
Chapter Eight:

Terry was feeling on edge. Mr. Wayne insisted that he went on patrol through Neo-Gotham that night, which had caused yet another fight with Dana. She wasn't wrong to be angry since he canceled another date for the third time that week. But It also didn't really help his bad mood either when the old man and Commissioner Gordon chewed him a new one when trying to protest.

Still, Terry knew that the 'old people' in is life was right; the city came first. He had thought of telling Dana he was Batman many times and he'd guessed she would probably understand, but he didn't want to put that burden on her. Maybe that decision was selfish, but the old man said something that seemed to stick with him. "The one problem with having dual identities, are the dual responsibilities."

Maybe Dana would have a better life without him, he didn't really know, but it would at the very least be easier for Terry. It might just be self-destruction on his part, but he left the fight hanging between them today and that action was spoiling in his stomach.

Hopping from rooftop to rooftop, Terry flew through the city at speeds he wouldn't have dreamed about previously. Maybe it was the suit, or it could be the untapped potential he felt slowly unlocking inside of him since he jumped off that bridge four months prior. He hadn't heard any more voices inside his head and he hadn't been able to fly or windsurf like he had that day… but something was happening to his body since that day. His speed, strength, and even his aim had increased to the same level he would have only while using the suit's features. He was sure that he no longer needed the suit for these skills anymore because he had tested himself when he was Terry McGinnis and not the Dark Knight.

He was some kind of Meta-Human, not at the same level as Superman or one of the other JL's back in Bruce's day, but he was strong and fast. He had tried to keep it a secret from Wayne, but it hadn't been a day before he had already caught on. Though it didn't seem to bother him much, he actually had gotten Terry to train with Diana a little. Yeah, the Princess of the Amazons had started to train him directly. He suspected that she would have been a hardened instructor, but she acted more like a mother than a drill Sargent.

But Bruce, on the other hand, had decided he'd increase his training and field activity which was why he was now searching for any suspicious activity in an unused part of Gotham... well unused by normal people that is.

"Terry keep your eyes open. One common attribute of criminals is that they are cowardly selfish creatures. They prey on the weak and they fear the strong." Wayne said through thee commlink in his helmet.

Honestly, he appreciated the coaching from the old man, but Terry was sure that if Bruce didn't have a heart condition, he'd be wearing a suit with a bird emblem instead of the bat and he wasn't going to be Robin… Ever.

Given how this part of Gotham was mostly uninhabited, he was almost positive he would be fighting only a certain type of criminal tonight. The sudden laughter broke through the city streets confirming his instincts were correct in his assumption.

Engaging the cloaking feature on his suit, he edged his way to the side of the building he was standing on. Then he spotted a group of Jokerz crowding around two people who weren't wearing Joker attire. Terry guessed they either were a part of an initiation or had wandered down the wrong alleyway.

Two months prior, Terry might have made a snappy 'one-liner' then engaged the idiots directly but Wayne was teaching him strategy. Though it wasn't his strong suit Terry was learning without Wayne having to point out how to approach each interaction with the underworld.

Bruce sat in his large backed chair in the Batcave at the computer he recently had upgraded with more advanced technology. It was a necessary inconvenience, Bruce hadn't put too much time into making his equipment 'Top-of-the-line, but he wouldn't put Terry's life at risk because someone outpaced him in tech. It hadn't been hard since he would still periodically update every few years but it still took time to update.

Bruce watched Terry's approach the... 'Jokerz. Such a stupid name'. He thought grimly he would never understand why such a monster could ever be idealized. Terry had good instincts; Bruce had realized he might even be one of the best he had ever taught.

Dick had given up the mask unable to run the distance after the incident with Barbara and Tim... at least he had gotten better eventually. Terry was different Bruce had hope for this young Batman, maybe someone would take on his legacy after all.

Terry kicked off the building, using his invisibility feature and the shadows to hide his presence, taking out two Jokerz before anyone noticed his movements. Once they had, a few of the clowns shrieked in terror and quickly drew away from the group as a whole getting ready to run.

"What was that?!" One that resembled a mime shouted out, fear creeping in his voice.

"Laughing. Why aren't you laughing anymore?" Terry's deep guttural voice asked the thugs.

Terry couldn't help the smirk that played on his lips as the dread made its way onto the clown's faces. It was a trick that Mr. Wayne had taught him when instilling fear into his adversaries. People fear what they cannot see. When in that fear-like state, they will make mistakes and will sometimes make it easier to take down. Wayne told him this method only works on the sane, not the insane.

Terry guessed that this was something he learned by experience, but these Jokerz were not insane no matter how much they pretended. They were just run of the mill thugs.

Terry quickly downed each thug one by one with simple punches and kicks, they didn't require much more than that. After a few well-placed Bat-a-range. The only people remaining were a blonde girl and a red-headed boy with freckles. Terry stalked closer to them, and although Terry was intimidating, only the redhead seemed to cower, while the blonde looked at him curiously.

"Are you guys alright?" Terry asked out of concern.


~One Month Prior~

It had been twenty years since Clark had been back to earth. After losing Lois to complications with her heart he didn't have the drive to be the man he had always been. It was one of the reasons that he had made the plans to search for his original solar system. After all the ups and downs of the journey, he had finally found a survivor and as it turned out… they were related.

Or at least he thought they might be. She hadn't said much. He had brought her back to his family's farm in Kansas hoping to give her some time to adjust. If that didn't work then he'd have to pull out a few favors.

It had been a while since he had seen the man he thought of as a brother. It was a happy surprise when he found out Bruce was still alive, in spite of Bruce's alter ego's reputation he had never really been one for social interaction. But it had been over twenty years, and Clark missed his friend.


Kara was still trying to adjust to the new environment, she had been saved... but where the hell was, she now? The guy Clark if she remembered correctly, was nice enough. She still didn't know him though, he seemed sad and a little lonely. Surely, it'll take some more time for her to adjust, but she did like the effect this world had on her body.

She had always dreamed of flying, but being trapped in a world that was slowly dying while everybody around you starves to death... It wasn't uncommon for dreams like that to be rare. Now, it was possible she could really fly!

Clark didn't really approve of her showing her active powers, but she couldn't help herself most days. As she soared through the air, she felt freer than she had in the last five years of her life.

Kara's body hovered over a clear glass pond, looking down at herself and smiled. She was wearing overall shorts with a white T-shirt, her feet were bare, because who needs shoes when you could fly. Soaring back up into the air she found them flock of birds that scattered when she got near... The birds seemed genuinely surprised which made her laughed.

Gliding along with the skies once more, she ran directly into an obstruction. Slowly looking up, she peered into the stern face of her new guardian, Clark Kent.

"Hey! that's enough of that Kara." Clark said sternly.

"I'm sorry Clark, it's great staying here... but I feel so cooped up." She complained.

"I understand, I really do. But flying isn't really a normal thing to do around here. If someone had seen you..." Clark started to say.

Smiling lightly, Kara looked up at the tall man that stood in front of her and said, "Clark, back on Argo... I always dreamt about rescuing my mother and saving my friends, but I was never able to do so. But now I have powers." She paused and looking up at him pleadingly she asked: "Will you train me to do what you used to?"

Proudly Clark look down at his... cousin? In a soothing tone Clark advised, "Kara, you need to adjust to life here more. I have no doubt that one day, you'll be a great hero but there is more to life than just saving people in distress. I want you to experience some of that."

Patting her head, he smiled down at her and finished with, "Just... be patient."

Guiding her back into the old farmhouse Clark put his hand on her shoulder companionably, "Tomorrow will be going back to my old stomping grounds, Metropolis. I have a few old friends that I'd like to visit and I'd like for you to meet them." Clark smiled at the memories.

Kara sighed; she was feeling a little antsy. she just wanted to live a little, was that too much to ask? She wondered.


Walking through the bustling streets of downtown Metropolis Kara could barely believe her eyes. Being honest she had seen very little of this world and she was a little surprised that it wasn't all farmlands. It was a little funny now that she thought about it, but it was a pleasant surprise none the less.

Twenty years ago, Clark knew the world not to be overly advance compared to his knowledge of Kryptonian technology. Taking a hovercraft to the city now took less than an hour, yet it was twice the time by land traveling vehicles. He could hardly wrap his head around the idea. Sure, he could fly the distance faster than most earthlings could blink but the advancements his adoptive world has made in his absence had astounded him.

Kara was looking around in wonder at the world she found herself on. It wasn't like she had never seen anything like this in the past, because she had lived in a much more prosperous world on Argo. But that was also before she was twelve years old and she was just a child when she had last seen such a place. Now, she was standing in an energy-efficient clean city, no sign of disaster! She wasn't even sure how to feel about this.

It made her so excited she barely could contain herself. She wasn't a child but for once in the last five years of her life, she felt like one. In her excitement, Kara nearly was hit by a passing hover bus without realizing it. Luckily, Clark quickly hulled her back before her abilities were able to be exposed.

Shaking his head at her antics, Clark pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation, "I know this is new to you but pay attention. Blending in is a necessary par..." Clark paused when he spotted a news report on violence increasing between about a few gangs called 'Intergang and the Jokerz'. It didn't make much sense to her, but she knew by the look on Clark's face this was surprising and frustrating at the same time to Clark.

"Keep up Kara, we need to see Jimmy before it gets too late." She didn't know why they had to take hover transportation since they both were able to fly. If they hadn't taken such a slow way here, then they would have had plenty of time, but no. Clark had to act normal, even if he was the furthest thing from normal on this planet.

Nodding in response, she decided not to fight that battle. He had been so adamant about the entire idea… She guessed he would have just dug his hills in and refused to let go of the notion. It was something she could tell just by how her own parents acted, he reminded her of them a little. Especially, her father… there was something about him that was so similar.

Making their way through the crowd the approached a tall building with a globe with words she couldn't make out before they entered into the main doors.

In spite of the world around this building changing, with even the types of media it produced revolutionized in the last thirty years, it was still a bustling and hectic place to see. But in Clark's view, it was his second home, yet it was only missing one thing. A bossy loudmouth reporter. Taking a deep breath then let it out slowly Clark tried not thing too long on the past, entering the main lift he hit the button for the top floor and then the road the remaining way up in silence.


Jimmy Olson was a busy man, he had seen and done more things in this city than most would do or see. His first fifteen years at this place was one he would never forget, but as time went by the young and energetic boy that ran errands disappeared. In his place was a much older, confident, and larger man with only a small resemblance of the man he used to be.

A knock on the door brought him out of his thought process and he all but barked at the door, "Is it newsworthy? Because if it is about a web page that's down... Then I don't want to hear about it!"

Opening the door lightly Clark stepped inside. His overly large frames, salt and pepper hair made him look distinguished in the fluorescent lighting of the older office. With a smile, he replied to his buddy, "Maybe not newsworthy, but just might be a welcomed surprise?"

I wanted to write more and get to the next part of the story but it was running long. I'll update soon. I feel like its only half done, but life takes priority unfortunately.

Lonefrogcreators' thoughts
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