
Chapter 2

Bellamey Pov

Apperntly my mother is cousin with Misala Bael on her mother side. There moms were sisters. So I guess Sairaorg is my cousin as well. He is known as the strongest youth for a while. This could be a good expience for me. I need to come up with a plan to survive in this world. Step on teach mom Haki I at least need to teach her Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku so she can defend herself. I can not be with her all the time.

We go to the crappy motel we been living in and we grab all our things which is not much because we are always on the move always running. I even see myself for the first time out of the reflection of the mirror. I inherited my mother looks. I have light brown skin with violet eyes and black hair with a purple streak in it. I have a girly face I guess you could put me under category of a pretty boy. I look at how were living in this run down motel. I mom is high class devil she is suppose to be living like a queen, but she living like this because her asshole family wanted to marry her off. I think it is time for me to change that. I did not have any parents in my last life. This life I have a mom who loves me and I am going to treat her right.

Bellamey: Hey mom

Clarisse: Yeah baby

Bellamey: Are you tired of running and moving all the time.

Clarisse: It not that I want to run away all the time it just that we do not have a choice. I lost all my pieces before you were born. They tried to protect me they all died. It is just you and me against the world Bell.

Bellamey: I am going to be strong enough so that nobody can mess with us. I am going to take care of you

Clarrisse: Your kid Bell it is my job to take care of you

Bellamey: Will take care of each other. Hey mom you want to get stonger

Clarrisse: Where in a hopeless situation Bell everyone want to grow stronger

Bellamey: What If could make that happened

I start to explain to her about Haki I tell her about the 3 forms Kenbunshoku, Busoshoku, Haoshoku. I turn my arm black and punch the ground there is hole. Mom is very surprised. I tell her Kenbunshoku is like sensing the presence of something and Bushoshoku is like making and armor around your body. Haoshoku is intimadating someone having them lose the will to fight.

Clarrisse: Where and when did you learn all of this.

Bellamey: In a dream

Clarrisse: Bell I know your lying I am your mother your eyebrows scrunch every time you lie are you going to tell me the truth.

Bellamey: Someone taught me

Clarrise: Who

Bellamey: An Oldman named Yama

Technicaly that is not a lie Gods are centuries older than I am and he did give me these powers. I am not lying but I am leaving some minor details out

Clarrisse: I see.. Ok Bell I have something for you

She goes under the bed and pulls out a small wooden box than she hands it to me. I open it and se a purple glowing chess set.

Clarrise: Before I left my home I grabbed this out of the family vault these are evil pieces. This will alow you to make servents of your own. I may be weak but I still come from a family of a high class devil. I was going to give them to you own your 13 birthday but I feel like you have matured. People are going to come after us Bell we need all the help we can get.

Bellamey: Thanks mom. Mom I know you are good at barrier and defense. I think we should hold off on going to your cousin house just until we know we can defend ourselves.

Clarrisse: Your right they will expecting us to go straight there we should ligh low for a while a couple of weeks when the dust settles we make our get away. The Balthazar are not only good at heeling spells but also deffisive magic and support spells

Bellamey: Can you teach me

Clarrise: I thought you said that only cowards hide behind sheilds

Bellamey: I said that a long time ago I have matured

Clarrise: It was 2 days ago

Bellamey: Like I said matured

For next 3 weeks we ligh low I teach my mother Haki and she teaches me magic. Mom picked up Haki really quick it like she was made for it. She can only use Busoshoku or arnament Haki but she really good at it. Like scary good at it. I feel like I created a monster. Her new favorite activitity is punching people that come after us in the face. She got over 400 years of frustration and she is using it all on her enemies. Not to mention her knowledge she has as a doctor she can really break you.

I notice mom is not weak she just did not have a weapon to defend herself. Those suppot spells that increase her speed, strength and reflexes. plus with healing spells that allows her to regenarate now add a little haki and she became and op close combat specialist. Sure her form is off but that can be changed over time

Today the day that we are going to her cousin house but first we have to go to the groceries store. Since I am done packing I decided to go for her. She gives me her wallet and I head to the grocery store as I walking I notice a girl my age with short dirty blonde hair and red eyes with a mole under her right eye. She wearing a red hoodie and camo shorts. She has a cute face I get so distracted I bump into her

Bellemey: My bad

Girl: It find don't worry about it

She walks off. That was weird I am never distracted by a little girl I like mature women does this make me a lollicon. Why does my pocket feel lighter...


I run after her she notices me an clicks her toungue

girl: That is weird looks like my glamour spell wore off quicker than expected find than let see if you can keep up in this little game of tag

I chase her and realise she is quick and I mean really quick. What the hell did I get robbed by a pakour master, but I keep up with her. We dash through the crowd run through buildings and hop over fences.

Girl: Stalikng a bad habbit

Bellamey: So is theft

Girl: A girls got to eat

I keep going after and I finaly got her conered into a dead end. Now litlle miss theif what are you going to do now. Her eyes turn pink

Girl: Your going to let me go and forget you ever saw me

Bellamey: I am going to forget..... WOAH WAIT! Did you just try Jedi mind fuck me,

Girl: Even my Charmspeak is not working on this guy but that is impossible I am iressitable to the opposite sex and lesbians unfortnately.

Bellamey: Your eight I think I can resist your charms washboad

Girl: That was rude I have a name it is Darcy Spartan and it does not matter because I am half Succubus. Your the first human.

I notice that she has pointed ears and her tail is wraped around her waist like a Saiyan.I pretty sure I can resisit because of my Haki but she does not need to know that. Darcy look at me in the eyes

Darcy: Will do this the hard way SACRED GEAR CERBERUS CHAINS !

Two spiked coller appear around her wrist and chains dandgle down. She throws a fireball at me but my Haki warns me and I avoide it

Bellamey: I thought human are the only ones that can have sacred gears

Darcey: Your right because I was born half human. I got Cerbrus Chains from my human side these babies allow me to manipulate fire and that not the only thing I can do.

Her chains extend ans she swings them like whips and she lights them on fire. Who the fuck was her dad Jonny Blaze. That girl has a lot of control she must have practiced a lot. Any normal opponent would go down but I have have haki and than I use a support spell that increase my reaction time.


Bellamey: Now why would I do that

I stop dodging and I incase my arms in arnament Haki and a charge towards her she wraps her chains around her fist than sets them on fire. are punches connect and a shockwave happens sending us both backwards.

Darcy:.... This is not worth it

She reaches out of her pocket and throws my mom wallet back to me

Darcey: What the hell the one guy I robbed today happens to be a fighter as good as me. I will go find some other punk.

She about to leave when I sense something I grab her by the hand and pin her against the wall. She about to yell at me when she sees a spear of light We are surruonded by a flock of Fallen Angels.

Bellamey: Wow ledgendary spear light.

Darcy: .....thank you

Bellamey: What was that


Fallen Angel: Now look what we got here a sacred gear user and a abomination. I will finally get one up on Raynare and Cornelia those bitches and Lord Azazel will put I Ursula in charge

Darcey: Great not another punk

Usula: Be a good little girl and Hand over the sacred gear and I might not kill you.

Bellamey: That is a contradiction you can't take a sacred gear without killing the owner.

Darcey: Well I am definately not giving it to you now old lady

Usula: DID YOU JUST CALL ME OLD ! You were going to have a quick death but now your going to die as painfully as possible ATTACK MY FALLEN ARMY !

Dacy: Hey punk

Bellamey: Me or her.

Darcy: I am looking at you punk. How about we form and alliance

Bellamey: Like a team up

Darcey: Yeah team up you watch my back I watch yourse and maybe will we might make it out of here alive.

Bellamey: All right I except lets do this ROOM!

A dome appears surronding us all

Bellamey: Let the operation beginn

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