
I know

"I will." With that said, Wang Ling left smiled. It had been a while since he saw someone who cares for others like that other from his family. Sun Yuwen, a mother who wishes for his daughter's happiness even if it is at the cost of her own life.

With that smile came sadness at her words, "I will take care of her, and in return please be strong." He added with a lonesome smile that caught Sun Yuwen's attention. The melancholic gaze he always possesses surfaced.

"What is wrong, child?" Sun Yuwen asked.

"I am just remembering something. Sister Renhuo and Mistress Sun Yuwen, may I ask you to come to visit me at the Red God Manor where my family resides. I wish to reciprocate the goodwill you have shown me today."

Wang Ling extended his hands to offer and invite which the mother and daughter pair accepted wholeheartedly. They separated from each other and decided to meet at the Red God Manor once dusks settle.

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