
12[Princess leave this empress be!]

Cielo sighed, "Yay, let's go Chen Chen to the garden!"

Cielo and Chen ran to the garden as the princess stood there confused as ever.

"Princess it is typically known since the empress lost his memories he's more playful but still does his job even when he doesn't want to. I mean he's the empress if he wanted to he could have thrown you in the cold palace. But he didn't he made you Princess a playmate for his brother comes back from Ni." Aki explained "That's a big deal, like a real big deal. But anyways I have an empress to attend to, so if you excuse me, princess."

She froze, then spoke, "Your majesty, if I may ask how long has the empress been like this?"

"Hmm, quite awhile I would say, but if you would like to play with them I'll grant it, after all, you've got a special title your playing with my brother in law when he gets back, for warning sakes you should probably wear..less fancy clothes when you're with him," Yuki spoke.

The princess excused her self and followed the empress to his palace. She looked to see the empress standing there while the imperial nephew was bleeding.

"Chen Chen stays still I have to tie the cloth to stop the bleeding," Cielo spoke.

"Auntie, it's to thin you have to get a thicker cloth," Chen replied.

"Aki, got get thicker cloth from them a people at the cloth section of the palace," Cielo replied.

"Yes, Empress," Aki replied.

The princess was confused why was no one helping the empress?

"Ah Princess, this is a typical thing and the empress refuses are help and knows how to do this kind of stuff so we let it happen." A servant explained.

"Hey Auntie, I think that's the princess you were talking to earlier, maybe she got lost." Chen replied, "Princess your palace is far from here have that servant show you where it is!!"

She ran over to them, "Greetings to the empress, imperial nephew."

"Ah, rise and you don't have to greet me, You're my brother's playmate, you'll have a good spot here in this place." Cielo replied, "Oh Aki thank goodness your back I can't have this be the sixth pair this week I ruin."

"Empress, his majesty did say you could only have ten outfits ruined per week. No more no less." Aki replied "Oh greetings Princess."

She froze she never knew that the servant who serves the empress is so..cold.

"Well, it isn't the empress, and my lovely wife too," Kai spoke.

"Kai, Shush! We're in front of the princess. Why have you come over, your not supposed to till later." Aki replied.

"Aki and Kai, are like auntie and uncle, except Aki like a brick sometimes then when Kai's around he's all glowing. But see uncle just try's his best for auntie to love him but always goes crazy." Chen replied.

"Eh? Do you think them two over there is like me and my lazy husband? Chen Chen, maybe you've eaten enough candy for one day." Cielo replied.

The princess froze, the empress just called his majesty a lazy husband? Eh!!

"Auntie it's not wrong, come on yesterday he wanted to ask you for dinner but he never got the chance cause of all those mistresses, not that uncle's got due to grandma!" Chen Shouted.

"Her highness, Empress dowager has arrived!" Shouted a servant.

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