
The Ruined Town (9)

**Hey guys Author here. I just want to give you heads up that this chapter will contain some new enteries/info. There will also be some new info when he becomes B-class. I want to let others know of some key points that were indirectly mentioned.

The first is that Austin never knew how b-class is split. So his suggestion of sub-jobs is coming solely from him. The S-class trainers knew about this, as they were satisfied with his point. So it can be inferred that some for some reason the city-State of asadia couldn't implement it(will be mentioned.) what further lead evidence of this is lily when she made a slip about B-Class sub professions.

I hope people understood this point as when the B-class profession chapter comes out the world will seem entirely different than initial.***


Outside the market a distance from the ruins, a creature was flying at full speed. It was so fast that it broke the sound barrier. It had two long wings that looked like a planes wings. Its body was white in color with a purple colored stomach. The purple color stretched around its white body. (Think mega latios or Latias fusion. Red+blue=purple)

Behind the creature several dark red auras were chasing it. "Latius!!" Roared the creature with its draconic voice. A strong energy ejected from the mutated latios or latias.

"Rrraaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Some of the creatures in the chasing dark red aura cloud seemed to perish upon being hit by the attack. Very quickly the red aura cloud that shrunk regained its size. The latias/latios fusion seemed in trouble.

Austin and the group rushed rapidly towards Snivy and Serperior. "Hey big guy what's going on?!" Austin asked. The loud jet like sound, the sound of battle, the pressuring aura that surrounded the ruins, caused Austin to freak out a bit. This was the first time he felt he didn't know what was going on.

Serperior used one of its vines and pointed in the opposite direction. She pointed towards the sky and began to growl. The group looked at the sky and everyone had a terrified expression.

They saw a small reddish black cloud getting near them very quickly. In front of the cloud was a purple colored Pokemon that they never seen before. Austin noticed similarities between it and latios as well as latias. This strange mutation was weird.

Instantly, he realized that his vision seemed to have improved as he normally couldn't see that far. Austin was shocked at himself for a bit and looked further behind the purple Pokémon. He saw a dark red aura cloud chasing the strange Pokemon. Every place the aura cloud went over became chaotic. Many flying Pokemon flew away in fear.

The rest of the Pokémon scattered chaotically causing mayhem trying to escape. As Austin was observing everything Serperior behind was gathering all its energy and even extra energy from the sun.

Tony yelled," Dam!! Corrupted Pokemon are approaching! Quick we need to leave, with that many flying here it will be difficult for us to fight and protect Austin and the young miss!"

Grey called out four more Pokemon. He had Charzard already out. He called Seismetoad, Absol, fearow, and zebstrika. Each of his pokemon were stronger thank his onix. They were boardering the Austin assumed was the champion rank.

"Hurry what are you standing their for let's go." Yelled Grey.

"What is a what is a Corrupted Pokemon ?! I won't move until I know what they are." Austin said firmly.

Tony knew Austin's stubbornness from these short few days so he explained. " Do you know why the cataclysm was called as such? It wasn't because humans almost faces destruction. It was because of the change in the Pokemon world. The once friendly creatures became more savage.

The biggest reason was due to a strange aura that began to spread through out the Pokemon world. At least through the regions discovered by and were inhabited by humans. This aura indirectly caused all Pokemon to be restless.

The Pokemon that were directly touched and infected by the aura became bloodthirsty monsters. They don't have the intellect of the uninfected Pokemon, but are much stronger and more savage like. These Pokemon gained the attribute made by this aura and transformed. The league called this process corruption. Hence the new term corrupted. (if you guys have a better suggestion to the naming sense let me know in the comments)

Austin asked, "So what your saying there are savage monsters out here and not one mention of this was made in the city-states. Can these creatures be controlled?"

Lily answered," if people knew about them, then the current situation will be chaotic. No these Pokemon are savage beasts. They only want to kill anything that isn't infect with the same aura. Even among each other they kill and devour one another. Moving and acting on on instinct. This was what the leagues 100 year research on them concluded.

Trainers under B-rank also don't qualify to know about them. I was also surprised and scared when I heard about them. Plus they like to come out at night mainly. This is the reason the league sends much higher volume of trainers to guard in the night. It also prevents any mission outside the city-state to be taken at night."

Austin was shocked by these things but Grey yelled waking them up from the conversation.

"Guys enough we have to leave now!!"

Austin was going to get Snivy and also leave but he saw Snivy crying towards Serperior.

"Serperior leave with us you don't need to fight." Austin called out. He planned to bring this beast to stay in the City-State and be close to Snivy.

Serperior roared,"Serperior... serr.....serrrperiorrr.." the rest didn't understand what it said but Austin responded back like he knew what it meant. (Human take care of Snivy i name him after my trainer Sky. I don't have much to live. I want to help that mythical Pokemon to prevent it from getting corrupted. It will be of use in this war against evil.)

"You don't have to go through with this that Pokemon can escape. Plus you mean a lot to Snivy and you can rest peacefully at my place among humans." Austin tried again.

"Kid we have to leave now!! if we are not gone in the next 3 minutes we'll be forced to fight." Yelled Grey then he signaled to tony to call out his Pokemon. Tony called out his arbok, hitmochan, cacturne, bastiodon, and reuniclus. Austin was shocked that he had bastiodon as it's an extinct ancient Pokemon.

"Serperiorrrrrr! Serr... serrrperiorr.!!" Austin noticed Serperior looking at him with firm eyes. It made its decision and was going to stand by it. He understood what it mean. It was telling him to buy it some time. It on needed 3 minutes to gather all its strength including its life force for one powerful attack. It guaranteed austin that it can destroy that aura cloud.

Austin looked at them and said, " If you wanna leave you can. I will stay here and buy some time for Serperior final attack. That red aura cloud is merely a bunch of the so called Corrupted gathered together. They probably aren't master class or at least not all of them. If you guys can stay and help me I would appreciate it."

Lily, Grey, and tony stared at Austin. His gaze was calm. He wasn't looking at them. He called out Sylveon and summoned his onix. He walked past lily and her guards. His back was straight and firm. There was no hesitation in his movement.

"Hey buddies..." he said looking at his Pokemon. "I need your help against that, are you ready." Austin pointed at the red aura cloud.

Feeling Austin's courageous aura his Pokemon roared in confirmation.

"Then let's do this!!"

It took a bit to write this. If my naming sense is not up to your standards you can comment a suggestion. Thank you and enjoy.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts
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