
Chapter Ten:

After the first day going throughout all Metropolis game rooms and arcades, they had no luck finding which location that specific game coin type and which place it had come from. According to Danny, each arcade had custom coins, but only about fifty used coins instead of creds.

The type of game-coin Danny had was is used in 'Throw-back arcades' which is a type of game room that was once used thirty years ago. Apparently, Throw-back arcades became popular recently but due to the games being less advanced as the current technology and gaming systems are losing fad status quickly.

Fortunately, Clark didn't really mind Kara hanging around Danny. In fact, he was very happy about her getting along with him. He wasn't aware of what the two were investigating Intergang's hideout and she planned on leaving that part out as well.

Kara rationalized omitting this fact by telling herself, 'What Clark doesn't know, won't hurt him.' She felt a slight amount of guilt after each trip with Danny, but she still felt the need to help any way she could. Kara still didn't understand why Clark wouldn't allow her to get out in the world and help people. She had lived five years in absolute helplessness, knowing that people... her own people were suffering and dying. If she had the same abilities, she had now back then. Her people wouldn't be nearly extinct.

Here in this world people were still suffering and were in desperate situations and she could stop it, in some cases give people a complete reverse of their current situation. But Clark only tells her, 'You're not ready yet, Kara.' or 'You need to get used to this planet before you can save anyone.' She just didn't get it!

Which is why she was currently so excited to meet up with Danny today. They had narrowed the possible arcades from fifty down to five. If Danny's theory of the arcade coin holds true, then she might be able to do some good by taking them down today. It wasn't much but the earth didn't currently have any swarms of space aliens' threatening its populous at large.

The sound of footsteps brought her attention to the approaching Danny. They were supposed to meet at the edge of Metropolis and Gotham, it was a run-down section of both cities that only certain types of people reside. Sometime in the last millennia, the two prosperous cities merged borders, but when these two cities lost their protectors the edges of both cities were quickly eaten away by the cancer of crime.

Although the authorities attempted to save what they could, without the heroes of old they could only make sure the cancerous didn't find its way to the heart of their city. Metropolis had done a better job due to the inspiring figure that had once protected the city. While Gotham had always had more corrupt politicians in high positions, the eventual solutions were to build above old Gotham. Creating a Neo-Gotham that stood above the shadow of its former dilapidated counterpart.

Neo-Gotham was designed to be a city without crime; a luminous city with a "psycho conscious" design. Due to the natural luminescence of the buildings, Neo-Gotham would eliminate shadows both night and day where crime would proliferate. The only problem was they literally swept the dark part of their city under the rug. This 'design' was just another failed attempt to separate themselves from wrong and the only thing that was achieved in the end was making evil a home.

"Hey, Kara," Danny said with his hands in his pockets. Kara could tell Danny was nervous about going into this side of town, but Kara also knew she could handle whatever thug this place threw at her and Danny.

Giving him a reassuring smile she waved lightly, "So, are you ready for this?"

Nodding Danny gave her a serious expression, "Kara, maybe you shouldn't come..."

Unwilling to let him say anything further she shook her head, "No, I'm part of this. I need to see this through." Kara said firmly.

His eyes narrowed and met hers without flinching, "Why?"

Sighing Kara pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head, "Danny, you're my friend but it's hard to tell you my reasons. Suffice to say, I may look like a happy little girl to you, but I have seen things that would break most people. If we can get something tonight that saves people from similar situations to what I've experienced in the past... I feel that is what I need to do. Now, I can do this with you or without. I'd like to have you with me."

Seeing the fierceness in Kara's eyes Danny backed down instantly. He wasn't a pushover by any means, but he felt he could understand a little of what Kara was saying. His plan was simply to find their hideout, not to be a hero. So, bringing Kara with him didn't seem like that much a problem.

Nodding his head in response he said, "Alright, but don't do anything stupid. I'd had to tell my father and uncle I've got you in trouble with a notorious gang."

Smirking at his comment she followed behind him. The week she had spent investigating this gang she had done her research on them. They were horrible; they had been around since Clark was younger and had caused no end of trouble for his alter-ego Superman.

Clark had spent years taking down the original leader Moxie and his second in command known only as 'Ugly'. Finally, Clark put the last one in prison with enough evidence to make sure he never saw the light of day, or so it seemed at the time. When Clark went missing several years later, Moxie appealed the court's decision due to a 'supposed' corrupted piece of evidence, that was when the State called Clark's alter-ego Superman in as a witness. Clark of course, couldn't show up and all charges were dismissed and Moxie and several of his lackeys were released.


Taking a hover bus to the first arcade named 'Haze Games' Kara and Danny felt that the atmosphere had seemed dangerous.

Danny spoke first, "Kara, we are on the edge of Old Gotham. This place isn't somewhere to mess around. Stay close and if anything happens, let me handle it."

Kara noted the hesitation in his voice but smiled at him anyway. She had gotten to know him a little and he was a nice guy, but he wasn't a fighter. She had started to consider him a friend, so she didn't really mind him posturing even if he didn't have much to back up the statement.

Over the past week, Kara had seen many different arcades in different shapes and sizes, many had classic games you have to use plastic copies of weapons, some seemed to be similar to sports with about six orange balls and a few had more advanced games such as VR adventures.

'Haze Games' seemed to be the worst one yet, most of the stations were broken and there were hardly any actual customers inside the store. But the tokens matched.

"So, what does this mean?" Kara asked.

"It means that we need to pay attention to the customers and see if we can spot anything suspicious," Danny replied eyeing a few that had just walked in.

Kara was unconvinced. The fact was on this side of town there were probably many which fit the profile of the people they were searching for and if they followed all of them... Who knows how long they would be here?

Scanning the area with her X-ray vision Kara noticed many with guns and weapons on them, as she thought this wasn't going to be as easy as they had originally guessed. As she scanned the people around her with weapons, she noticed two that had matching tattoos on their arms.

At first, she didn't think too much about the symbol on their forearms, but then she remembered something very important about that particular symbol. It wasn't just a random tattoo this was the symbol of someone her race deemed to be a massive threat... the symbol of Darkseid!

If this is really his symbol then this isn't something she could actually handle on her own! She had to get Clark now!

"Hey Danny, let's get out of here for the day. We found the place; we can probably give this information to Jimmy and..."

"No." Danny shook his head vehemently, "If I give this information to my father then he will give it to a seasoned reporter and I will only get a mention in the byline as a source. I finally have a chance. I won't give it up!"

Sighing again Kara found herself in a dilemma. On one hand, it could be potentially dangerous, on the other she might miss the opportunity to help people. Kara doubted very much these people knew they were working for a Warlord slash slaver of planets. But it was still a huge risk to both of them and how was she supposed to explain that these guys were bad news if she couldn't tell him how she knew?

"Look!" Danny said pointing at the pair of teenagers that she spotted the tattoo earlier, "They have the same weapons that were recorded at the Star Labs robbery. That's got to be them!"

'Dammit!' There was no turning back now! She had to follow this through and maybe save him if things get out of control.

As she was debating whether or not to grab Danny and fly out of there, he had already started following behind the two.

Shaking her head in dismay she followed behind him out into the dark streets. Keeping far enough away from the pair to make it seem like they weren't actually following them, Danny and Kara made their way through the dark streets in silence.

Losing sight of their target for a brief moment they manage to spot the duo enter what appeared to be a garage, it had been disguised as the side of a building that lined the dank walls.

"Did you see how they opened that door?" Danny asked the blonde as they approached the wall.

"I think so..." Kara started to say but was interrupted by loud laughter.

"Good, then you can tell us! HA HA HA!" A voice said from behind them. Kara had no clue how they had gotten behind them, but she attempted not to show the surprise on their face.

There were several of them, all dressed as different types of clowns.

Kara was confused for a few moments as the group surrounded them, but Danny's nervousness and attempt to put Kara behind him clued her into who these people were in front of her. Clenching her fists, Kara was about to punch the largest one when a black blur landed behind two in the back and quickly started taking them out systematically.

Releasing the force in her fists she decided to watch as the person taking out the last three Jokerz that were still standing. His graceful kicks and lethal moves made Kara admire the acrobatics of the man in the suit and she couldn't help wanting to know more about this person. What made him come and fight crime?

She understood why she wanted to live this life because each time she closed her eyes the burning world of Argo replayed itself over and over again. But why would such a person?

As the last Joker fell, he slowly approached them, "Are you guys alright?"

He was wearing a black skin-tight outfit with long pointy ears, his face was completely covered but some of his features seemed to appear allowing facial expressions to show through.

"B b b Batman?!" Danny said in wonder.

Batman didn't show any response to Danny's question but she could feel his eyes on her for a moment before he spoke once again, "What are you guys doing down here? If you are trying to get drugs there are better places topside… Not that I'm okay with that, it's just this place is full of gangs and…"

"No, we are following a lead on a story," Kara said interrupting him. He had a nice body, but she didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

Furrowing his brows, he asked, "You guys are reporters?"

"I… I am interning at the Daily Planet… We are investigating Intergang and… When we thought we found Intergang's hideout the Jokerz found us." Kara noticed that Danny seemed to regain his confidence the more he spoke, but she wasn't really paying attention to their conversation. Kara's eyes were glued on the mask of the man in front of her or rather on his face.

Completely surprised after she used her X-ray vision to see through the man's mask but what she saw nearly made her mouth hanging open. The so-called 'Batman' that stood in front of her wasn't much older than herself!

He wasn't Batman he was Bat-boy!

Sorry it took so long to get this out I had to edit it myself so I had to find some time to resolve some issues.

Lonefrogcreators' thoughts
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