
Chapter Twenty

Hovering quietly over the Bay of Infinity Island, Terry knew it was time to start the mission. It seemed like it had been such a long time since this rescue mission started, but in some ways, his life had changed more today than the fateful day he became Batman.

But this was it. If everything Dick said about this island was still accurate, then it was one of the most dangerous places on earth.

"Terry, I'm only going to say this once. You might be Batman and me, Robin... But that doesn't make me your sidekick. This is a team-up. I'm not your subordinate. If we can keep this straight, we won't have a problem." Angela's smile was sweet as she finished and then she turned to the cargo opening to leave.

Before she jumped, she paused and in a quiet whisper, she said, "I'll meet you down there shortly," with a light smile on her uncovered face, Angela then dived out of the aircraft and quickly disappeared into the abyss below.

"Nightwing," Terry said meeting the older man's eyes, "Look after yourself, we will have to work together to bring the old man home," Terry finished before letting his body fall towards the island below as well.

"You too... Batman." Dick said with a reminiscent smile towards the empty air in front of him.

Flipping through the empty space, Terry scanned the area below as he free-fell through the tropically salty air. Navigating his way to where he saw Angela land, Terry quickly turned on thermal filter imaging on his cowl. Immediately, Terry spotted a few figures about thirty yards away doing what he guessed was a patrol. Luckily, they hadn't noticed Angela yet, though she had already found a decent vantage point in the heavily wooded area.

Something told Terry that she had more training in this type of situation than he expected. Not to say he didn't have any. Over the past half-year, he had been in many situations that caused the ex-delinquent to be run through the wringer. Between Bruce that had an ever-present mission for Terry in order for him to improve his performance in the field and Diana's warrior training techniques, Terry found a jungle type setting not too complex to navigate.

Extending his retractable wings, Terry glided down then dropped his stealth feature as he landed on the wide branch beside Angela.

"Androids," Angela said unsurprised by his silent appearance next to her.

Arching an eyebrow at her statement, Terry gave a command to his cowl to zoom in on the patrol. Sure enough, there were obvious signs of them being artificial. But on the other side of the androids was their destination.

Terry remembered from his training that an android is a robot designed to resemble a human, usually both in appearance and behavior. The word derives from the Greek andr-, meaning "man, male", and the suffix -eides, used to mean "of the species; alike" (from eidos "species"). Though the word derives from a gender-specific root, its usage in English is usually gender-neutral; the female counterpart, gynoid, is generally used only when the artificial droid has a distinguishing trait to be female.

Usually, androids are kept out of a fight until the last moment due to how expensive they can get, but apparently, the League of Shadows didn't have those particular reservations.

He flipped back the normal view and zoomed in on the surroundings and found a few traps that were set up for unwelcome visitors. Terry felt confident to easily avoid them. The harder part would be how they would remain unnoticed by the androids due to their heightened senses.

The Androids were standing around unmoving directly in front of the entrance of the temple of shadows. Terry began to wonder if they would have to wait until the dubbed 'Super-team' started the distraction to get into the facility. When suddenly a white van pulled up and four of the six androids that were guarding the entrance walked up to the back and pulled out a gurney from inside the vehicle. Leaving only two androids guarding the entrance.

Unexpectedly, a small hand gripped his forearm. Turning to meet the gaze of the beauty beside him she mouthed the word 'That's him!' Nodding in confirmation, Terry switched his cowl to X-ray mode and watched as they got into the elevator and started going down several floors. Scanning the area for any more people or 'things' who might interfere with them getting to Wayne he heard Angela start to speak.

"Okay, we are ten minutes down, and we still need to get Bruce and get back out for extraction. Therefore, twenty minutes to locate Bruce and thirty to bring him out." Angela advised doing a quick calculation of their remaining time.

"Well that may be easier said than done, the amount of security in this place would probably rival Fort Knox." But strangely this statement only served to motivate Terry more to break in, preferably unnoticed.

Angela mirrored those feelings with a wicked smile which he returned with just as much excitement. Acting first, Angela started to jump from limb to limb, finding their way through the tree line toward the ancient tomb. When they located the first set of security measures. It was more of a warning system to alert the Shadows of incoming threats, but they were able to slip past that with relative ease.

The next was a bit more challenging. Automatic weapons that fired at anything that moved. Terry didn't want them going off and alerting the Shadows, but he also didn't want it to shoot at him either. Using his X-ray mode on his cowl, Terry uncovered the main wires on the security system hoping that he could use it to access the weapons directly. Accessing the retractable claw function on his hands he dug down to the buried wires and after a few moments, Terry was opening the main casing to the control panel and jacked directly to the secondary security system. He was thrilled to find that he had access to the entire system of the tomb just by this particular panel.

Terry copied the current images so when the Shadows watched them all they would be able to see was what he wanted them to see. Then looping the cameras to show the last thirty minutes of feed, and then switching off the weapons as well as all the sensors throughout the base for good measure

"Nice, let me do something as well," Angela said moving in beside him. From a device, Terry hadn't noticed before she pulled out a few cables and began to type furiously.

After a few minutes, Terry realized what she was doing. She was implanting timed viruses that would cause some chaos throughout the security system after or maybe even during their escape. Once she was satisfied with everything, she silently nodded at him and they continued their advance.

Next were the androids.

In a battle, androids were fierce opponents. Their skills could include super strength, super speed, control of fire and wind… the list could go on and on. But the point was that's only at a head-on battle.

Getting up to the Shadow tomb was a breeze, getting past the guards unnoticed would be more of a challenge. From his wrist, Terry produced two Bat-a-rangs that were electric blue around the edges. Handing one to Angela she nodded back at him. They had to hit both androids at the same time or it could only take a second for them to relay the message about intruders back to the base. If they were going to get to the elevator, this had to be perfect.

Without a word, they both prepared the throw and simultaneously threw the bat-shaped projectiles. There was a moment that the object flew through the air that was filled with dread and excitement in equal measures but then there were the sounds of 'Thwack! Thwack! Through the air and a spark of electricity shot through the Android's bodies then they both fell to the ground. Their circuits were fried and steam arose from their bulky forms.

Letting out a breath of air, Terry met Angela's eyes and nodded at her. Then made his way towards the elevator. It was a little uncanny the fact they had already had a way of nonverbal communication, maybe it was because they went to the same school (so to speak) of training. Whatever it was, this process helped their mission.

Placing his hand on the elevator panel Terry wirelessly connected to the system and found that the elevator had a separate security system. But there was a problem. This security system couldn't be altered from this location. So, if they just carelessly entered, the League of Shadows would be on them within moments.

No, they needed to be smart about this. It would be more preferable to go through the stairwell he thought. Angela seemed to have the same idea as she found the stairwell access door to the left. The guard patrol was pretty regular he observed. Studying the pattern for a while, Terry was confident that he had the pattern down, timing their approach they slipped inside and started their descent. It was at this time there was a huge commotion from the west direction of the island. The Super-team had begun their distraction.


The distraction had begun.

Outside the Shadow's tomb, Kara couldn't help worrying about the pair inside. She didn't really know either one of the youths meant to extract the captive, but that didn't mean she couldn't worry for them. Thinking about Batman she wondered how he was feeling about all of this… It was his father they were trying to rescue, for Rao's sake.

Kara had understood by Wonder Woman's words earlier that there was something different about their genetic connection but still it was probably not an easy thing to go through. She didn't have time to try to use her super hearing to find out if they were in trouble inside. Maybe Clark had the control needed to listen to their heartbeats for confirmation but she was still relatively new to her abilities and the legion of androids that they had begun fighting was keeping her pretty busy.

Suddenly a vice-like pressure appeared on her ankle and flung her small form a few city blocks away from her previous location. Shaking her head, she tried to regain her bearings when she saw a hand next to her head, "You okay kid?" Diana asked in invitation.

"Peachy," Kara replied grasping the hand coming back to her feet once again. The android wasn't capable of hurting her, but it did have enough strength to toss her around. The fact that it was done where the Amazon could see was a little mortifying.

"Good, because there is more coming," Diana replied as she nodded her head towards a dust cloud of approaching android.

Kara understood that this wasn't going to be an easy mission from the beginning and got into a Kryptonian battle stance ready for the oncoming fight.

Truly she wished they could have done this battle in the daylight, the energy from the Earth's sun would be very welcomed to her currently.

Out of nowhere, Kal appeared. Floating in midair in front of the massive crowd of androids and without warning, lasers shot out of his eyes. The beams cut through the massive force in half with a simple sweep of his gaze.

"Damn, that was impressive. But save some for me!" Dick said through the speakers on the aircrafts. Directly following his words rockets were shot out of the cannons attached to the Bat-jets and pummeled the ground where the second wave had appeared.

Pulling out her bronze sword attached to the backside of her hip, Diana looked at Powergirl and said, "Are we girls going to let the boys have all the fun?"

"Absolutely not!" Kara replied.

Giving out a battle cry the Amazon Queen super jumped toward another wave of Androids. Allowing a smile to play on her lips she followed Diana in a charge towards the island once again.


Terry gave Angela a glance as he smiled lightly. He had been just teasing her about calling the old man 'Grampa Bruce". It sounded so ridiculous! Then he had a terrifying thought… If Bruce was his biological father and Angela was Bruce's granddaughter… She just might be his niece! Shivering at the thought. Terry now had a don't look and definitely don't touch policy on the new Girl-Wonder. Although she was attractive, she might as well be like his sister.

But whether or not Terry was the old man's biological son was a moot point now. He thought dismissing the idea altogether. Now what he was really interested in was if Wayne knew about this fact from the beginning. If he did, was what Question said true or even partially true? He thought he had gotten the name of 'Batman' by his own merits, but could he have been given the title as some… compensation? Terry doubted it, the old man valued the batman name too much to give it away, but he had to be sure. Truthfully, the old man would probably give him his fortune before he let Terry take the name if that were the case.

Suddenly, the walls on either side of Terry and Angela started closing in on them attempting to trap them inside. Had they been discovered or was this a feature of the security system they had missed? Terry considered.

"Slaggit!" Angela's face turned pale at the sight. Quickly joining her hands together two streaks of red light appeared around her pressing the walls apart.

An explosion rocked the surroundings as the stone collided with the red light managing to stop the wall in place for what Terry was sure to be a small window of time. However, the stone walls kept pressing towards them they both knew if they didn't escape soon, they would be Batman and Robin shaped pancakes.

Angela knew she couldn't keep her defense up for much longer and shouted urgently, "I can't handle it much more! We need to get out of here, now!"

Angela dashed forward with Terry following closely behind her.

From the depths of the ancient tomb, Terry could hear the sounds of an intense battle outside. Was the Super-team fighting so close by them or was it just that loud of a battle? Terry briefly wondered.

Using her magic Angela continued to rebuff the force of the hydraulics in the walls and Terry had started to send out a mixture of tar solvent that had somewhat of a slowing effect on them as well, but the more they ran the narrower the space became.

Soon the pair were able to see the end of the hallway and redoubled their effort to escape. Using his rocket boots Terry sprang forward tackling Angela from the back and they tumbled out the other side. They were out of breath but alive.

The sudden sound of chuckling brought the two heroes to their feet and on alert, "I never thought that anyone would actually be able to get this far into my sanctuary other than the Detective himself. You have entered the territory of the 'Demon's Head! Give me a reason not to kill you."

This was bad. They had been discovered and they hadn't even found where they were keeping Bruce!

Cliff hanger! Its my first one I believe. But it had to stop here because although I have a general knowledge of what comes next I still need time to arrange it all in my head. I will get working on it later today. Hopefully I'll have it up for everyone soon.

Lonefrogcreators' thoughts
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