
Bonus Chapter ~Bird Love~ Chapter Twenty Six

{AN: I feel that this chapter needs a warning before the end. This chapter is almost entirely fluff which is almost totally different than my previous chapters. This is why I put 'Bonus Chapter' Because it doesn't have a lot to do with the story. Much like a Easter Egg it has something hidden inside that gives a clue to future events. But if you just want the hint and not the fluff, skip to the end, after it says 'Three weeks later.'}

Twenty-Three Years Prior

Settling in a new world was quite the transition for Dick. Everything and everyone were different and new. Raven was with him every step of the way and although they had shared the initial kiss before she transported them here, it hadn't happened again since. Dick waited all day for the raven-haired girl to come home.

Although he hadn't found his place in this new world yet, Raven didn't seem to have such an issue with finding her own. Inexplicably, Raven or how she was known here 'Princess Roth' had a place in this world and as a royal no less. Therefore, as soon as they arrived, they were cared for as well or in some cases better than he had experienced in Gotham.

Of course, Raven hated the attention and would rather be left alone in her little corner of the world… surrounded by books. Each day he spent in her presence, Dick began to understand how much he truly wanted and needed her in his life. But the longer they stayed in this land the more she seemed to disappear. There was always something pressing and the Royal court needed her to take care of and eventually she was gone more than she was present.

Zenthos had given them a connected suite together at Rachel's request, when they first arrived. After a month of her absence, (except at night time) Dick decided it was time they had a talk. He knew she still had feelings for him but he had been seeing less and less of her in the last few weeks. Dick didn't want to take advantage of those pure feelings and maybe he wanted to give her an 'out' if those feelings had changed since they came to this realm.

When he heard her arrive that night he walked to the adjoining door at the edge of his suite and knocked. After several moments she wasn't going to answer. Feeling agitated, Dick didn't want to leave it the way it was between them. If she changed her mind about him, he needed the closure. Yes, he realized it was selfish, but he still suffered from the betrayal from Bruce and Barbara… he couldn't lose another friend too. So, he needed to know whether to bury these growing feelings he had for his old teammate, or if there was still a chance for them. Either way, he wanted a direct rejection.

Walking through the darkened suite, he started to wonder if he hadn't just been hearing things. About the time she was going to give up and go back to his own suite he spotted her. Raven spent a huge amount of her alone time meditating to keep her emotions in check, it was her curse due to housing the ultimate evil in the red jewel on her forehead. Most nights when she arrived home this was the first thing she did, which was why he thought she wasn't home at first. Tonight, wasn't the same. Tonight, she was leaning on the banister on her balcony.

The moonlight was reflecting on her petite face which seemed to give the small girl glow as if the moonlight only shown on her. Coming to a decision, he walked beside her leaning on the railing. If she was surprised to see him, she didn't let it show on her face.

Tentatively Dick asked in the still night air, "Raven... do you still love me?"

Dick looked at Raven with weary eyes, he had to hear her say the words. His life was habitually in shambles, he just wanted someone to actually still care... maybe be loved.

But Raven didn't want to be somebody's second choice. So naturally, she hesitated before giving him an answer.

She couldn't help asking herself, 'Did he care for her? Or was he just acting like this because he had no one else? If Star suddenly decided she wanted him back, would he go running to her with arms wide open? Then wouldn't she have her heart broken again?

'No... never again,' Raven refused to be used, he might not love her, but she was sure if she told him the truth they would be caught in a cycle, and... In the end, there was too much of a difference between the two of them. Raven realized now what Garfield meant. They would never be together, especially not now. She didn't want to be the person he turned to after the one he actually loved rejected him.

"I'm sorry Dick, but I do not." Raven's voice sounded shaky and uncertain.

The silence that stretched between them was palpable. It was only disrupted when she caught sight of Dick's smirk on his overly handsome face.

His smile couldn't help appear at her words. Dick knew this girl too well and he felt a brief moment of security in that fact, "You're an awful liar."

"It's the truth, Dick," Raven argued getting angry at his dismissal.

"Who are you trying to convince, me, or you?" Dick questioned arching a brow.

Raven looked at Dick, tears began falling down from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. Then his voice became more somber, "You know... I'm the one that actually let you get away."

"No... you can't. After all this time you just can't come to me and act like this! Not now!" Raven yelled, "It's not fair Dick! I don't want your pity, Richard!" she said again in a more pleading tone.

"It's not pity Rachel!" Dick insisted.

"Yes, it is! Is it not enough that I can't have you? Now I have to stand here and take this as well?! What did I do to deserve this, Richard?! What?! All I've ever done was what I could to make you happy! So why on Earth are you doing this to me?!"

"Rachel for God's sake, I'm trying to tell you I love you!" Dick yelled interrupting her tirade.

Raven stopped talking at his words. Her mouth was open halfway as she stared at Dick. "W-what?"

"I... I love you," he whispered meeting her eyes wearily.

Growing angry again, Raven growled, "That's not funny Dick."

"I'm not making a joke, Raven!" He pressed.

"I never said it was funny to me!" She yelled back, "After all this time Dick you can't just suddenly decide you love someone!"

"I didn't!" He denied.

"Bullshit! What? Just because you say so?!" Everything had changed so much for her recently… and when it had reverted back to what she knew her heart truly desired…that it was a bit overwhelming at times. She desperately wished the same had happened for Dick as well but she couldn't quite convince her that such a thing was possible. The multiple years of friendly but platonic affection on Dick's part were too much to overcome despite his recent behavior.

"No! Because I realized you were the only one who cared if I was ever actually happy!" His words made Raven pause. He continued with bated breath, "I... I was so confused. After Kori's marriage, I was so broken I... I decided to look for Barbara, I told her I was in love with her, and we started dating again... But I've had to come realized something. She never truly cared. She... always said there was something wrong with us, but I didn't want to believe her. We argued all the time and, in the end... They broke my heart."

Seemingly more somber at the revelation Rachel decided to give her own in return, "I loved you the moment I saw you, Richard. I... when you and Star decided that you liked each other, it hurt. But I understood. I hated you for it at first, but I then realized it wasn't your fault. So, I hated myself for not being what you needed instead... your sunshine, I guess."

She chuckled at the thought, before she continued, "For just not being her. I realized then, that above anything else, all I wanted was for you to be happy. So, when I found out that you loved her... well there wasn't much I could do."

Beginning to choke on her words, her eyes were beginning to water, and they stood there for what felt like forever.

Dick looked at Raven, "All this time I couldn't see. I've been a fool, such a fool. You loved me, you cared for me. and I didn't believe… I didn't think it was true. I thought it was just a crush. I thought you would get over it, and I thought that once I told you I wasn't interested you… you would just move on.

"Why didn't you move on?" Dick asked his blue eyes meeting hers questioningly, "Why did... Why did you wait for me? There are so many guys out there that would love to be with you."

"Because, I knew that anyone I loved would probably die when my father returned," Rachel gave him a sad smile, "Come on boy blunder, I told you all this before. Keep up." Then something in her eyes grew serious before she spoke again.

"Nobody stayed for me Richard, no one. They always wanted something from me… They either wanted me for my looks, or wanted me to change for them, or just wanted to sleep with me. But you were different. You were the first one who stayed... And when-when I needed you most you were there… you care, even now." Tears flowed down freely as Raven tried to wipe them away.

The confession from the girl he had slowly fallen completely in love with, made the words rip themselves away from his throat. His esophagus attempted to close them inside in a vain attempt stifle them away, "I'm sorry Rae. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you but I want to stay by your side, still… Do you want me?"

Raven walked to the weeping man that in any other situation, could carry the entire world on his shoulders... but not today. Today, he was breaking. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him close. Not caring anymore, not about the past, just him. He needed her, and she needed him right back. Just for this one time, she'd give in, and that was the moment she let her sealed emotions loose.

"Raven…. please, stop crying," Dick begged.

Dick looked into her eyes, and suddenly Raven felt herself lean forward parting her lips.

He caught her lips in his, and their worlds exploded. This was the second kiss they had ever shared and her heart jumped as it began to beat faster. Her body shivered as they felt each and every inch of each other as their arms roamed the other's body. Goosebumps popped up on her arms as what she had wanted for such a long time was finally happening.

Dick felt his lips part as she kissed them with vigor. Every second felt like heaven to her. Raven felt something inside her break open like a dam. The knot that had formed after she decided to let him go, finally broke free. All the pain that had built up inside of her was gradually flowing out with each passionate kiss.

Raven refused to let her heartache break her, not now she couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes anymore. For this moment, she was complete more than she had since she was just a little girl.


Raven awoke from a fevered vision in the middle of the night. She didn't often get them, nor were they a normal part of her active powers. Regardless of whether if the vision came from her father or some other sinister force, she couldn't ignore what she had seen. Because if she did… Both Dick and her unborn child would be erased from existence.

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