
Better Internet Signal

Austin added to their normal regimen focus energy training. He still let his Pokemon train their attributes energy. The only difference was that he focused more time on focus energy.

This was the first time in a while he felt he had a chance to improve. It was also a method that can give his Pokemon advantage over Pokemon of the same lvl. He could imagine if due to this energy focusing his Pokemon could cancel out takedown with tackle. Quick attack might even do more serious damage than before.

Austin was checking his Pokémon and saw he had two flying where both can attack from far away and close up. Togekiss(all rounder in stats btw) focused more around sp.atk while Noibat focused more on its attack. He had a fast attacker Pokémon blazeken. The heavy hitter Sylveon. The defensive Onix and the control type Servine.

The issue with onix is that he is not an ideal defender and is more of a frontline tank. Any agile Pokémon can sneak past him and attack Austin. This was why Austin was looking forward to the wimpod. According to the online pokedex, this wimpod has abnormal def and sp.def with decent attack stat. This is much better compared to its species which usually only have speed as the good stat.

This wimpod was a shiny due to its metallic silver exoskeleton and red face/tail. The mutation it had was that four of it 6 hands were bigger and thicker than normal. It also did not have wimp out as its innate ability. It had sturdy(usually a rock type ability) and regenerator(is almost impossible to have).

Sturdy prevents it from ever being k/o with one move. Obviously if the move is truly destructive and far over the threshold wimpod can handle, then it will die. Regenerator allows the Pokémon to regenerate when its not in the state of battle. The thing is this is not a game, so this Pokémon can become an overpowered meat shield with strong regeneration.

Austin could not wait for wimpod to get delivered to him.

Since Austin began focus training around a month had passed. The first from his group to master the first phase of focusing energy was Sylveon. Its hits became even more overpowered. The next was Servine, then Austin. Finally the last two blazeken and Noibat got it at the same time.

The focusing training was split into three parts according to Norris. The first was being able to perform the move. The second was freely focusing the energy. The final phase was manipulating the focused energy however you wanted. Once the third phase was reached Austin could master several moves.

During his time with Norris, Austin learned that the term miracle eye was changed by humans to mind eye as it better explained its use in humans. It was adopted from two separate Pokémon moves calm mind and miracle eye. This move works differently in humans according to Norris it heightens the senses passively. It also allows him to View his surroundings when activated.

The only issue with the move is that it consumed a lot of energy and stamina.

Austin managed to install a radar and a scanner in his pokenav. He had some plans for this later. The biggest thing Austin was working on was increasing the connectivity outside the city. He once helped design a program on earth for a small device that enhanced the internet in other rooms of the house.

This gave him a general direction with the expanding the connectivity range. To gain more data he went to the main signal tower in the city state. There, Austin spoke to several professional about his idea. He also went to different radio stations to understand how the radio towers transmit its message.

Muliere was also told by the S-rank watching over Austin about the idea. Muliere was hoping Austin can find a breakthrough as this would be universal.

Austin finally made his way to Muliere near the end of the 4 weeks and began to discuss with Muliere his issue.

Usually Muliere was helpful but this time he had to reject. Austin wanted him to build four large towers near each gate. They had the function of exponentially amplifying the strength of the connection to around 60km in radius hypothetically.

The issue with Muliere was the lack of people in the city state who can work to build this. The cost was also too much. Another issue was that the design of the city would not allow the space.

After talking, Austin left back to his home not convinced. Although the cost was high, once built and proven to work will bring a lot of people wanting to buy the blueprints from them. This way Asadia would have a lot of money, way more than they spent. This was usually the best way to get richer.

Well at least he managed to publish instructor Norris's book. . Austin requested if c and b rank trainers can be given the option to train these art. The league set it up where the trainer can even pay another trainer who mastered the move for lessons. Austin was sure this service will be popular by the guys at least as they can have a higher chance at survival.

Austin was setting in his home speaking to himself aloud. "So not enough room and people. Hahaha leave it to me old man Muliere. By the time of my B-rank test I will hand you an entire city blue print."

Enjoy. I’m gonna study now. Exams throughout the upcoming week.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts
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