
Mystic Falls

Elias messed around with the rearview mirror, seeing himself he was forced to take a double-take. He had stopped by a barbershop, his hair was short, a simple fade, he didn't remember the last time he had gotten a haircut. His mother had likely been the last person to cut his hair. He didn't often think about her, her death had happened so many years ago. Her picture still rested in his wallet, she went everywhere he went.

Ignoring the Entering Mystic Falls sign he continued forward driving past the high school. Past the downtown part of the city where Bonnie had always hung out at. He remembered she would take him to the mystic grill after school for a milkshake. Caroline and Elena would join them, thinking about it now he was usually surrounded by gossip. It wasn't too long before he was at his grams house.

Walking up the brick steps he waited at the front door, a whisper never came. Reaching for the door handle he walked inside. The place was exactly as he remembered it, the stairs to the right. The living room directly in front of him and the kitchen just behind it.

Only the place lacked the warmth it had once held, something was off. "Grams??" Walking towards her spell room he frowned finding it empty. Where was she?

Walking towards the kitchen he reached into one of the drawers pulling out a notebook. Inside was a list of numbers his grandma kept in case she needed to get in touch with someone. She wasn't exactly the kind of person to use a cell phone. Flipping through the small notebook he smiled as he saw Bonnie's number.

Pulling out his phone he called her, he waited and waited before finally being sent to voicemail. He tried a couple of more times only for the same thing to happen. He could feel it, something was wrong.

Walking outside he closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it, unlike the last person that had left. Getting into his car he tapped the wheel a few times before making a decision.

Starting up his car he headed back into town. Pulling over across the street from the Mystic Grill he raised an eyebrow as he saw her blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a smile on her face as she walked past his car unaware of his presence. He watched as Caroline entered the bar, she was the first person he had seen that he actually knew. Getting out of the car he followed her inside, maybe she could tell him where Bonnie was.

Once inside he took a seat close to the door as he watched Caroline make out with Matt. He could have sworn he was the guy dating Elena before he left. Shaking his head he wondered how much had changed already. He didn't listen in on their conversation, he simply waited until it looked like Caroline was about to leave.

"Caroline," He called her name just before she walked out the door. As she turned around he noticed the look of confusion on her face as she saw him.

"Umm, how can I help you?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"It's me, Elias," Elias said with a smile on his face momentarily forgetting that he had changed the most in the last year.

"Nah, Last time I saw Elias he was about this tall," Caroline made to turn around and leave but Elias stopped her with his next words.

"You taught me how to kiss," Elias said, forcing her to freeze in her spot. "While Bonnie and Elena were doing their makeup you would sneak into my room and teach me how to kiss."

Turning around Caroline took a look around the place sighing as she noticed no one was looking their way. Grabbing Elias by the arm she pulled him out of the bar before giving him a stern look. "You promised those words would never leave your mouth."

Elias smiled, "Well I had to convince you it was me."

"Yeah what happened to you anyway? The last time I saw you, you were so cute and loveable now you're hot and beefy," Reaching out one of her fingers she touched Elias' chest before quickly taking her hand away.

"Let's just say puberty hit a lot harder for me, now that I have your attention I need to ask you a question," Elias said, turning serious.

"Ask away," Caroline replied.

"Where's Bonnie? Where's my Grams? The house is empty. I tried calling Bonnie but I was sent straight to voicemail." Worry filled his voice as he spoke and Caroline could hear it loud and clear.

"Elias, you'll have to talk to Bonnie about all that. I can't tell you where she is but I can take you there."

"Thank you, Caroline," Elias spoke from the heart. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to either of them.

"Only it'll have to wait, you remember Tyler?" Caroline asked with a sad smile on her face. Seeing Elias nod she continued. "His mother's in the hospital right now, he recently left town so I don't think she has anyone to visit her. I'm heading over there first, once I'm done I'll take you straight to Bonnie."

"Okay," Elias let out a breath of air.

"Hop in," Caroline said, walking over to her car. It was a grey car, one that definitely didn't match up to Elias' car. Looking back at his car he sighed realizing it wouldn't be driven. Getting in Caroline's car he sat back as she pulled out and headed towards the hospital.

"So where have you been all this time?" Caroline asked as she looked up at a red light.

"Oh, my dad and I took a trip for the summer only something unexpected came up so I ended up staying with him for the school year." Caroline nodded as he finished speaking. Seeing her go silent Elias took it as his turn to ask a question.

"How has Bonnie been?"

"Bonnie's been... Bonnie," Caroline said, avoiding the subject.

Seeing that he wasn't going to get any answers out of her he decided to change the subject. "What about Elena? After her parents' car accident she became sheltered. Did you and Bonnie have any luck pulling her out of her shell?"

"More like a boy did?" Caroline scoffed lightly as she thought about it.

"Is that why I saw you with Matt? You two are a couple now?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Elena broke up with Matt way before you left, everyone thought it was because of her parent's death. But it turns out she just no longer saw him that way. I went through some things and Matt was there for me that's why we're dating." Elias nodded as Caroline pulled to a stop just outside of the Hospital.

"Well, I'll be right back unless you want to join me?" Caroline asked, reaching for her purse and keys.

"No thanks, I don't really know Tyler's mom. I'll just make a phone call real quick while you're up there." Getting out of the car he followed Caroline inside only he didn't go any further. Pulling out his phone he dialed a number by heart.

"Hello," He said as the other line picked up.

"Elias, how are you," Marin's voice came through the other end of the phone.

"I'm good, how's the college life?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I haven't actually started yet. Me and Alan are exploring the city before school starts up. How's everyone back home?"

"Well they were fine yesterday, I think they'll be fine until Derek decided to join me in Mystic Falls." Elias shook his head and remembered how ecstatic Stiles was to find out he'd be in charge.

"You're in Mystic Falls?" Elias could hear the Excitement in Marin's voice.

"Yeah I'm visiting my family." SIlence could now be heard from the other end of the phone causing Elias to frown.

"Elias I'm sorry I have to go. It was nice to hear from you. Have fun in Mystic Falls."

Elias sighed as he lowered the phone from his ear.

"Trouble in paradise?" Caroline's voice drew his attention, turning around he saw her looking at him with a grin on her face. "Little Eli has a girlfriend. Just wait until I tell Bonnie."

Elias smiled hearing her. He wouldn't mind telling Bonnie himself. Whether or not she would be happy for him would be a whole other topic of discussion.

"Are you ready to go?" Caroline asked.

"Yep," Following her outside he watched as she stopped just before reaching her car.

"Tyler?" She asked stopping in front of Tyler, next to him was a woman with dirty blonde hair... Seeing Caroline's reaction he could tell something had happened between them. Sighing, he made a decision.

"I'll give you two some alone time," Walking back towards the hospital he took a seat inside.

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