
Brother and Sister

2 days later

Gram's House

Bonnie and Elias sat on the floor in front of the sofa watching TV. On the screen, Alex and Cam's twin sisters stopped in front of a bunch of Jack O'Lanterns before glancing at each other.

"Pumpkins lack in style and grace," Cam said with a grin on her face.

"Put a smile upon their face," Her twin sister Alex finished as they both waved their pointer fingers in the air before sending a wave of magic at the Jack O'Lanterns. They marveled at their work seeing the frowns on the pumpkins' faces become smiles.

They continued walking forwards, not noticing the painter painting the sign in front of them. Just as they were walking past him he slipped sending his paint can flying in their direction. As the pain spilled out both sisters raised their arms magically stopping the paint as it was flying out of the can.

"Yes, Go Twitches, Go Twitches," Bonnie's voice put a smile on Elias' face as he turned to look at her. She mimicked the twins on-screen dancing with a beautiful smile on her face.

"We used to watch this movie all the time," Bonnie said looking at her brother. She had missed this, everything had become so crazy since Stefan and Damon appeared in town. Every day there was a new threat coming after their lives or terrorizing the neighborhood. This movie meant something to her, she had watched it so much as a little girl and now she understood why. Because she was just like the twins on the TV, as a teenager she all of a sudden realized she had magic.

"Yeah because you never let me pick the movie," Elias commented looking at his sister who had a knack for hogging the remote.

"Yeah because The Thirteenth Year was a better choice," Bonnie said rolling her eyes, "and let's not act like I never let you pick the move."

"Yeah after we watched Twitches one and two," Elias replied.

"Well they're good movies, you can't watch one and not the other," Bonnie said laughing.

Once the movie went off Bonnie made to put on the second one but Elias used vamp speed to take the remote.

"Give it back," Bonnie found herself saying something that Elias had usually been the one to say in the past.

"We'll watch the second one but before we do we need to talk. I need to know." Elias put the remote down next to him as a serious look appeared on his face.

"Fine but you have to promise not to do anything crazy after," Bonnie wasn't saying Elias was prone to do crazy things but she was aware of what such news could do to anyone.

"Okay, I promise," Elias said.

10 minutes Later

Elias sat there leaning against the couch, his hands rested on his knees, a sullen look on his face. Next to him sat Bonnie, she leaned against him as she looked up at the ceiling.

Damon, Stefan, and even Elena played apart. Bonnie's friendship with Elena was something he'd seen as long as he could remember. Neither of them knew what would happen, they should have left them to rot. He couldn't blame Bonnie, he couldn't even blame Elena.

Damon and Stefan were the cause, their appearance in this town had been the beginning of a lot of unfortunate events. He didn't know what he would do once he saw one of them, he hoped he didn't. He had promised Bonnie not to do anything crazy but now he was wondering if he could keep such a promise.

"It took me some time to forgive Elena, but she's my best friend. Without her, I don't know what I'd do." Bonnie said with a meek voice. Maybe she was still feeling some sense of guilt, it had been her that urged Grams into lifting the spell again.

"It's not your fault Bonnie, I don't blame you or Elena," Elias said softly.

"Damon and Stefan?" Bonnie asked, hopeful.

"I don't know what I'll do when I see them," Elias scoffed thinking about it. He was feeling angry, he didn't think he had felt this angry since that day. The day he watched his mother die right in front of his eyes. He remembered tearing the killer's throat apart and the blood that dripped from his mouth after.

"You can't kill them, Grams wouldn't want that," Bonnie said looking at her brother.

"I know," That wasn't why she sent him here. It was to protect Bonnie, not from any vampire or threat but from herself. She was willing to risk it all as long as it left her friends happy, changing her would be impossible. She loved deeply, a side effect of a troubled childhood. She had abandonment issues, which made her want to keep those she loved close even if that meant dying for them.

If he couldn't fix her he would need to find some other way. A way for her to use her magic without risking her own life. Thinking about it he had only seen one witch use her magic with reckless abandonment, Peter's Nurse, why could she do that? The branch that was always in her hand. Didn't Deaton mention something about her channeling or was that Niklaus? He wasn't sure but that branch allowed her to ignore the fatal effects of overuse of one's own magic.

With something like that he wouldn't have to worry about Bonnie's well-being; his own neck had been snapped by Peter's Nurse. Regular vampires wouldn't stand a chance.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Bonnie it's Stefan I need your help," Before Bonnie could react Elias vanished reappearing at the door swinging it open as he grabbed Stefan by the neck.

"Why shouldn't I rip your heart from your chest," Elias said as his eyes glowed a bloody red.

"Elias!" Bonnie rushed to the door placing a hand on his arm and one on his shoulder. "You promised." She said looking up at her little brother.

Turning to look at his sister Elias let out a sigh before dropping Stefan. His eyes still glowed red as he looked down at him showing his disdain. Walking back over to the couch he took a seat ignoring both Stefan and Bonnie.

"I'm sorry about that Stefan, come in," Helping Stefan up Bonnie led him further into the house stopping at the kitchen table.

Taking a seat Stefan rubbed his neck as he wondered what he had done to upset Elias. "What I'd do to him," he said looking up at Bonnie who leaned against the kitchen counter.

"To save you and Damon, my Grams exhausted her magic, he's just now finding out. She was his Grams too."

Stefan nodded, "I get it. So wait he's your brother? Elena told me you had a brother but wasn't he a little kid?" Stefan asked, confused.

"Some things happened, you're a vampire I'm a witch he's a Mikaelson who knows how that works," Bonnie replied just as confused on the subject. Elias had told her the just of it but it was still a headache to wrap her head around. "That's not why you're here though are you?" Bonnie asked.

"No, I'm here for Damon. Yesterday when saving Caroline from Klaus' witch he got bit by Tyler Lockwood."

That was news to Bonnie, news she wasn't exactly sure how to feel about. Elena's relationship with the Salvatore brothers wasn't something she knew how to feel about. They had been the reason her grams died so did she deep down feel some kind of relief? She wasn't sure.

"What do you need?" Bonnie asked.

"I want you to try and find a cure, Maybe the old bennet witches have the answer?"

"I'll meet you there," Bonnie replied.

Stefan nodded seeing that Bonnie was currently still wearing pajamas, she had been missing for the past 2 days. No doubt catching up with her younger brother who was a mystery to almost anyone that had shown up after he left the city. Taking a deep breath he entered the living room seeing Elias still sitting on the couch. He didn't look at Stefan as if he didn't exist, being alone in a room with him reminded him of how it felt to be alone with Elijah or Klaus. Suffocating pressure, he didn't blame the kid. Damon's obsession with Katherine had been the reason Shelia Bennet died the stupid part was the fact that she wasn't even in the tomb.

Once Stefan was gone Bonnie entered the living room, she could read Elias. Right now he was angry but trying to hide it.

"Unfortunately we won't be able to watch the second twitches right now. I have to leave, they need my help." Bonnie walked over to the couch grabbing the remote before quickly turning off the TV. "You're coming with me."

"Where to?" Elias asked, curious.

Bonnie only smiled in response.

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