
Loki, Fenrir and Balance Breaker

It has been few days since we started guarding Odin. Rosswiesse and I have become friends till now but she is still embarrassed when I try to flirt with her and I also have fun when she blushes that way as she looks more cute with a red face.

But I know that Someone is going to pay a visit to us. So I am also alert these days. Ophis and Other girls are living at our home while continuing their schools except Rias and her peerage who are also with me.

In these days Kensei have also started training more in his Amagiri style. Hisui and Rui have confessed to Kensei so now they are also together with him always (although Even before they were together). Claire and Alice have also started training. Claire has also started training her Worthlessness power with help of her mother and also ask to train with girls when they go to meet my parents and Nekos.

I also visit them in each two or three days and they practice with me and I have also given body strengthening technique to Claire and Alice.

I have also been training more these days using my time-space ability on me to slow down time for me. So if I train for 4 days inside it will only be 1 hour outside. Due to this my strength has also increased and is nearly at peak of Super Devil.

Today as we were out with Odin and Rosswiesse, someone appeared in front of us. Seeing him I didn't have any change in my expression but Odin has a sad look on his face. Then the one appeared said

Loki :"Nice to meet you all, I am Loki, The Evil God."

Odin :"What are you doing here, Loki? "

Loki :"I am here to punish you Odin for trying to Cooperate with other mythologies. "

Azazel was going to say something but he got interrupted by me as I said

Issei :"Sorry but you can't harm him now. "

Loki :"So you think you can protect him. "

saying this he attacked me with his magic but I teleported in front of him and gave him a punch in his gut as he puked some blood. Then I said

Issei :"I think you should call your son otherwise you will die without even fighting a little. "

Hearing me and feeling the pain he screamed as he said


Then a grey wolf started forming from his robe as a giant wolf with greyish blue fur with two big yellow horns coming out of his sboulders about 10 meters tall appeared in front of me and started staring at Issei. Then Loki shouted


Fenrir looked towards me as he shouted before running towards me.


I also ran to him with my hands changing into my [Fire Dragon God's Claw ]s. I know that Fenrir has powers comparable to Heavenly Dragons when they were unsealed so I am not letting my guards down as I also used my space magic around my claws to revolve the space around it making it more impactful.

When we reach to each other he slashed his claws around my left shoudler and I slashed my claws in his stomach. Then after we separated, I can now see a deep cut in his stomach and a deep cut on my shoulder as we both screamed


Fenrir :"AAAAWWWWOOOO... "


When I said this the others who were watching us in shock come back out if their stuper as Asia Started using her Twilight Healing Instantly as she said

Asia :"ISSEI.. "

Other girls :"DARLING"

Azazel :"Don't panic. We also have to help him fight."

Loki :"No you don't. "

Saying this he summoned Two more wolfs a little smaller than Fenrir as he said

Loki :"Come help your father Hati, Sköll. "

He also summoned his Five mass produced Midgardsormr. Then they started fighting Rias and others who were moving towards me. Akeno also started fighting at her full power using her lightning and space magic and other which I gave to her. Then I said

Issei :"Just fight them, I also want to know how much power do I have. "

Saying this I brought out my Demonic sword in my left hand and Ascalon in my right hand with my [Fire Dragon God's Wings ] on my back and also used Acceleration for me so that others things become slow for me with my Boosted Gear on my Left hand as Ddraig spoke

Ddraig :" Issei, this fight will be hard for you. "

Issei :"Don't worry, I was only training this hard these few days to fight him. "

Saying this I first used BOOST on my self one time. Then I said

Issei :"Come Fenrir, Let me see how powerful a being compared to Heavenly Dragons is. "

Saying this I released all of my Pressure of Dragon God's Bloodline from my body and Also My Ascalon and Demonic swords pressure which I mainly directed to Fenrir but the mass produced Midgardsormr also felt this pressure due to being a Dragon. Then I moved towards Fenrir as others started fighting other wolfs and Midgardsormr.

This time we both clashed at a high speed as My Ascalon clashing with his Fangs then Just as he Roarred

Fenrir :"AAAWOO.. "

And was going to attack me with his Fangs. I put my Demonic Sword in between his fangs. When his fangs that could kill God's couldn't cut through it, He got shocked. Then I said

Issei :"Don't try, Even your Fangs are not strong enough to break my Demonic sword. "

Saying this I swung both my swords at him again as we started fighting. I have to say Fenrir his really strong. Even with my Demonic sword I can't hurt him much and he is also pushing me back. Then as we were fighting, Sköll attacked Murayama causing a deep cut on her stomach.

Murayama :"AARRGGGG...."

She screamed as blood started flowing out of her stomach. Seeing that my blood started rushing more as I shouted


Then my whole body started covering in a red armor. Then Ddraig spoke up

Ddraig :"Congratulations Issei on getting your Balance Breaker. "

I didn't say anything on her words as I used Boost


Then I teleported to Murayama and gave her a Senzu bean from my System. When she ate this her wound instantly got healed as she said

Murayama :"Thank you Issei. "

I only nodded and said

Issei :"Don't worry others are also on their way. "

When I said this Sona and Others including Serafall also started appearing there. I said to Serafall and Tiamat and others

Issei :"Help Rias and others. "

Serafall :"Okay.."

Saying this I was going to move to Fenrir but then I saw Loki making more Midgardsormr from his robe. In anime he moved back this time to attack at the meeting's time but he is not doing that now. So I think he is prepared for it but it is only fuelling my rage as I said


Saying this I moved towards Loki who was standing in air but Fenrir came in front of me as he attacked me. I also used my Crystal magic to form a shield to protect myself and used [Space warp] to divert his claws a bit. But they still got through little through shield as they clashed with Ascalon.

Then he clashed started using his fangs as he bite my the shield and attacked my Scale Mail with his fangs. But I boosted my powers again


Then I Roared


Then I big beam of Fire fired towards Fenrir. He tried to avoid it using his speed but he couldn't escape it as it reached instantly to him due to him being too close to me as the beam hit him at his chest and engulfing him in a big blast of flames.

I know that it is not enough to harm him much. So I also fired two Giant [Fireball]s towards him as the Flames become more stronger. Then a sound pierced through our ears


After which Fenrir came out of Flames with burns on his whole body especially his chest where the beam hit him as a deep pit with still flames burning appeared on it.

But he still moved forwards to me as he swung his claws to counter me But I used my Demonic sword and Ascalon to stop it and fired him with my ROARRR again which blew him away from me and I also flew back due to his impact on my swords.

But I didn't stop at this as I used a big [Earth net ] and [Freeze] to stop him for few seconds as I fired my other magic like [Icical Lava nails], [Burning slash], [Windslash] and other attacks.

After the flames started disappearing slowly. Image of Fenrir who has already broken through Freesz and Earth net appeared with many deep wounds. The he let out a howl as he again attacked me without worrying about his injuries.

I also attacks him with both my swords but this time using space around them to revolve at high speed making them more dangerous. After this we clashed for sometime. Then I used Boost on me again


And attacked him using my swords and my sword techniques giving him many injuries but also getting many along with it. After fighting for some time when I thought he was injured enough I again used my Roar to hit him and along with it used my lightning magic to make it more powerful.

Although he is injured but he didn't mind it as he tried to counter it with his claws. But this time it wasn't enough for it. The beam of flames when clashes with his claws, His claws started burning Then the lightning started entering his body through the injuries and cuts he got from me as he again howled


But his whole body gets on fire with lightning sparking on it. Then I used my [Earth net] to hold him again and fired a last Roar

Issei :"Fire Dragon God's ROARRRR... "

I used a large amount of My Mana in this attack so it is far stronger than rhe before ones. When it clashed with Fenrir's chest it enlarges his previous wound more before covering him in flames. Even then I used my swords abilities to fire a holy aura and a demonic aura from them towards Fenrir.

After this when the flames started disappearing, Fenrir appeared with more wounds as he falls on the ground


But he again tried to stand up so I used a My Demonic sword and Ascalon as I stabbed both in his chest with their Aura releasing inside him as he again howled but this time a howl of cry

Fenrir :"Aawwoooo.. "

Then he again fall on the ground as he becomes unconscious. Seeing this I breathed a sigh of relief . I am also in not a good condition as I started feeling like loosing consciousness So I immediately took out one Senzu Bean and ate it immediately.

Then all the wounds and cut on my body started healing instantly as I got I my full condition in an instant. Even the Cuts by his Fangs which he gave me while fighting even though I avoided them at most got healed in an instant. Then I regained my stability and said in my mind

"Jen Do you have a replica of the Gleipnir which can hold Fenrir. "

[Hmph....... there is a replica which is made to hold Fenrir. It will cost you 100M SP ]

she said in her regular sweet tone but which also sounded angry at the same time and didn't describe much about the replica of Gleipnir. So I just buyed it causing my SP which I gained from killing all those Devils before and some extra.

Then the Chains started appearing around Fenrir's body which is lying on ground binding him as I used Gleipnir on him. After seeing his body fully binded I moved to Loki who was fighting Azazel, Baraqiel and Rosswiesse.

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