
Second Stage

Day of the full moon

Elias woke up feeling quite normal for once no overwhelming hunger influencing his thoughts. Walking towards the restroom he was a little skeptical he expected the next stage to be even worse than the first.

Grabbing his toothbrush he reached for the toothpaste squeezing out just enough to cover the bristles. Looking up he was greeted by himself in the mirror, only his eyes were glowing red. Opening his mouth he noticed his teeth hadn't changed, deciding to ignore it, for now, he quickly brushed his teeth making sure to do the suggested 2 minutes.

Descending the stairs he frowned not finding his uncle Niklaus, focusing his hearing he quickly noticed the sound of the door opening. Niklaus entered carrying a bag, "Why are your eyes glowing red." He closed the door behind him placing the bag down on a table waiting on his nephew's reply.

"I don't know It's like I'm not in control," Niklaus frowned hearing that and Elias was practically having the same thoughts. If his eyes were red now what was next, would his canines elongate, when would it stop would he eventually be forced to shift into his Lycan form.


Kate Argent stood in front of her brother with a serious look on her face, "You think I'm planning something?"

Chris Argent nodded "You show up randomly, and you're all of a sudden acquainted with Niklaus Mikaelson." Kate made to defend herself when Chris interrupted "Don't give me one of your pattened lies. You don't think I can tell when you playing at something the last time you were this infatuated with a person his house burned to the ground."

"You think I played a part in that?" Kate's brows furrowed.

"I don't know what to think," Chris brought his hand up to his forehead looking at his sister he couldn't help but wonder. "But it doesn't matter, now you're messing with an Original and my guess is you aren't working alone. Who put you up to this was it Gerard?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I just came to visit my family. Gerard and I both know not to mess with vampire's especially the Originals."

Chris squinted his eyes looking at his sister not knowing whether to believe her or not. Seeing the questions stop Kate quickly made her way upstairs straight to Allison's room. Entering she found Allison lying in bed talking on the phone.

"Yeah Lydia I'll call you back," Allison smiled seeing her aunt.

"I know it's late but Happy Birthday," Kate pulled out a silver necklace with a wolf and arrows on it.

Holding the necklace Allison couldn't help but take a closer look at it. "I love it," Her eyes widened as she traced her finger over the wolf.

"It's a family heirloom, and I know you're eventually going to want to know about your family heritage."

"So you're gonna make me work for it," Allison looked up from the pendant.

"Some things are worth the effort," Kate leaned forward helping Allison put the necklace on. "Happy Birthday." Kate pulled Allison into a hug smiling, "Go ahead and show your parents," Allison nodded as she ran down the stairs.

Kate looked to Allison's bed where her phone was quickly opening it, searching she easily found Scott's name sending him a text she waited for him to reply before quickly deleting the messages.

Scott's lips curved upwards standing next to him was Stiles with a bunch of chains. "Change of Plans, I'm going to meet with Allison."

Stiles rolled his eyes looking at his friend, "Dude tonights a full moon you're not going anywhere."

"Stiles ever since you explained to me how you stay in control I haven't felt the urge to maim or kill. Even now I feel in complete control, Allison is my Anchor just like your dad is yours, would you ever hurt your dad?"

"I'm going with, even if you feel like you're in complete control anything can happen. So where are you guys meeting at?"

"The School."

"I'll drive," Stiles dangled his keys in the air.

Beacon Hill High

Kate Argent stood in front of the school, she wore black jeans and a jacket, her blond hair fail down her back. Walking inside she pulled a chair from a classroom placing it in the middle of the hallway now she just needed to wait.

It didn't take long for Scott and Stiles to reach the school with the sun currently going down they were forced to fight for control even if that fight was a little easier to fight now. Parking the car Stiles looked to his friend "I'm not being a third wheel you'll have to go in without me."

Scott chuckled opening the car door he looked back at Stiles "Thanks, Stiles."

Stiles nodded pulling out his phone he opened the bubble pop game.

Scott opened the school door he eyes lit up seeing the shadow of a person sitting in the hallway. Closing the door behind him he walked closer though he quickly realized it wasn't Allison sitting in the chair. "You're Allison's aunt right?"

"Oh you must be Scott, Allison will be right back she just ran to the lady's room," Kate's eyes narrowed looking at Scott. She couldn't tell if he was the beta or not but she was about to find out.


Stiles paused looking around he could feel someone was watching him. He wasn't sure who it was until he saw a huge shadow rush into the school. Closing the game he quickly texted Elias 'need help now, at School, HURRY!!!'


Kate slowly reached to pull out her taser when they both heard a sound, the school doors which Scott had closed were now wide open. The black shadow of Peter Hale blurred past Scott crashing into the frozen Kate. Kate was sent flying into the lockers, Peter growled as he looked at her.

"Scott we have to leave!" Stiles appeared at the doors screaming for Scott to run.

"Allison, I have to find Allison." Scott dashed past Peter and Kate using his hearing to listen for a heartbeat.

Stiles's facial expression changed multiple times "I wish I had smarter friends." Dashing after Scott he followed him as he ran down the school hallways searching for Allison.


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