
Something new!

as I was sitting in my room, I thought about some ideas which might help me to get stronger faster, or do cause some positive effects in my body at least.

after coming up with a couple of ideas, I went outside to the lake which was very close from our manor, and when I was standing close to it, I began to calm myself and focus entirely on my Magic to the utmost,

after an hour and so, I went in the lake, and tried to move using only my magic without a wand!, it was really hard channeling magic through me in the water, and I could last only for 2 minutes before I was tired out, after 3 hours of resting, I tried once again, and this time I lasted for two 2 minutes and 20 seconds!, and then repeated it for the last time before I went to the manor.

next day, I did all again and lasted 20 seconds more,

after that, I continued to do it till it was 24 December,


"Young Master, dinner is ready" said the elf outside my room respectfully

"alright, I'm coming" I said with Sigh

I made so much progressed these past days by using my magic in water, now I can hold on for 5 minutes!, I didn't feel any major changes in my core, but I feel my body Strength rise bit by bit, actually, I have now a quarter of my original power in my past life back!, my Father told me that it wasn't worth it and pointless as many before me who were more powerful and skilled than me, tried many times and still failed, and the most they could reach was strengthen their constitution by a small amount, and they could do that only by the cost of training themselves to the extreme!, some of them even got crippled because they pushed themselves too much, but when I made some research on them, I was truly surprised, most of them were in their late 40s and 50s!, they were basically old men!, of course they wouldn't reach shit, they were way past their prime, but on the other hand, their training method is extremely difficult, only someone with their experience and endurance can go through it, but I'm not your normal kid! ... I have been trained in my past life with the most difficult situation and faced many impossible encounters that might have killed me!, but it didn't! I survived them all!, and it only made me Stronger!.


"Marcus, you're late, quickly set down" said Mother

"Alright Mother"

after dinner, I went to my room and sat down once again on my bed trying to use magic, now I'm training with water and also by moving little objects!, and lastly with my mind!,

the benefits I get by training myself with water is, my body strength, stamina, and defense, will rise slowly but with a stable pace!, as for moving objects, I notice at first that it didn't have any changes till I overuse it and also when I try moving heavy objects, it slightly expand my core, as for using magic in my mind, I found a book some time ago in our family restricted section about LEGILIMENCY AND OCCLUMENCY!,

when I read it, and did what the book instructions said, I felt that now, I have some sort of an extra limp inside my mind which I can control it easily as a real hand!, I can make it transform to a wall to defend my mind, and I could transform it to be like a spear or something sharp, so I can attack,

and that book had me thinking about using magic without a wand to see similar effects, and those two methods is what I could come up with right now, the moving objects method is rather dangerous if I overuse it, and it's also painful!, but that's the only way to show some positive effects!, when I first tried it, I immediately past out!, the second time I did it, I hold on for 3 seconds, and in those three seconds, I felt a bit of magic entering my core and slightly expanding it!, but it was so much painful! even with my experience as assassin I never felt such pain as this!,

as for the body method, it was the most efficient of them!, it gave me huge results!. even though it's tiring, but at least it was safe, and gave me huge boost of strength in my body.


days came and gone quickly, we celebrated Christmas day, and I gave Anny her gift, she was very excited about it, her first own broomstick!,

I had to calm down my Mother for more than half an hour with the help of my father to let her approve of Anny getting her own broomstick, I told them, Anny has a great talent in flying and she would definitely become the next legend in Quidditch!, it will be a waste if they don't let her train from now!, hell, she would become even better than me!,

as for Draco, I gave him 2 rare ingredients! that could only be found in the forbidden forest, I bought them from Prof. Snape

And Anny gave Draco and me, Qudditch outfits with a big letter M with a black color, and the Slytherin Snake beneath it, I have to say, I liked it so much

then Draco announce to us, that he and Theo had finally made a prototype Potion for Strengthening the body!, but this potion effects, is still minimal and for a limited time unfortunately, but it was a huge step for Draco!, my father said, this potion is a top middle level potion!, he was so proud of him!,

that day, father smile sticked to his face the whole day!

after Draco showed us the Potion, he gave every one of us 1 vial,

Mother then gave us two protection Talismans for each, she became more worried about us these past months, that what mother love and care cost ..

as for my Father, he Promised us he will arrange something great this after noon!,




after noon ..

we immediately set off to use the portkey which sent us to ROMANIA!, my father wanted to show us the dragons farms there, we went to a lot of farms there and saw all kind of dragons there, but we didn't come closer as most of the dragon were still being tamed,

then after that, we went to another secret farm which might be slightly illegal ...

"Hello and Welcome!, ladies and gentle men, please come in, you will found what ever creature you seek, here!" said skinny man with a crocked nose with a confident voice

so then we went to see around the farm, it was actually more like a zoo,

when we were seeing a small Hippogriff with it's mother, I heard someone talking closely to me, it was very faint but is sounded is it in my mind!, so then I went looking carelessly for it without telling my Father or Mother,

when I came closer to the sound, it surprised me that it came from a big dark cage with sign beside it, warning me to not come closer to the cage!

"Hello?, anybody here?" I said

I didn't heard anything, so then I went to the nearest tree I could find, and I took the biggest branch from it, and went to the cage again and threw the branch to who ever was there calling for me!


I heard a small sound, like it came from a baby creature, I was Surprised, and I couldn't control my curiosity, so I came closer and used Lumos to see what was inside the cage, and before I even came closer, someone grabbed my shoulder, and froze me in my place!, I couldn't move, talk, or even see him as he was behind me,

"Well well, how can you even think about stealing in broad light, in my own farm!, you must be crazy, kid!" said a voice which was filled with contempt

"you will be coming with me!" said the man

and just a moment before he apparate, another hand grabbed my shoulder, it was my father!

"it seems my son has got gotten himself in the middle of a huge misunderstanding, please excuse him, he is but a kid, and I'm sure he wasn't stealing!, after all he is Malfoy!" said Father with slightly apologetic tone but firm to let me free of his hand

it seems my father small apology and mentioning Malfoy, has worked because the man let go of me and said,

"Oh, it's Mr. Malfoy!, I'm truly sorry about this misunderstanding, I didn't know that was your son" said the man with a fake apologetic face

"that's alright, it's all in the past right, now if you don't mind, I want to talk to my son" said father with a calm face

"of course, do whatever you want Mr. Malfoy" said the man uncaringly, then moved back to where he came from

before my father spoke, he used a spell to block the sound from coming out,

"what were you thinking!?, coming out here alone and without even telling me or your mother!, Marcus you should have a really good reason for doing that or I'm truly disappointed!" said father with a serious face

"Father, I have a really good reason for this, you see father, when I was with you when we were seeing the Hippogriff, I heard a sound calling for me faintly!, I tried to follow it, and this is where it led me!, I suspect the sound is coming from that cage over there!" I said

"really?, are you sure about that?" said Father a bit shocked

"Yes father!. I'm sure" I said firmly

"Alright then,

Excuse me!, Hey Mister!" said father, then shouted to man to get his attention

"Yes Mr. Malfoy, how can I help you?" said the man

"can you tell us what creature is in the cage?" said father

"it's a Liger!, but not a normal one, this one has some magical bloodline from one of it's parents!" said the man quickly

"a Linger!, can we see it?" said Father a bit shocked

"Of course sir. anyone can see, for the small fee of a 1000G" said the man shamelessly

my father didn't care and just throw him a bag filled with coins,

"this way sir" said the man with more respect this time

we went inside the cage by using a hidden door this time

when the man lit up the candle around the cage and saw the little creature which was there, we were shocked then we became angry

what was inside the cage was just a small fat cat!

"what sort of joke is this!, how dare you try to humiliate me!" said father with an angry voice

"Please calm down sir, don't you remember when I told you it's not a normal Liger?, that's the thing, it has a Nundu magical bloodline from his mother side!, and it has certain abilities because of that! let me show you" said the man

after that, the man pulled his want and used the cruciatus curse on the cat!, I thought the man turned crazy, but what happened after, has Shocked me and my father equally!,


that cat quickly transformed from a small fat cat, to a huge liger!, after that, the man used a strong sleeping potion on the liger to calm it down, the liger after drinking the potion, shrank back to his former self, it didn't make him sleep but he was dazed nonetheless

"what was that" I said with amazement in my eyes

"That's what you call an XXXX creature .." said the man faintly.

as the Liger was panting weakly, it looked at me like it was asking for help!, so I came a little closer to it and put my hand on his head while my father was talking with man about how did they get a creature such as that, then my father noticed I wasn't beside him

"MARCUS!, QUICKLY GET AWAY FROM IT!" said father with a nervous voice


"don't you worry father I'm alright,

and I think I found my familiar!" I said while I was petting the liger head

*Brr* the liger made a friendly sound as it started to get used to me.

Slightly longer chapter for today, enjoy.

xN2jcreators' thoughts
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