

"Are Sure?, Marcus?" said father

"Yes, and father, just in case, have several of our men follow and spy on them!" I said

"That's difficult, Marcus, they are after all our allies!, and if we were found out, our image will take a hit, the other families would be wary of us ... but I can spy on the Pucey family!, it will be easy, as for the Greengrass ... I can look into what they are doing, but it's going to take alot of time, after all, they are one of the upper class families!" said father

"That's alright father, at least we will be on our guard when dealing with them" I said

"alright then!, as I see we are finished dealing with this, I will have to ask you, Marcus, what are you going to do this summer?" said father with a Slight Smile

"Father, you know me so well,

as I became a young man right now, I think it's time to hold some responsibility" I said with a grin

"Ohh, you are?, and how are you planning on doing that?" said father with a curios smile

"of course with a little help from my father" I said with a wide smile


"What do you need, Marcus?" said father

"if it's not a problem father, I would like to borrow several of our family Wizards, they don't need to be strong, just low-level ones will be fine" I said

"that is fine, but be careful, Marcus, and don't anything too big" said father with a serious face

"of course!, father" I said with a slight smile

"Good, now come with me, I want to show you something ..." said father




we went inside a secret room behind my father office, it was a bit dark and cold,

all I saw around me was Dark and Ancient artifacts, the room was filled with them!,

but father didn't stop and just continued walking,

after 2 minutes or so, we reached the end of the room, it had three chests, Father went to the chests to right side,

"Marcus!, come here and open the chest" said father

"Yes father" I said,

when I opened the chest, I found a long sword with a pitch black color, and two unknown runes on the sword!,

"Did you like it?" said father with a wide smile

"It's Beautiful!, where did you got it, Father?" I said while my eyes were focused on the sword

"that sword is an old a gift to our family, from an old and powerful Wizard!, that what your Grandfather told me at least" said Father

"Father, can I touch it?" I said

"Touch it?, it`s yours for the taken!, and you should take it, better than leave it here to rot, after all nobody except you and your Grandfather who knows how to wield a sword! in the family" said father

with a wide and an excited smile, I pulled the sword and said, "thank you father, I will sure use it for good! ..."




when we went out the room, out of curiosity I asked my father,

"Father, what happened to that Dragon I told you about?" I said with curiosity in my eyes

"Well of course we took it! *Smile Lightly*, and then we hid it in a safe place to grow, but you don't have to think about that, just leave it for me" said father

I just nodded and went out to try my new sword.





tomorrow morning, I was outside in a park in london, I had 2 Low-level Wizards with me,

"So .. tell me your names and age!" I said with a cold tone

"Young Master, I'm Archie, 22 years old!" said the first wizard with a firm tone

"Young Master, I'm Rosie, 23" said the second wizard with a light smile

"Good .. Archie!, come with me .. I want to you to help me with something" I said

but then Rosie said, "what about me?, Young Master?" said Rosie

"You just wait here" I said as I walked to the nearest shadiest street I could find,

Archie just looked confusedly at Rosie and left with a shrug.




as soon as we came to one shady looking building with men all around it with weapons beneath their clothes, I told Archie to stop, and then I climbed on top of another building beside it, to gain a better look around the place.

"You see that, Archie!, those scums?" I said with a low voice

"Yes Young Master!" said Archie with a bit of confusion

"You are going to kill them all ..." I said with a faint cold voice

"y..Young Master??" said Archie with shock all over his face

so then I turned my head to him and said slowly with a thick killing intent, "GO KILL THEM"

"y ..YES!, Young Master" said Archie as he left with horror

it took him half an hour to kill them all,

what I wanted to do was to make Archie or anyone under me to not feel anything when killing!, especially killing masses!, I want Soldiers not Bodyguards!, also, I want this area under my complete control, I don't want insects running around.

as Archie finished his job, he came back with a heavy breath and a pale face,

"Good job, Archie, you have proven me your capabilities!, but next time be a little faster" I said with a slight smile

"w..will do, Young Master" said Archie with a a heavy breath.



when we came back to the park, I gave Archie a healing potion, so that he don't break on me when I just started to transform him,

"Welcome back, Young Master!" said Rosie as she looking curiously at the pale looking Archie

"come, we are going to a bit far place" I said as I called for the driver to get us there.




this time we are going to attack a small drug lord ...

Strangely, Rosie didn't looked shocked or hesitant about killing, so I told her to get me the boss head, as for Archie he will take care of the rest ...





it went smoothly at first ... but then!, a painful scream echoed through the whole building!,

I ran quickly to the source of the voice,

and then,

I saw Rosie on the floor with a face filled with pain and a middle aged man cursing her,

I didn't talk or made a noise, I just got closer to him while listing clearly about what he is saying,

"Answer me, BITCH!, who sent you!?, come on say who!" said the man as he raising the spell power

But Rosie didn't say a thing, she only looked at him in the eyes with a killing intent,

"Alright then, if you are not speaking, then you have no value to me to keep you alive" said the man as he was raising his wand to cast another but a deadly spell, but before he cast the spell, he turned around and then cast it "Confringo!".



you have sharp senses, but unfortunately for you, you missed me!" I said as I came out from the darkness with a light smile

"Who are you!, and what do you want from me!" said the man with a wary look as he was holding his cut off arm with pain

"Me?, I don't want anything from you, I only WANT YOUR HEAD!" i said with a blood thirsty smile as I pulled my sword again!

I ran to him with a high speed!,

he then took the chance and casted Confringo on me!,

it didn't do shit on my though, except for a few burns all over my body, but nothing major!, and strangely, I felt excited after that ...

as I was only a hair from him, he casted another Confringo to my face, so I dodged to the side and he ran away with all he got, but I wasn't gonna let him escape me!,

So I went after him!, and tried to catch up with him,

It was easy as he got tired quickly, When I got closer to him again, he turned around and tried to cast another Confringo!, but I didn't let him!,


I stabbed his heart Swiftly ...

"Why are you killing me ...?" was the man last words

I came closer to his ear, and said, "Well ... because I can!" With a cold voice, I stood there watching him die ...




When I came back to check what happened to Rosie, I found her laying on the ground passed out with a painful expression on her face,

So went to search for Archie and Found him still killing people all over the building, I called him to stop and take Rosie to the house, I also gave him a healing potion to give to Rosie.




(I have never thought there would be a rouge Wizard living here! and middle-level on top of it! if I haven't added some of the Poison I got from those Spider on my sword, that Wizard would have ran away or even could have kill me!, it seems I have to be careful with these muggles, there is always a snake behind them .. and what the hell did just happened to me??, why did I acted with this irrational way?, I couldn't control my blood lust!, this is going to be a big problem ...).



Several days later ...

Me with company of Archie and Rosie, have went on and Destroyed several gangs, small ones just to be careful and not to get another wizard on our throats, I also made sure Archie and Rosie use swords, and to never use a wand!, except when their life is in danger!, it was a busy week, but we made sure to cover up our attacks and make it look like a muggle attack, after all, we don't want to raise the Ministry suspicion.


I wanted Draco, Theo and Pansy with me on this, but they are too weak and too young, as for Adrian, I don't know if I can trust his family for now, NO actually, I don't trust his family at all, but soon I will.




After we finished the work I ordered Archie and Rosie to do, I bought a small shop in Diagon alley, I plan on doing a business, an old and a rare business ...

I have been practicing and studying runes for a long time now, I even picked Ancient Runes course in my third in Hogwarts and I have to admit, my talent in this field is unimaginable!, I think it's time to begin using it to good use ...

"Young Master, we brought all the ingredients you need!" said Rosie Lazily as she was yawning

"Good, just store them in the basement, I will look at it later" I said


before I opened my shop, Father have sent me a message to come home immediately,





"come in" said father

"Father, what happened?" I said

"Happened?, nothing happened, I called you to go with your mother, you are visiting Azkaban with your mother, I'm busy right now and I can't accompany her, and as I see that you have grown to be a young man, it's time to meet your aunt!" said father with a slight smile.

Next chapter