

"You didn't see what the shadow looked like even with your wolfie vision?" The sheriff asked with a serious expression causing the three werewolves to look at him in confusion.

"Dad we don't call it that," Stiles said causing the Sheriff to look at him like he was stupid.

"Well, what do you call it Stiles?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Enhanced vision?" Stiles didn't remember calling it anything else even when he first discovered the abilities he didn't think to call it wolfie vision.

"You guys," The sheriff said in disbelief. "You have superpowers and you don't name them?"

"I see where I get it from," Stiles said under his breath wondering if he ever sounded so off-topic. The sound of Derek clearing his throat drew their attention back to Isaac.

"I didn't see what it looked like but I'm sure it wasn't human. It moved too fast and the car door, what regular human could do that?" Isaac stared down at the ground as he spoke.

Stiles frowned realizing Isaac had just seen his dad die even if he hated the guy there was no way he didn't see his dead body every time he closed his eyes. It was obvious he wasn't the only one to notice as Derek looked at the Sheriff.

"He didn't do it, can you let him out now?"

"I'll draw up the paperwork," Stiles heard his father say. Taking his attention away from Isaac he followed his father to his office in silence. He had a lot to think about.

"Do we have to go?" Allison turned to look at her mother. They were currently in her mother's minivan driving to the mall.

"When was the last time you got new clothes?" Her mother asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"With Aunt Kate," Allison realized that she didn't actually buy a dress for the school dance she didn't go to. Scott had been banned from going that night. The only other time she had gone was with Aunt Kate during her brief visit before her disappearance. Allison was still skeptical about her leaving without saying goodbye no matter how urgent the matter was.

Allison stared out the window in silence, it was obvious that she wasn't the only one worried about Kate.

"Hand me the dress please," Allison heard her mother's voice through the door that blocked the changing room. Grabbing the dress her mother was talking about she passed it over the door.

"Sweetheart you should find something for yourself, maybe something to wear to dinner tonight. Your grandfather will be there." Allison sighed wondering why his visit seemed so important to her family. Sure she didn't even remember the last time she had seen him but she believed that was a reason for that. Kate made sure no matter how rough her own life was that she would visit a few times a year. Why couldn't her grandfather do the same?

Standing up she looked around the store, clothes and clothes hung all around the place. Jeans she had absolutely no interest in hung to her right and the dresses were to the right closer to the exit. Walking over she went from dress to dress before stopping at a black one. It was a simple dress one that seemed to fit every occasion.

"Honey do you mind running out to the car and grabbing my wallet," Her mother's hand landed on her shoulder causing her to jump turning around she sighed when she realized it was her.

"What's wrong?" Her mother asked.

"Nothing, you said you left your wallet in the car?" Allison raised an eyebrow doing her best to remember the last time her mother had made such a mistake. She didn't think her mother was perfect but she couldn't remember the last time something like this had happened.

"Yep the car should be unlocked so just grab it out of the center console and head back in, Is this the dress you're picking?" Seeing Allison nod she continued. "Good choice," Allison smiled hearing her mother's thoughts on her dress.

"I'll be back," Turning around Allison headed out of the store. Walking back to the car she frowned realizing how empty the parking lot seemed. Walking over to the driver's door she pulled the door handle frowning when she realized it was locked. It didn't make sense, her mother sounded so sure that it was unlocked.

A small scream came from Allison's mouth before a cloth that smelled of disinfecting sprays covered her mouth. Reaching her hands up she tried to free herself of the black gloves that covered the cloth. It was too late, the chloroform had taken effect and Allison was unconscious.

The faint sound of hills clacking could be heard as Victoria Argent appeared, she had suddenly had a feeling the door was unlocked as she had said before. In her hands were two bags, she froze in horror when she realized Allison was gone.

Inside a dark warehouse, Allison slowly opened her eyes, blinking to get rid of her drowsiness as she looked around the place. It was too dark to make out anything, she couldn't tell where she was.

Her hands were and legs were tied to a wooden chair, and she was surprised her mouth wasn't gagged.

"Hello?" She called hoping to identify her captors. "Is anyone out there?"

Realizing she wouldn't be getting any answers she looked down at herself, the ropes were tied pretty tight.

1 hour later

Allison looked down at the shattered chair and loose rope, she was beginning to think that her mother had planned all of this. Forgetting her wallet in the car? Telling her the car was unlocked? It was all a test, maybe they had finally decided to tell her everything. Walking through the warehouse she quickly found the exit stepping outside, she looked up at the crescent moon.


The sound of a horn drew her attention looking out. She spotted a truck only it wasn't her mother's. Maybe her dad had decided to pick her up, it didn't matter she was angry at both of them. Walking over to the truck she ignored the driver knowing her father wasn't usually driving when carrying products. Opening the back door she frowned when she realized it wasn't her parents.

"Hello Allison," A white-haired wrinkled old man said with a sinister smirk on his face. "You don't recognize me? I'm your grandfather, Gerard." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out an old photo in it was a younger Allison sitting on Gerard's lap.

"Get in, we have a family dinner to get to."

Argent Home

The front door swung open Allison being the first to walk through, Her mother's arms immediately wrapped around her pulling her into a hug. Tears slowly fell through her eyes as she wondered if her parents had played a part in it.

"What do you think you're doing? You had no right inducting Allison without our approval," Chris Argent yelled at his father with rage in his eyes.

"I'm doing what the both of you should have done ages ago. This town is infested with werewolves and you two have just watched on as they multiply. Kate was supposed to begin Allison's training but with her disappearance, it never happened."

Allison stepped away from her mother looking at her grandfather, it was true Kate really was missing.

"She didn't check in with you after she left?" Chris asked, looking at his father.

"No, but since you did mention the Original it makes sense. She's either dead or forever compelled to be his plaything. We need to draw him back so we can find out what happened to her. But before we do that we need to train Allison. I hear she's friends with the Original's supposed son. That connection will help us plan their deaths, for Kate."

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