
Cross talk

Gurukul, Chandragarh

Mriga moved back in horror but Ishani was not deterred. She was really fascinated by the changes in her friend's body. On the other hand, Mriga had been too busy during the past two months to register the developments in her figure.

Roving her eyes along the side of her chest to her small waist, Ishani clapped in approval. "I can't wait for Yash to see you look like this. Let the bastard fully grasp what has he lost," she said with an evil gleam in her eyes.

Mriga shook her head helplessly at her friend's words. This was one topic which she had been shying away from, till now.

"He wrote many letters to me..." she started.

"He wrote to me, as well," Ishani snorted in return.

At her best friend's surprised look, she elaborated, "Apparently, you didn't reply to his letters and he was getting impatient. Though why should he be surprised at your lack of response beats me. Does he take you for such a big fool that you would be at his beck and call as and when he wishes? You guys have broken up and that's the end of the matter. If he was stupid enough to let you go, he is not qualified to be your guy!"

"He rebelled against his mother and broke off with Vindhya," Mriga said neutrally.

When she returned home from Eastern zilla, Raghu had handed over a bundle of letters to her, informing her that her mother asked him to give them to her. Yash had been writing to her from the early days of the vacation till the end of those two months. Most of them were unopened except for one. She read them all and even though she was swayed by the emotions momentarily, she chose to be rationale the next minute. She had moved on from the guy and the relation. There was no going back now.

"So what if he did? You didn't ask him to nor is it any of your business. By chance, do you have your old uniform still here with you?" Ishani asked mischievously.

Mriga frowned at her odd question but replied nonetheless, "I think I do. Why do you need it?"

"I think you should wear that uniform today instead of the new one. Well-fitted clothes would do more justice to your current form than the new loose-fitting ones," she replied with a smirk.

"Are you sure that you haven't lost your mind? is it the after effect of being away from Vandit for so long? Why else would you spout all this nonsense?" Mriga scolded her.

Ishani blushed crimson but glared at Mriga, "Don't change the topic. I need you to showoff to that cheater and his girlfriend, pretend or real, who cares!"

Mriga rapped her knuckles on Ishani's forehead and said, "If someone doesn't want to miss out eating together with the boyfriend, that person should get ready quickly. A little birdie told me that the poor guy who has been miserable without his girl for so long, will be waiting outside the entrance of the foodhall as soon as it opens for breakfast."

"What? He told you so? When did you meet him?" Ishani asked in surprise, everything else forgotten.

"Are the details important right now? Aren't you going to dress up?" Mriga reminded her.

With a shriek, Ishani went running to start wearing her uniform.

"Phew! Best friends can be such a handfull!" Mriga grinned to herself before going to stand in front of the oblong, shiny brass sheet which hung against the wall.

She couldn't make out much difference in her figure except that her earlier clothes fit differently now, as Ishani had pointed out.

"Nevermind, I don't have time for this nonsense. Get your head in the game, Mrignayani. Competing for the crown is not a joke!" she scolded herself. Yash came and stood next to Vandit at the foodhall, nervously.

"Are you, err... waiting for Ishani here, per chance?" he asked.

Vandit wanted to ignore him but couldn't bring himself to be so rude at the last moment and hence, nodded.

"Do you mind if I wait here with you?" Yash asked politely.

Before Vandit could reply, a voice intruded rudely, "I mind. You are not welcome here."

A scowl appeared on Yash's face which was similar to the one marring Abhirath's mouth.

"Hiiii everyone! Long time. How were your holidays? Mine went too slow. It was such a torture. Everyone at home made me do so much, eh..." Ishani, who had started shooting off her mouth, suddenly took in the weird atmosphere.

Her eyes zeroed upon Yash's face and she asked with displeasure, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you hanging with your girlfriend?"

Yash gave her a hurt look, "Didn't I mention in my letter that she is not my girlfriend. Where is Mriga?"

"What? You wrote letters to Ishani? Why would you do that?" Vandit suddenly jumped in, indignant.

"No one wants to know about your current love situation. Just stay away from Mriga. Do you understand?" Abhirath warned Yash, moving closer to him.

"Don't misunderstand. He only wrote to me asking about Mriga," Ishani tried to explain to Vandit, who was giving her a hurt look.

"Argh... can you all stop speaking? How noisy can this place be first thing in the morning!" Chiranjeev's irritated voice intervened.

"Southern zilla, as you can see, Mriga isn't here. So please go away. Ishani and Vandit, sort out your insecure love issues elsewhere. Abhirath, are you coming to eat breakfast or going to look for your girl? Nirbhay, let's go," Chiranjeev issued instructions and then walked off.

Yash bristled at the rude guy's words, especially when he referred to Mriga as his girl. What did he mean by it?

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