
Chapter 12 : Across The Dream

Chris's POV

"Now then, I've promised Ren-chan to meet him tomorrow.. What should I do today?~"

Hmm, should I go have a lunch first?

I leave the guild and eat at the nearby cafe.

"The food looks delicious~"

When I arrive at the cafe, it's already over 1 hour since the lunch rush hour so it's not that crowded. I choose the lunch package set menu and start to think what I'm going to do for the rest of the day.

"Even though I slept for a longer hours than usual, I still feel sleepy. Maybe I'm going to take a nap after lunch? I don't think I will be able to sleep leisurely when I arrive at Calhea anyway, so I better use my opportunity well."

Yup, taking a nap seems like a good idea.

I finish eating and call for the bill.

Before I leave, I greet the girl attending the cashier. She's pretty cute. Who knows maybe one day I will meet her again and get really close to her as well~

After that, I go straight to the guild.



I lock the door using magic so that nobody can enter.

I remove the swords on my waist and put it on the small wooden cabinet. These swords are smaller than ordinary sword on the market but I like it. It suits my fighting style, since I use lightning attribute I need a lean but sturdy sword.

"It's a shame that these two swords is almost reaching their limit. I've been using my lightning magic recklessly so they wear out easily."

I've had these two for a long time, I feel a little reluctant to part with them..

"I feel sleepy after eating.. Should I go to sleep now.. Ah that's right! I have this 'Dream Card'! I think I put it inside my magic bag.. Should I use it now?"

I got this 'Dream Card' from winning a bet against my friend.

He said I can have a good dream if I put it under my pillow before I sleep but I've never used it before so I'm not sure what kind of dream I will have.

It's a rare item so the information regarding the item is scarce.

I don't plan on napping for a long time so I guess I don't have to change my clothes.

"Let's put this card under my pillow.. Ahh, I hope I can have a good dream~"

I pull the blanket and start to drift to sleep.


"Hm? Where am I?'

When I open my eyes, suddenly I'm in an unknown room.

Well this is a dream so anything can happen, right ~

"Hm? Is that Ren-chan? Wow, what a nice dream~ I can meet with Ren-chan~"

I see Ren-chan laying on his bed and suddenly he starts to pull his pants off.


He's holding his penis~

"Fufu, despite his frail look Ren-chan is a man after all. Hmm~ Just watching is nice but since this is a dream, I think I'm going to lend a hand to Ren-chan~"

I approach the bed slowly, looks like Ren-chan cannot see me.

Ah that's too bad.. I would prefer if Ren-chan also able to see me~

"Ren-chan, where do you want me to touch?~"

'Ah.. not good..'

Oh? So he can hear my voice?

Ah but sadly I cannot touch him..

Even though I wanted to turn him into shivering mess with my own hands..

"You're getting wet from hearing my voice?~"

Ren-chan is holding his penis with his left hand and stroke it with his right hand.

Wow, his hand is getting wet from his precum~


What a nice sound~

Unlike Zhanna, that woman sounded like someone is strangling her.

Ah I want to hear more of Ren-chan's moan~

The more he moans, the faster he stroke too.

"Stroke the backside too, you will feel even better~"

What a nice face, he looks so delectable~

'Ahn, ungh…'

Ren-chan seems to feel reaaally good, he starts to tremble and his back arch beautifully.

"Fufu ~ Ren-chan, does it feel good? You're so adorable~"

'Nngh! H-hyah..!'

From the start of my dream, I've been standing straight but I can't hold it anymore. I walk closer to Ren-chan, when I reach the edge of the bed, I bent my knees so I can look at Ren-chan properly.

"Won't you touch that place too?"

Hearing my voice, Ren-chan starts to shift his hand and fondle his ball too.

'Ahn, nngh.. W-what's this..So good..'

Oh~ Has he lost his mind to pleasure? Ren-chan looks like he's beginning to look like he's in daze.

"I want to finger you here but I will save it for later~"

'Nngh! Mmha..'

His precum starts to leak even more, dyeing his hand in white. Some of the precum drips down onto his puckering hole.

His entrance looks really tight and small.

I wonder if I can fit my cock inside?

"Are you going to come, Ren-chan? Please tell me if you are~ I want to hear you say it~"

'Ahng! C-coming!'

Ren-chan come into his hand, his chest heaving up and down by each breath he take. His eyes is half lidded, strings of small pants come from his plump lips. The semen paints his hand in white dye while his face is flushed red. The color blends beautifully~

He looks so blessedly tired~


It looks like my time is up.

I want to watch Ren-chan some more though.. What a shame..


I suddenly wake up from my dream.

"Ahh, what a nice dream.. I get to see Ren-chan's nice expression. It's too bad I can't touch him though~"

Hm? I have a hard-on.

"I get like this just from seeing Ren-chan, ah it can't be helped, it's because Ren-chan is too cute~"

I never thought I would be able to get this hard without directly touching it.

It's a good thing that I used 'Dream Card' when I was alone, I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be if I weren't alone..

Hmm, leaving my penis like this would be painful..

I have to do something about my hard-on so I get up and go into the shower.

"Ah, it's been a while since I last do it myself~"

I turn the shower knob and let the water flow through me.

I try to remember Ren-chan's beautiful voice and body when he was masturbating and start to stroke myself up and down.

Mmm~ I wish I can hear more of his voice~

I didn't get to see his chest because he still wore his shirt but I'm sure even his nipple would be really cute too~

If only I can continue on where I left off, I want to try to use his hole too. Imagining his tight little hole slowly get used to my fingers, ah so exquisite~

"Nngh- Even though I already did it yesterday, I'm still raring to go~ Ah if I meet Ren-chan tomorrow, I don't think I can stop myself from grinning ear to ear. It can't be helped, right?~"


After I finish showering I decide to spend the rest of my day lazing around in my room.

It's too bad that 'Dream Card' can only be used once.

Maybe if I get another 'Dream Card', I can continue my dream?

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