her ass.


Bellamey: I thought you were jelous

Artoria Who..would be jelous of that monkey.

Bilu: Don't listen to her Bell she has a bunch of Ecchii novels and Hentai mixed in with her books. She not as much of prude as you think she is. The strict one like to be dominated

Artoria: BILU !

Learn something new everyday Artoria is blushing like crazy now. She looks really cute with her face all red in her glasses.

Bilu: Why don't you take liberties with Vivi

Bellamey: If I did she would punch me in the face.

Artoria and Bilu: SO DENSE !

Did I say something wrong. Anyway Artorora uses Caliburn to manipulate space and we head out to find Kuroka.

Kuroka Pov

Today has not been my day I minding my own bussiness when You know playing a couple of pranks flirting with men trying to find a baby the usual. When all of sudden I am attacked by fallen Angels.

I am use to it I am stray devil. I get attack by both Angels and Devils alike, but this was diffrent the youngest one who happend to be the leader. That kid is a little monster. If he wasn't trying to kille me I would probably try to seduce him by now. What a waste. He manges to hit me with Holy Lightning.

Fallen Angel: Is this the best that the Famous Kuroka Toujou can do.

Kuroka: You know my name but I do not know yourse who are you.

Fallen Angel: My name is Recca Vermillion and I was hired by your former master family to bring you to them. I only agreed because they told me you where strong. I guess they were mistaken.

Kuroka: Sure You don't want to go have drinks instead. We could have some real fun you and I.

Recca: I am underage, Beside Battle is the only real thing that gets my blood boiling. Prapere yourself for battle.

I use Yojustu and create several clones of myself. He laughs than


He makes a flash of light but that destroys all my illusions but it does not matter because I am already gone.

Recca: Looks like this kitty is only good at running away. Nix and Jonah lead two group and come at her from both sides in a pincer attack. Don't kill her I want to see what she can do when she becomes a conered rat. It will make thing more intresting

NIx: Yes Boss

Jonah: Battle Maniac halfbreed

Recca: What was that Jonah

Jonah: Nothing Boss

I keep running and swarm of angels follows me I use a Senjustu move knows as Kasha I make spinning wheels of white flame than I let them lose taken out several angels.

Jonah: Fall back only that halfbreed will be able take her on.

Nix: How dare you insult that Captain like that he stronger than you stronger than me stronger tha alot of us. Azazel puts alot a trust and him and so do I.

Jonah: The role of Captain should of been me. Now I have to listen to half human brat younger than I am.

Recca: If you want my postion fight me for it.

Jonah: Boss I did not...

Recca: Save it you don't have to like me but if your with me follow my orders or go somwhere else. If you don't like the way I do things try take my postion in a trial by combat.


Recca: That what I thought. Now Kuroka this is what I am talking about your finaly getting serious. Now lets fight

We beging to fight and Recca makes his fist glows. To attack me. It looks like he is condensing light in to his fist. I get struck and part of my clothes get ripped.

Recca; Fighting at distance is for pussy A real man get up close personel

He is so fast I getting over powered it like he a combination of a Rook and a Knight. Is power is trong what really put me on edge is his speed.

Recca: Don't take this personel it just a job

He goes in for a final strike. Is this it if I get captured I am good as dead. I might never get see my sister again. She will never no the truth. The real reason I became a stray. I close My eyes and wait for impact but nothing happend. Why does it feel like I am in somebody arms. I open them to see that it turns out I was infact in someone arms. I looks like a boy He a devil because I can see his wings and tail. He looks around Recca age and he is with two girls. one look like a monkey Yokai. The other looks like a secratary.

Recca: Your pretty quick Not many can avoide my strike and still manage to save someone, but you know it rude to interupt someone elses fight.

Bellamey: Not if you tag in.

Kuroka: Who are you.

Bellamey: The name is Bellamey Belthazar

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