
Chapter Twelve

A small sleek black aircraft slipped through the city sky making very little sound, if someone had looked to the sky as the aircraft flew by, they wouldn't have even caught half a shadow. There were very few individuals who had the right to operate aircraft inside the city due to legislation laws and anti-terrorism acts and Bruce Wayne was one of the few people that had that privilege.

Not very many sensors could have detected the ship in the first place, the design was one of the most advanced in the world at the current date. If he hadn't already been a billionaire with thousands of different assets around the globe, he could have built an empire just on his stealth tech for the military long before today.

Bruce's face pensively stared at a datapad as the autopilot took control of the ship's destination. He made no sound, as he reviewed the information slowly.

"So, do you think he's back?" Diana asked dread seeping into her voice as she sat next to Bruce, watching the earth below them from a side window. Diana knew that Clark's disappearance was a shock to the world, it had changed everything in one manner or another. Some things were negative while others were positive and now that Clark might be back... The world was likely to change once more.

"For a month... Apparently. His bank accounts have had recent activity and if these reports are correct… The Kent Farm has been showing signs of being worked once more." Diana's surprise was evident on her beautiful face.

Not just because Clark had come home again after close to thirty years, but also because he hadn't contacted anyone and if they hadn't run into another Kryptonian today who knew how long it would have been before they found this information out. Bruce and Clark had once considered each other closer than brothers, it just didn't make sense that Bruce of all people wouldn't have been on the list of first contacts.

"So..." She paused looking for the words she wanted to say, but the only ones she managed to vocalize were... "What are you going to do?" His face remained stern in the face of her questions,

"Diana you don't understand. This shouldn't be possible. I have monitors set up for anything involving Clark Kent if he so much as went to a restaurant I should have known." His grey eyebrows were furrowed in consternation as he attempted to figure out how the oversight happened.

Diana was on the verge of asking another question when the aircraft shook and shuttered around them.

Reacting quickly, Bruce made his way into the cockpit and started typing a sequence of commands in succession gaining manual control over his aircraft, then steering the ship away from a crash landing. Letting out a sigh of relief, Diana was fast on his hills also operating the system's scanners to pinpointing their enemy.

Previously unnoticed by their craft system, a Black-Raptor jet dropped its stealth as it started firing on their engines. Although, Bruce Wayne was a man that prepared for most eventualities, after gaining is aircraft's control he engaged the force fields covering the remaining engines but the damage had already been done. He hadn't expected his ship had already taken heavy damage from the previous attack and could now only hover. He had sent a request to his system to send another ship, but they were a sitting duck until it arrived

"Speak to me Bruce, who attacks..." Diana's words were cut short as she was tackled by an unknown figure and was sent tumbling in a heap with what appeared to be another woman.

The force was so strong the pair ripped through the ship's hull and out into the empty air on the other side. Bruce only managed to spot the other woman that wore deep green armor with long white hair as they passed through the ship.

"Diana!" Bruce yelled in shock.

As quickly as he could he ran towards the breach in the aircraft only to spot the two beauties engaging in a mid-air battle. They seem to be equally matched for the moment but Bruce had no doubt that Diana would eventually be the victor of their bout.

Glaring at the cane in his hand, he wished for the hundredth time he wasn't in such a state. In his prime, he stood shoulder to shoulder with 'gods among men' now he was reduced to standing on the sidelines. Shaking his head, he started to turn away when… A canister of gas landed at his feet and smoke started billowing around him.

At this moment, if he had been twenty years younger Bruce would have easily avoided the gas from getting into his system... But after being caught off guard initially he found himself unable to keep up with the quicker pace of what was happening.

"You have gotten old, my friend." A feminine voice said from behind him.

Turning around, Bruce found a person he'd never thought he'd see again, "Talia?" He had believed her dead. This woman was the mother of his son Damian, but she had not aged since the last time he had seen her… 'It must have been the Lazarus pit.' He concluded internally. But none of that mattered now, he could only think of one question he needed the answer to at this moment...

"Why are you attacking me?" His voice was just as stern as it always was as he asked, but the only answer he received from her was a smirk on the younger woman's lips.

Feeling a sharp pain on the back of his head, he wished one last time he hadn't lost his impressive skill from twenty years prior. Then the world went dark around him and he knew no more.


"Now, why have you nosy little mice come calling on poor old Granny Goodness?" The elderly woman wasn't pretty, but her visage was domineering and made everyone feel uneasy.

Danny stepped forward putting an arm around Kara's shoulders and spoke confidently, "My chick and I heard Intergang was having trouble with the local clowns, we figured you'd need some help."

Shrugging one shoulder casually he continued, "Sounded like a good gig... Thought we'd join up, but then the Bat caught us before we realized it." Danny finished coming up with a cover quickly.

"Bingo!" Kara had heard the phrase recently she thought it would sound good here, but it made her sound odd instead.

"Right, well allow me to tell you tadpoles how I work." The older woman seemed unconvinced, which wasn't a surprise to Terry, the lie Danny made wasn't thought out very well. The most obvious being, Batman was standing directly next to them speaking in a seemingly friendly tone and even if Granny hadn't already heard their exchange, she wouldn't have trusted them this easily, it just wasn't in her to do such a stupid thing.

"You see, I seek out the lost little lambs that society has cruelly abandoned. I take them lovingly under my wings give them the power to face the cold, heartless world and kick its butt!" The younger street kids heard her words and while some just rolled their eyes, others looked at her with pride and loyalty.

Terry knew this wasn't good, the old man wasn't responding anymore and he had two teenagers that were in the thick of it with him.

"We're in!" Kara said cheerfully.

"But you hardly seem the type?!" The older woman said in mock surprise before continuing again, "So bright-eyed and soft-skinned. Life has not scarred you as it has my other goslings…" Putting a gnarly finger to her chin as she pretended to be thinking. "Still, we can remedy that." She said with a wicked grin.

"All right, I've seen enough," Terry said interrupting the progress of the night so far. With each word that came from the old woman's mouth, the kids were starting to surround them. One look at their faces told Terry everything he needed to know about the situation around him... it wasn't good.

"You're called, Granny correct?" Terry asked as calm as ever. He'd heard about a local gang boss calling herself 'Granny' of all things. He never expected this person to be an actual old grandmother.

"Indeed child, you on the other hand... I see that you have seen this world's bad side… If you wanted to join my little band of lost lambs, I think we could find a place for you." Granny said with a tone of tempting in her voice.

"Hard pass," Terry said simply as he produced three-round dark orbs from his belt. Casually throwing them at the approaching youths, everyone just watched as ropes burst out of them wrapping several of them at a time. Banking on the distraction, he tossed down a couple of smoke grenades at his feet, the smoke shot out covering their position immediately.

Attempting to guide Kara and Danny to the roof's edge where the latter was located Terry heard the old woman's voice yell out in rage, "Children, defend your granny's honor!"

A portal burst open behind her illuminating the rooftop briefly, the trio spotted two women as they jumped through the swirling portal appearing almost instantly.

Girls, this ninny-noodle want to play rough. Make their last moments... special. Stompa, Mad Harriet... Tear these intruders apart!

"Run, Danny!" Kara yelled pushing him quickly towards the rooftop latter.

Danny didn't seem too hesitant, but what confused both Danny and Terry was Kara seemed to stay behind getting into a fighting stance. Terry didn't want to pay too close attention if he noticed that she was in trouble he'd have to grab her and get them to safety quickly, but if he could take down 'Granny' and Intergang's operation it would be best.

"Poor baby." A silver armored woman said as she charged at Kara. Her voice was dripping with false sympathy but changed to a roar when she said the next words, "Let me kiss it and make it... worse!"

Reaching to her side she pulled out a glittering sword and thrust its glittering blade towards the blonde. Kara swiftly dodged the blade and kicked Mad Harriet off the side of a building. "Hands off, gruesome." She said but as she started to turn away she was struck in the back with lightning.

"Pity we have to kill the little dumpling. She'd be perfect for my Female Furies. After a little brain surgery." Granny said as she watched the blonde drop to her knees.

"Nice teamwork, Granny," Stompa said standing beside the older woman.

"Don't just stand there, you ninny doodle.

Finish her!" Granny yelled at the six-foot lady clad in red.

Nodding her head, Stompa rushed towards Kara which was still attempting to get back up. With each step the building shook under her feet, the only reason Kara wasn't a smear on the building top was that Stompa was slow.

Just as Kara was just about to be stomped through the building a voice caught her attention, "Hey! I can't let you do that!"

Two fists plowed into the large woman sending her off course and through the wall of a different building.

"T thank you." Kara gasped towards the young hero.

Terry nodded but suddenly dodged three quick sword strikes from Mad Harriet.

"Yes! Dance, monkey-boy, dance! Show a little more spirit! The master awaits you!"

"Hang on," Kara said as she started towards the blade-wielding woman only to catch a boot to the back from Stompa.

Kara landed face-first into the concrete floor unmoving, quickly the woman dressed in red true to her name stomped on Kara's head grinding the blonde as deeply as possible.

"If you survive you all will kneel before Lord Darkseid and you will beg for your life before your new master."

Seeing that Kara was down by the massive woman, Terry had become distracted for a moment and Mad Harriet managed to strike him on the side. Grunting from the pain, Terry shot three Bat-a-range at the massive woman, then retreated away from the sword-wielding woman to the blonde's side.

Seeing Kara in this state he immediately regretted not making her leave with Danny earlier. Shaking his head he reached down to check her pulse hoping she was still alive when...


Diana had been caught off guard and the attack by the woman dressed in green had managed to get past her defenses. Lashina used her bare hands to rip through the aircraft and tackle the most pressing threat on the ship, but Diana wasn't a pushover either.

Diana's numerous years of battle had kicked in and after almost tearing apart Bruce's ship they found themselves in the air battling each other.

Lashina growled, "How would you like to dance princess!" She said as her sharp claws shown in the dim light of the night. This so-called 'Wonder Woman' was nothing but a pretty little girl pretending to be a hero, she was going to slice that pretty face into pieces.

"Why are you attacking us?!" Diana demanded.

Lashina smirked, "Just a favor for a friend." She said cryptically. "Now are we going to fight or are you just going to talk all day?"

Without delay, Lashina swiftly flew at her sending out attacks Diana could only block with the wristbands. Noticing someone from the dark raptor aircraft had boarded Bruce's ship, she knew she needed to get back there now. Bruce wasn't as fit as they used to be and she didn't want anything to happen to him. But the more she tried to get back to the aircraft the more Lasheena blocked her way.

Beginning to get frustrated, Diana parried two strikes then sent a ferocious kicked towards the wild woman's jaw, blood flew out from her mouth in a graphic spray. Seeing her chance, Diana moved towards the ship as quickly as possible, but Lashina wasn't going to let that happen. The pain that Diana had inflicted on her had put the woman in a green into a frenzy attacking Diana in any way possible.

Diana decided to get serious when she heard the sound of a large explosion from the direction of Bruce's ship. As she turned around she saw in shock and horror Bruce's ship going down in flames before her eyes. She was too late!

Ok things have been crazy lately, I've had a death in the family and unfortunately pretty much everything had to be dropped. So I will try to get back into the groove of things with this chapter.

Lonefrogcreators' thoughts
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