
Chapter 4

Bellamey Pov

Ok what the fuck why is Vali a girl named Vivi. I thought this was the High School DxD world. Did something happen that I did not know about, or is this another alternate world,or maybe my presence created a Butterfly affect. Those other two girls must be a Fem Bikou and Fem Athuor Pendragon. Does that mean I have chance to get team Vali while they are young and presnable. Hell I could Vali or should I say Vivi before Azazel. I might as well track down Kuroka Toujou and Fenrir on a later date. I always wanted a giant wolf god as a pet. Well lets talk about that and future I can't do anything unless I get these three first the question is how?

Vivi: Well?

Bellamey: Well what?

Vivi: What are you and idiot aren't you suppose to tell me your name when someone introduce themselves

This I just get called and idiot by an eight year old. I am twenty eight at least in the mind and was called stupid. Well that hurt my pride a bit.

Bellamey: The name is Bellamey Balthazar

Vivi: Of the Balthazar house.

Bellamey: My last name may be Balthazar but I have never met any of them in my life. The only family I have is my mom.

Bilu: Do all half devils have a shitty childhood. You two are like the main protagonist of the Korean Dramas that my Grannie watches.

Artoria; There stories seem similar

Vivi: You look pretty strong a gathering people a team if you will. We all have goals and I want your help.

Bellamey: No

Vivi: No

Bellamey: How about you follow me

Vivi: Excuse me

Darcy: Oh this is going to be good

Bilu: It like King Kong about to fight Godzilla

Bellamey: I never been one to follow anyone I am more of leader than a follower, Though I am not unreasonable how about we have a bet.

Vivi: A bet?

Bellamey: Might is right you beat me I follow you. If I beat you the four of you become my evil pieces.

Vivi: Deal

Artoria Bilu and Darcy: HEY !

Vivi: Do you guys trust me. I am strong you all know this. I am not going to lose

Bellamey: If you want I can beat them real quick make the same deal as them as I did to you. Like you I also have goals and I am going to need allies and it good test. It will not take long and I could use a work out.


Bilu and Darcy: GASP !

Bilu: Artoria curses she never curse. She is the one that make me watch my lanuguge

Bellamey: New deal all fight all you each person I beat will become my peces but if anyone of you beat me the losers will be returned and I will join your side that a pretty good handicap don't you think. One of you just have to beat me one while I have to beat all for of you.

Darcy: This punk is as prideful and as argorant as Vivi.

Bellamey; Who wants to go first I still got to cook dinner when I get back. I better add four more plates

Bilu: What are you having

Bellamey: Chinese


Everyone: BILU!

Bellamey: Well that was easy one down

Bilu: I am sorry I am so hungry we have not have a good meal in several days. Vivi your good leader but I am tired of ramen noodles I WANT MEAT !

Darcy: traitor

Bellamey: It fine you be joing her anyway. I will cook even I f I lose which I am not going to

Vivi: It is find I kind of felt bad that he would fight several people back to back. Luck is also a kind of strenghth.

Darcy: How about we finish our fight it was dry after all

Bellamey: Well it will not be a fight beacuse the last time I told you before that I was holding back. It does not help that I have seen your moves.

Darcy: You really are and arrogant punk you know that.

Bellamey: All let you have the first strike

That ticks her off she activates her sacred gear Cerbrus Chains and sets them on fire and she throws them both at me I catch both of them with my bare hands. Than I yank them and she is flung over my fist glows with magic and I punch her right in the face and she is flung into the wall and is knocked out.

Bellamey: That two

Bilu: I am kind of glad I surrendored because Darcy and I are about the same strengh one punch danm. Who are you Satima.

Artoria goes up to Darcy to check on her fallen than she looks at me confused.

Artoria: What did you do she is not hurt at all

Bellamey: You see the Belthazar family excels at healing magic it one of our only good points what I did was fuse healing magic into my fist. Every hit they heal but they feel the pain of my fist. So basically I can go all out without killing anyone.

BIlu: Who the hell think of that?

Vivi: Looks like he is diffrent the other members of the Balthazar family. I heard from my father once is that they are a bunch cowards , But you fight on the front line. You have my respect I guess your not all talk.

Artoria: I am next CALIBAN !

She someone a sword from her space

Vivi: Using Caliban you can tell Artoria is serous and she completly see him a worthy oppent to defeat.

Artoria: I half to admit I underestimated you and for that I will apologize, but that does not mean you can defeat me. This is the holy sword Caliban. My ultimate weapon. Now let see what you got EXCALUBUR !

A pillar light comes from her sword. Shit this is not good I am going to get hit looks like I have know choice to use that

Bellamey: ROOM !

The attack hits and there is nothing left but my arm


Artoria: Looks like you will not be able to fight him my blood was boiling and that has not happened in a long time.

Vivi: I would not be to sure about that

Artoria: What

Bellamey: HEALING KICK !

I activate my room and use my abilty to teleport in my space. I apear with one of my arms missing than I give a blow to Artoria which make her drop her sword than I give her a headbutt and she is knocked out.

Bellamey: That was a good attack I even lost and arm. Your the first one here to actually make me fear like I was about to die. I could not avoide it so I had to make sacrafice.

Vivi: Your arm

Bellamey: Bingo


I use healing magic to stop the bleading. I go back for my arm later. Honestly I did not expect Artoria to be that powerful I miscaculated on my part, but that is three.

Bellamey: Wher the only ones left White Dragon Empress

Vivi: No one has ever called me that before I like that I will be keeping it. Don't think I will go easy on you just because You loss an arm.. In fact your tenacitity and it make me want you more.

I look at her chest

Bellamey: Sorry I am not into lollies maybe in a couple of years

Vivi: THAT NOT WHAT I MENT. Just forget it Albeion

Albeion: DIVIDE !

I feel it she just cut my power in half. It best If I do not let her do that again and finsh this quick.

Bellamey: STAMINA !

I use a healing spell to increase me mana pooll but it not all powerful. I will not go back to full power untill I rest. I cover my fist and feet in mana . Vivi shoots a barragge of mana balls at me. Just as expected of a decendent of Lucifer she has an extreamley large amont of mana. I give up on dodginging because that just waste time and take on each attack. Than I activate another healing spell.

Bellamey: REGENERATE !

Bilu: He is healed.. well except for the arm. This guy fighting style is like a Kamakazee from Japan. It extreamley reckless.

Vivi clicks her toungue she use another divide and I use another Stamina spell. I am finally close to her and we begin a slug fest. She just as good as close combat as she is in distance how the fuck did she lose to Issei when she was guy ten years in the future. She fucking genus. Lucky for me so am a I

Bellamey: Time for my ultimate technique ULTIMATE HEALING PUNCH !

I infuse my mana in my leg and kick her she blocks.

Vivi and Bilu: THAT WAS A KICK !

Vivi: If that was your ultamate attack I am not impressed

Bellamey: Actually that was a distraction HEALING STERBER !

Vivi: What?

My disloge arm comes out of nowhere spining like a buzzsaw and takes her out. Making a room Artoria cutting off my arm it was all set up for this one move. Vivi falls to ground and loses conscienousness.

Bilu: Vivi lost

I pick up my arm


I use healing magic and turn it in to needle and thread and and I sew my arm back together like nothing has ever happend .

Bilu: You plan this didn't you

Bellamey: And your smarter than people take you for now help me pick up our commrades.

Bilu: Ok boss

Bellamey: Not boss Bellamey were freinds now. You know the saying from tough blows friendship grows.

Bilu: You a really are a weird one.

I pick up Vivi and Artoria and Bilu picks up Darcy and we head back to my house I feel like I am forgetting something when get back my mother is waiting.

Clarrisse: Were are the groceries and why did you bring back four girls.

Bellamey: Danm I knew I forgot something.

Vivi Pov

I wake up in and unfilmiar room. Than it hits me I guess I loss. Than I smell something good. I walk out and see everyone scarfing down food. I see Bellamey cooking he is on a chair because he can not see over the stove,

Bilu: Hey Vivi pull up a chair and grab a plate.

Bellamey hops down and pass me a plate I take a bit. It delicious. It been a long time since I sat down and ate dinner as a family.

Vivi: Ok A promise is a promise. I have one question for you Bellamey Balthazar

Bellamey: Shoot.

Vivi: My one goal is to get my revenge on the Lucifer family If you ever hinder me from my goals I will kill you.

Bilu: Wow that got dark.

Bellamey:: Messisng with Lucifers will get me something to do. I needed a hobby, But Your not ready challange them. None of us are. Your not only one who has a grudge against their family. I will do everything I can as your king support you on your ambition.

Vivi: Very well I except you as my master

Bellamey takes out a wooden box.

Bellamey: Bilu and Darcy I am giving you the Rook Pieces. Artoria I am giving you my knight piece.

Vivi: What about me

Bellamey: Isn;t it obvious your the White Dragon Empress you fit know other role than my queen.

I blush for some reason.


I hit Bilu

Vivi: Quiet you well Bellamey Balthatzar please take care of me from now on.

After the four of us become his pieces we continue to eate when we here a knock at the door. it is a Japanese man in a suit and a breifcase.

Clarrisse: Yes may I help you.

Japanese Man: Hello my name is Goemon Hayate and I am looking for Clarrise Balthazar I am a lawyer for Hiro Yamada. He was doctor you met about eight years ago.

Bellamey: Hey I am eight.... Ohhhh

Everyone: ohhhhhh

Bellamey: I am half Japaneses?

Bilu: Why are we saying oh.

Artoria: Bellamey is eight

Bilu: And

Artoria: Clarrisse and this guy Hiro met eight years ago. Do I have to spell it out for you

Bilu: Ohhhhhhh

Mr. Hyate you see my employer was sick and died of cancer and now he gave his entire estte to a Clarrisse Balthazar.

Clarrise: How much

Hyate: 749 million dollars

Everyone: .........


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