
The Ordeal 4

Austin made his way slowly towards the river. He saw many Pokemon on the way. He didn't wanna bother catching these common Pokemon like zigzagoon, linoone, sentret, meowth, oddish, gloom, bellsprout, etc..

Austin wanted a shiny or variant of the species like the ice vulpine or dark meowth. As he got closer to the river he saw a couple of water Pokemon like wooper, crabby, poliwag.

As he looked through the Pokemon he noticed the the regions Pokemon have mixed together. Once he was about to decide on a poliwag he saw a Lapras slowly coming toward the shore. He was excited and prepare to catch it.

Then he saw under it a pool of blood dyes the surface of the river and the lapras sank. That's when he caught sight of the culprit that killed his beloved lapras. It was a school of carvana feasting on the dead lapras's body.

He stayed hidden and began to mourn.

After he finished praying he focused on the lake and saw surskit and araquanid charging toward the blood dyed area. It looks like they want a piece of the pie.

Austin shook his head this is not what he had in mind when he wanted to live in a Pokemon world. He kept moving sneakily within the tall grass keeping himself hidden. He saw pidgey flying and a couple of spearows chasing after it.

Austin stayed vigilant and kept moving quietly until he bumped into something and fell. Austin due to his alertness rolled to the side narrowly dodging a lick from this invisible beast.

Austin quickly sprayed repel on its released tongue and bolted past the kecleon. He quickly dove towards a patch of grass. Then rolled on the ground and stopped moving. He even held his breath. This kecleon was the best hunter due to its camouflage ability. But it wasn't a good tracker especially when it was sprayed with repel. From his bottle he only had one third left. He still had a full bottle he took from Philip.

After calming down he crawled slowly forward. He continued moving alongside the river. He saw nincada, more oddish, he also surprisingly saw a zangoose. He was going to approach it but his luck sucked as it meet its greatest enemy seviper. War happen and as a weak human he ran quickly without looking back.

He ran into a couple of poochyana and got bitten a few times. He emptied his repel on them not knowing if they were still alive. I have onix I might as well summon it. I don't have what it takes to pass alone. This was the thought that was in his mind as he treated his wounds.

He was not sure if it was his professor persona from earth or his will to survive. He stood up and continued forward.

"Hell no I'm giving up. I will see this through to the end. I won't give up that my ninja way" then he blushed for whispering this phrase. He still felt cool though he kept going forward until he saw a Pokemon that made his eyes sparkle.

I’m not sure who I want but I’m going with shiny zora or shiny eevee.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts
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