
Two goals

With Wang Yue in hand. Wang Ling flew off and went to the house he had rented for in the outer circle.

With his speed, it only took a short while for him to find his way back to the house. Entering the house, Wang Ling and Wang Yue was greeted by an elven lady.

"Is the fights finish already, First Young Master?" Aiane bowed towards Wang Ling.

Wang Yue was surprised to see another person inside Wang Ling's house. She turned to her brother, requesting an answer.

Wang Ling did not hear any words coming from Wang Yue, but for some reason, he could hear her inquiring tone of voice. Wang Ling just shrugged his shoulders and didn't give her an answer.

Turning to Aiane, Wang Ling spoke, "I'll be leaving, while I am away, train in this technique, if you manage to practice it all the way to consummation before I return which should be in a month or two, I'll recommend you to the Main House and have you join the Shadow Pavilion."

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