
He runs as if his life were depending on it

Xiao Ni's solemn face gradually changed into a disappointed face. She turns her head to Yan Xi slowly as the hallow in her chest expanding.

"I know that everybody knows that, you don't have to throw it bluntly to my face, I know! But what can I do about it?" Xiao Ni said in a low voice, stabbing Yan Xi's heart with every word she spat out.

"I also did not expect much from him. He would never see me as I see him. That he would never return my feeling, I know! I just want to be near him like we used to do. I just want to be close to him like before..." Her voice went from shrill to a faint whisper.

Yan Xi turns to silence, he didn't want to envoke Xiao Ni more. But her words have agitated him. He quietly pulls over and said "Did not expect much you say? is that why you use me to make him jealous? Aren't you just treating me the same just like he treats you?"

Xiao Ni looks at Yan Xi with a surprised look. Her face went paler before she retracted her gaze and lowered her head. Yan Xi knew he shouldn't say those words, even though it was the truth.

He knew what she is doing and he did not stop her. Just because he wanted to take every opportunity possible to soften her heart. Maybe just like Xiao Ni waiting for Wang Kai.

Seeing Xiao Ni lowering her head like this make his heart soften. His anger dissipated and he let out a soft sigh. "Xiao Ni, sometimes in our life are things that are bound to miss. You might be someone special for him in the past. But things changed. He has nothing but ambitions to be a powerful man right now. He only loves power! He's someone who will marry and divorce without battling his eyelids just for money."

Hearing Yan Xi's words, Xiao Ni let out a low gasp as she looks at him disbelief.

"You don't even know him, how could you judge him so cruelly like that?!" Xiao Ni snapped and give a sharp glance at Yan Xi. People could say bad things about her for all she cares, but he would never let people talk bad things about her family.

"Did I said something wrong? Isn't that the truth?" Yan Xi said coldly. He was trying not to spill the whole truth and hurt Xiao Ni more than he need to.

"Truth? You don't know a thing about brother Wang Kai! You can't even talk with him if you are not my friend!" Xiao Ni seethes. Yan Xi's face sank deeps as she heard Xiao Ni's hurtful words.

His tongue rolled inside his mouth. He was so angry that he wanted to laugh. "Sorry, I don't want to talk to him if you aren't my friend. Guan Xiao Ni, I knew what other people say about me hanging out with you. I don't mind that, but how could you think of me like them?"

"Friend? dare you say, friend? You only see me as something you can't conquer, something you could never get! That's why you see Wang Kai as a bad guy because you know you could never be like him! I could never see you as I see him!" Xiao Ni yelled.

"Hah! See him as? Big Brother?" He said in an understatement tone. Raising one of his eyebrows as he shows a mocking smile. "Big brother, who will be swept off your feet? The big brother that will fall on his one knee asking for marriage?"

"Shut up! You don't know about us, not even 10 percent of us!" She retaliated angrily. She was furious as she pointed at Yan Xi. Yan Xi fends her small hand easily as he nodded his head as bitterness seeped from his heart.

"Yes! I don't know about you and him! I don't know you two at all! But I do know he will never become your husband because he has planned to marry another girl!" Yan Xi blurt it out and pull out the paper inside his pocket.

"You are lying!"

"Guan Xiao Ni, your dearest brother Wang will marry another girl that grandfather Wang chooses for him! He did it so the Wang family could become the most influential family in C nation!"

"You are lying!" Xiao Ni screams and glare at Yan Xi hatefully. How dare is he spouting nonsense about Brother Wang like that?

"You don't believe me? Fine, then read this!" Yan Xi gave her the paper on his pocket with a big fury in his heart. When he realized, he quickly regretted it.

He paused as he observing Xiao Ni's expression carefully. The view of her shooking her head and mumbling 'no way' make his heartache. But once she caused his heartache, he would subconsciously want to cause her pain too.

It was selfish of him.

But he couldn't help it. He desperately wanted to open Xiao Ni's eyes. To work her up from her blindless this whole time.

Xiao Ni was trembling on his seat. Tears that stop falling has fallen again. He tried to reach her, but stop on the midway.

Yan Xi, you are a selfish jerk, he said plainly to himself.

"I don't believe you, you are lying!" she mumbles and crumpled the paper, wanted to tear it into pieces. Yan Xi lowered his head, he felt like a heavy hammer has shattered his heart from the time they fought.

In the end, both surpassed the overwhelming tornadoes. Inside the car, after a brief moment of silence, Yan Xi sighed and said, "Xiao Ni, today is our date, let's just forget about this."

Xiao Ni was in a daze, her hand still clutching into the crumbled paper. She shook her head quietly. Yan Xi paused, seeming to understand what did she wanted.

"I'll send you back." He said gently.

Xiao Ni still shooks her head as she slowly looked up and stare at Yan Xi. There is no devoid of emotion in her face, it was the iciness that she never emitted before. Yan Xi was stunned.

"Take me to Wang family old residence. I need to finish everything."


"Runaway again?" Wang Kai furrows his eyebrow as he repeated Guan Xian's words in question form.

Jian Jun sighs and plays around his pens. "Who help her this time, that Yan Xi boys again?" he asked icily.

Ji Cun Xi nodded his head while describing what he saw from the CCTV. "Ckckck, that naughty girl must be tired of living. She jumped from her window to the tree before climb down."

Wang Kai who stood rigidly in one place mildly move his neck. Subconsciously he looks out to the window from the place he was standing. He could see the window near Xiao Ni's room from his place because the tree is so big.

"How long has she gone? why don't you tell us earlier?" Wang Kai's face went darken as he looks at Guan Xian and Ji Cun Xi with a scowl. His exasperation is palpable.

"Hey! You are the one who decided to stay and study." Cun Xi quickly replied the moment he saw Wang Kai's petty face. Guan Xian was the rational one at this moment. He did not felt like joking because he partly felt guilty.

"Three hours now. She runs away not long after we start our lesson."

Wang Kai pressed his lips and his face sank.

He knew her too well that he immediately knows she must be throwing tantrum after learning he forbid her to come. But how could she dangering herself like that?

The more vivid his mind draw the images, the more he wanted to scold that silly girl. Can't she understand it was hard for him to fake his calmness while watching that pathetic cockroach leech into her everyday?

Now they even dare to run away together. What will she do tomorrow, eloping?

"I'll ask uncle Alfred to find her." Wang Kai decided as he couldn't take the idea of Xiao Ni eloping with Yan Xi. He walked away with a clenched jaw as he suddenly exuded an ominous iciness.

"Uncle Alfred is patroling your aunty, I've asked Uncle Fred to find that troublemaker." Guan Xian said to stop troubling Wang Kai. However, the man who looks even angrier than Guan Xian has disappeared behind the big door.

The dramatic frescoed wall decorated the whole west corridor, but none of them could make Wang Kai stop to admire them even for a second. His step looks like unhurried while he has made a very big step and fasten his face.

His face was cold as usual, but no one knows how upset his heart right now. The more he thinks that she endangers herself just to voice out her protest toward him, the more he regrets hiding things from Guan Xian.

Maybe he should have just been frank with Guan Xian and admitted his feeling for her.

He becomes more anxious when he felt the corridor is taking a long time to pass than usual. He has taken the fastest route to Uncle Albert route, even pass Wang Ru's room for a shortcut.

Talking about that weird cousin of him, it was rare for him to see the door of his bedroom were open so wide. He did not want to peek inside, but he couldn't ignore his sight when it falls on something he shouldn't have seen.

He stopped his fast steps to confirming what his bare eyes have witnessed. The more clear his vision becomes, the more ugly his expression on Wang Kai's face.

When he kicked the door and it's open wide, revealing the secret he hides inside, Wang Kai's chest has moved violently.

"What the F*ck!"

He was immensely furious. Wang Ru's whole room was filled with Xiao Ni's picture that he never saw before. Mainly taken at the wang family old residence or a zoomed picture from Guan old residence.

He wanted to kick the coffee table to vent when he read something he forever wanted to destroy.

The agreement letter that the Wang family heir will be married to the appointed family at the age of 25. Signed his signature and his grandfather's. He crumbled the paper before shredding it to pieces widely.

He coldly stood on Wang Ru's room trying to surpass the urge to put the whole room into a fire. At the moment, one picture of Xiao Ni falls from the wall. Wang Kai stretches his hand to catch it when he accidentally realized there is a thin red line from the picture to each other.

He quickly observed the whole room when he smells something amiss. He paused for a moment before his long hand reach for a flashlight and moving very fast to close the lamp.

When everything turns clear into his mind, he throws away the flashlight and runs to the opposite chamber. He runs as if his life were depending on it.

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