
"What Happened?"

Abandoned Warehouse

Police Cars flooded the area, red and blue lights flickered constantly.

The night was dark but something insidious had just taken place in that warehouse. Looking at the bodies Sheriff Stalinski couldn't help but frown. One was standing laying near three front entrance, his face had long claw marks going from his left eye to just before his right ear.

"Looks like an animal attack to me sheriff." One of the deputies spoke.

"I don't know, this guy was caught off guard when he opened the door, I'm guessing someone knocked and animals aren't capable of that." Sheriff Stilinski just couldn't put hoods finger on it something was off.

The next two bodies had the same claw marks one guy was lying on the couch while the last was attacked from behind while trying to escape.

"Have forensics check for animal hairs on the bodies, I'll look more into this in the morning." Sheriff Stilinski looked at the bodies again and couldn't help but sigh as he turned around getting ready to leave.

"Sheriff these are the videos recorded by the camera hanging outside, It should help." One deputy handed the Sheriff a cd.

"Thanks, I'll check it out when I get home," Entering his car Noah couldn't help run his hand through his hair. 'Beacon hills is getting stranger and stranger.'

It didn't take long for him to reach his home taking his jacket off he threw the CD on the table. Grabbing his laptop and a bottle of whiskey, Noah poured himself a cup, the whiskey burned a little as it went down his throat. Noah quickly poured himself another cup, Placing the CD into his laptop he scrolled through the footage.

Finally reaching around 9:00 pm he saw a man wearing a trench coat, behind him stood two younger men. The camera angle couldn't help him identify them at all, The man knocked on the door. The only problem is he didn't see a mountain lion anywhere in the video. Fast forwarding the video he frowned as he realized the camera angle made the recording useless.

The next morning

Elias arrived at school and was at once greeted by Stiles "Dude searching the Michaelson was a complete waste of time, all I got were images of the same guy in different time periods and photoshop makes that possible."

"I expected more," Elias said grabbing his book bag out of his car. "Anything interesting happen yesterday while I wasn't here?"

"At school? No, but last night three people were found in a warehouse dead, here's the crazy part. They were found with animal attack type wounds, but the cops couldn't find out how a mountain lion made it into the warehouse. Not to mention mountain lions are territorial predators, they usually stick to their own territories unless disturbed."

"So you're thinking it wasn't a mountain lion?" Elias asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This morning I found my Dad's computer stopped on a video of the security cam outside the warehouse. I skimmed through the whole video I didn't see one Mountain lion, but I did see three guys enter around 9:00 last night."


"Yeah but there's no way regular people can handle werewolves so I was thinking."

"Stiles if you want to help the police be my guest, but first you need to make sure you can protect yourself against other supernatural beings not only werewolves."

Elias paused his steps as they walked past the boy's locker room.

"Stiles on a scale of 1 to 10 How much do you like Lydia?"

Stiles didn't even need time to think, "10!"

"How much do you hate Jackson?"

"10, he's a tool." Stiles quickly answered again.

"How much do you hate the fact that they're dating?"

"10, again."

"What if I told you I could get her to break up with him today."

"I'd say what are you waiting for?"

Elias nodded pulling out his phone opening the locker room door slightly he pressed record. Quietly closing the door Elias ended the recording, sending the video to both stiles and Lydia.

Pulling out his phone Stiles opened the video, curios wondering what could cause Lydia to break up. The video began with Elias opening the door, inside the locker room Jackson was leaned against another student. A full makeout session with his best friend Danny Mahealani, frowning stiles quickly closed the video.

"So Jackson's playing for the other team, I should have known." Stiles chuckled under his breath.

Elias looked at his phone seeing that Lydia had replied 'Music Room, now.' Sighing Elias turned to Stiles who was still wondering how this secret had slipped under his nose for so long.

"Let's go meet Lydia."

Music room

Elias entered the music room followed by Stiles, Lydia was sitting at the piano watching the short clip over and over again.

"Who else did you send it too?" Lydia's makeup was running, as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"No one."

"Thanks, This would ruin me. Just think about it, Lydia Martin, the most popular girl in school has a cheater for a boyfriend not to mention it's not even a girl he's cheating on me with. I should have known."

"You couldn't have known," Elias stated.

"The signs were there, he gets a manicure regularly, not to mention eyeliner, and he hangs out with Danny way too much. The constant need to show off, I thought it was because he was adopted but it seems he had a bigger secret."

"Lydia you can't blame yourself, Jackson an idiot for cheating on you."

Lydia paused looking at Stiles before turning back to Elias, "Maybe you're right?"

"Well, I'm headed off to class."

"Who's gonna stay with me, Allison is with that boyfriend of hers and I need someone here for emotional support."

"Lydia allow me to reintroduce you to Stiles Stilinski." Elias turned around exiting the room, the rest was up to Stiles.


Elijah stood in front of Elias and Stiles who had both changed into gym wear.

"First we'll focus on your senses, this change you've both experienced has heightened your senses, Stiles I'm sure there are moments where you can hear and smell things no one else can."

Stiles nodded remembering the first day after both he and Scott had been bitten. At first, it was like every sound or smell he sensed had been turned up to maximum.

"I'm sure you both have learned to deal with it, but I'm gonna show you how to take advantage of you supernatural gifts."

Handing each of them a Blindfold Elijah couldn't help but smile. "Without your vision you're blind, but using your other senses such as your hearing can allow you to hear the world as you would usually see it.

Both Elias and Stiles quickly put the blindfolds on, "Now listen for my heartbeat react to my movements."

Elijah began to circle both boys a baton in his hand, 'Swoosh' Elias knelt forward as the baton hit him behind his knee.

Frowning Elias quickly stood back up focusing his hearing, next to him Stiles's heartbeat was beating fast. Just beyond Stiles, he could hear another heartbeat one beating so slow that it sounded as if it wasn't beating at all.

Elias wasn't the only one to discover Eliajah's location, Stiles focused on his footsteps and even though they seemed silent his shoes slid as he lifted them off the floor.

Elijah slowly approached waiting for the most opportune moment, Both Elias and Stiles were doing the same. A stalemate commenced as Elijah tested their patience, Stiles finally couldn't help it any longer dashing forward.

Elijah cracked a smile as he slid behind stiles hitting him behind the knee, bringing him to the floor.

Elias seeing that Stiles had already attacked saw no other choice slowly stepping forward he listened to his father's heartbeat. He listened for the sound of the baton swinging towards his knee dodging he sent a kicked that met nothing but air.

Elijah smiled seeing his son be so patient, bringing the baton up he banged it against the wall a clanging sound entered Elias's ears. Elijah waited as his son dashed toward the sound not realizing it was a trap.

Elias reached out allowing his hand to feel the wall, the clanging sound persisted and he was step by step getting closer. The sound continued though now it seemed to be coming from the ground, reaching down Elias picked up the baton. That's when he felt a hand on his back, "Any other vampire would have torn your heart from your chest already."

Elijah had dropped the baton purposely, to mask the sound of his own heartbeat he appeared behind Elias. If Elias was an Enemy his hand would already be holding his heart in his hand.

"Spar for a little and then you're free to go, I have a couple of errands to run."

Elias reached for his face removing the blindfold, looking at Stiles who was still sitting on the floor he couldn't help but shake his head.

Elias and Stiles threw a couple of punches at each other taking the sparring a little easy. "So what happened with Lydia after I left?" Elias asked as he ducked a punched before sending a kick towards Stiles's leg.

"Nothing, I comforted her, but I wanna take things slowly, I don't want to be her rebound," Stiles said as he dodged the kick returning one of his own.

"Scott Still worried about the Lacrosse game this Friday?"

"I think that's all Scott worries about." Stiles laughed before he heard his phone ring. Running towards his bag he couldn't help but laugh. "Speak of the devil," Stiles showed Elias his phone a phone number with the name Scott above it.

"Yo, Scott..... Wait What happened?! Where are you? Scott?... Scott!" The call ended and Stiles looked up at Elias. "We have to go."

"What happened?"

"It's Scott he's been attacked."

Beacon Hills High School

Stiles dashed through the building followed by Elias, "Scott! Scott!" Stiles dashed into the boy's locker room. Elias entered the room after him, blood was everywhere, the smell pervaded the room, leaning against a locker was Scott, most of the blood was his.

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