
How To Be Yourself In A World With 7 Billion People

It is easy to sit back and let others control and influence our lives.

To give up and accept life's conditions as they are handed to us, without questioning or selecting them.

But as humans, we have the profound ability to choose.

The ability to examine, consider, and select or deselect how we wish to live and see things.

If you sit submissive and choose to not choose in life, you give others the ability to choose for you.

You lose control of your unique psychological world.

There are as many psychological worlds as there are people within this one physical world.

A psychological world is the objective world, as a particular consciousness perceives and experiences it.

It is the sum of a person's dispositions, conditioned behaviors, and experiences, developing into one unique vantage point.

As a result, 7 billion people experience a slightly different color of the same world.

And every single person experiences a slightly different color of you.

People see you in the ways that fit their own world.

And you do the same for them.

This is ok, though, because one can maintain their own world while also existing in others.

What we must be careful of, though, is losing control of our own world in the process.

It is ok to inspire or be inspired by those we encounter in life, but it is damaging to completely accept all the versions of the world that other people see.

When we do this, we accept everyone's color as our own and become a mix of TOO many colors, all blending into a murky neutral brown.

Instead, we must be selective and conscious of the colors we let our own mix with.

We must maintain a unique and beautiful color that is distinctive and self-righteous.

The best way to accomplish this is by realizing that your version of the world is not all there is.

If your color is unique, then so must everyone else's.

When we realize this, we no longer feel the need for our color to match with everyone else's.

We cease trying to absorb other peoples' and other people's will no longer be able to passively absorb ours.

Only when we admit that the world exists in seven billion different forms, can we begin to focus on controlling our own.

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