
Sudden Bad News!

<The Next Morning>

James woke up as a ray of sunlight hit his eyes. He yawned and looked around him confusedly. Saw no Madison figure beside him, he got up from the bed and walked toward the bathroom.

James washed his face in the marble sink and found something was different. He didn't know it was his illusion or not, but he felt his face seem more 'sharp' looking. He shrugged as he took a toothbrush and applied some toothpaste on it.

Just in the middle when James brushed his teeth, the toothbrush suddenly fractured into two pieces! At this point, he suddenly remembered the event last night.

'System, open my status!' James said hurriedly.

[Host: James Zhang

Position: Crown Prince of Kingdom of Lannister

Authority: First-Level

Life Intensity: 2.38 (1 is the average adult human)

Life Expectancy: 26/127

Reputation Value: 91,743]

'System, you say the Gene Agent can raise my life intensity to 9.99. So why it's only 2.38 now ?' James hurriedly asked.

[It seems your intelligence doesn't get enhanced, huh. The Primary Gene Agent indeed can raise your life intensity to 9.99, but do you think it will be overnight progress? No! It must be a gradual process, and you must also train your body to absorb all the efficiency. So what do you need to do now is training! Training hard so all the Gene Agent can quickly digest!] System explained lazily.

James felt a little depressed, but what System said was indeed reasonable. Not just his strength got enhanced, his lifespan increased to 127 now! Even though it was only a theoretical lifespan, but nevertheless his lifespan indeed increased!

'Do you have any set of training so I can quickly digest the Gene Agent ?' James asked. He felt something like seems 'omnipotent' like System must have some sort of magical training, like cultivation in the novel.

After 10 seconds, a blue panel appeared in the front of James sight.

[Elementary Universal Body Training - 10,000 Reputation Value]

Only one word from James, Buy! This time, it was not a physical object. A stream of information appeared inside James's head. The information contained many exercise movement, just like a Yoga. Even though he had a little doubt, but since this set of exercise come from the mighty System, it must hold its special value.

James decided to try the exercises after he shower. Another pleasant surprise that his body shapes change too. If before he had a little fat on his belly, but now it faintly showed an eight pack outline.


After eating the breakfast that prepared by the maid on his palace, James went to the Imperial Garden wore sports clothes. Even though he just arrived yesterday, but many customs made clothes already prepared for him alone.

On the way, many maids and guard gave their salute to James, which made him a little flattered. And just as he expected, he saw Madison figure beneath a huge tree. He smiled as he knew her habits which were always exercises in the morning. Every morning before she went to school, she always did a workout even if it was just a simple one.

"Ah brother, do you want to exercise? I never know you ever do one before." Madison said as she stretch her hand.

"Haha, I think I must at least do exercise as I will be a King soon. How do you think the world going to react if they know there is a fat king." James joked. Well, most of the aristocrat was fat anyway, but hey...

"Do you need me to teach you as you have never done one before." Madison offered.

"No, I can do it by myself." James said as he entered a strange stance.

Even though Madison a litte surprised by the strange stance that constantly showed by her brother, but she just shrugged as long it didn't harm him. And just like that, 1 hour was passed.

After just the short 1 hour exercises, James already felt a significant improvement. Well, not his strength but rather his control over the strength. If before he was still careful with did, but now he could at least ensure nothing got broken by his sudden strength advancement.

Just when James and Madison did their second tour, Oliver approached them hurriedly.

"His Highness, His Highness! Bad news! Your Majesty, Your Majesty, he..." Oliver explained hurriedly.

James and Madison quickly changed dramatically when they heard Oliver explanation. Without wasted any time, they immediately headed to the King Residence. James didn't expect this would happen. He thought he at least had some time to adapt, but the situation now told him otherwise.

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