
Strongest in the Forest

Deciding that it would be too troublesome to deal with the Acromantula Colony Ron walked back to Hagrid's Hut. Every now and then he would cast the Homenum Revelio in case either Snape or Hagrid were nearby.

"* Are they really even searching for me? I'd of thought that if he wanted to, Snape could've found me by now... Huh?*"

Passing by some shrubbery Ron inexplicably stepped on something.

"* This better not be what I think it is... *"

Looking down he was glad that it wasn't, but was surprised by what he found. A few splodges of white liquid were dirtying his shoes. Knowing exactly what it was Ron's sly grin grew exponentially as he drew Longinus.

"* Abscondam. Aspectu Deflectere.*"

With both his presence and figure hidden Ron headed deeper and deeper into the forest. The longer Ron followed the bloody path, the more blood he would find. He continued until a large clearing came into his view.

"* There!*"

Crouching down near a giant oak and using it's roots as cover, Ron was able to get a perfect view of the clearing. A large white stead completely covered in it's bright blood layed motionless.

"* There's the Unicorn! So where's Quirrell!?*"

His question was instantly answered in the next moment when a shadow crawled out from the dark forest. The thing quickly made it's way towards the dead Unicorn where it began to seemingly drink its blood. 

"* Hahahaha! Really, to think that the o' so powerful Dark Lord Voldemort would be subjected to such lows. I wonder how the Wizarding World would react to seeing the Wizard they feared for so long like this. It's truly pathetic... Oh well, no point in letting him waste the blood.*"

Without any warning Ron raised Longinus and aimed at the drinking figure.

"* Expulso Maximum!*"

A shining blue light came from Longinus before an ear piercing explosion erupted. The shadowy figure noticed the flash of blue light but was unable to move out of the way in time.


Not surprising to Ron, when the explosion caused by Expulso died down the figure still stood.

"* So you were able to cast a shield spell... Then how about another!? Expulso Maximum!*"

Not willing to let it counter in any way possible, Ron fired another Expulso. Again it was met with a shield spell but it shattered after the initial blast.

Seemingly afraid to receive another blast, the shadowy figure let out a sort of growl before retreating.

"* Those two large explosions most likely have already alerted Snape, Hagrid and probably the Centaurs too. I should get as much Unicorn Blood as possible!*"


A few minutes later a centaur galloped through the clearing before stopping when he saw the Unicorn Corpse. Compared to the two Centaurs he'd met before this one looked younger.

As the newly arrived Centaur was about to further inspect the corpse he noticed something laying near a tree.

"Are you all right?"

" Eh, somewhat... Are you with Ronan and Bane?"

" Ronan and Bane? Yes, we're from the same Clan, I'm Firenze, but are you sure you're okay?"

Although Ron was slumped over Firenze could see that he was visibly hurt and was bleeding. Concerned for the young boy the Centaur went over and lowered himself in an attempt to check up on Ron. Who wasn't able to answer as he layed on the ground clenching his side which was bleeding.

" You're bleeding! Let me-"

The sound of incoming hooves interrupted Firenze's line of thought. When the galloping ended Ronan and Bane stood behind Firenze so they hadn't noticed the hurt Ron.

" Firenze!"

" I told you not to separate from us!"

" Did you see it?"

Turning around a gap between Firenze and Ron was created allowing the two older Centaurs to take notice. At first Bane was annoyed but didn't say anything, Ronan was surprised and quickly went over.

" Ronald, what happened? What did you see...?"

Still feeling a bit groggy from blood loss Ron found talking too taxing. Yet he seemingly forced himself to utter three words.

" A monster... A Shadow Monster."

" A Shadow Mons-"

" Ron!"

From the side of the clearing came through the Giant Groundskeeper and his brooding Professor. The Centaurs were calm at first atbthe sight of Hagrid but became wary of Snape. Hagrid went over and picked up the bloody Ron before finally acknowledging the trio of Centaurs.

" Ronan, Bane, Firenze wha' happenn'?

" Good evening to you, Hagrid, We came after hearing the loud explosions. Which is when we found Ronald along with that... "

Looking at the direction Ronan had nudged to, Hagrid saw the white stead lying motionlessly. When Snape saw the bloody corpse his expression became grave and told Hagrid to lead them out.

" Hagrid, the Headmaster should hear about this at once. Also the student should receive medical help."

" Eh, yer righ' Professor. We'll be off, then."

Carrying Ron in his arms Hagrid walked behind Snape as they left the clearing. As they left the Trio of Centaurs began to discuss.

" What did you tell him, Firenze!?"

" Nothing, I barely spoke to him for a few brief sentences when you two arrived."

" Remember, Firenze, we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens. Have we not read what is to come in the movements of the planets?"

" Bane, I doubt Firenze is lying so I think it would be for the best if we-"

" For the best!? Centaurs are concerned with what has been foretold! Or have you two forgotten!? We shouldn't be interacting with... Wizards!"

" Do you not see that Unicorn? Do you not understand why it was killed? Or have the planets not let you in on that secret? I set myself against that monster lurking in this forest, Bane, yes, with Wizards alongside me if I must."

With that being said Firenze whisked around, before plunging off into the trees, leaving Ronan and Bane behind them.

1/2 Bonus Chapter.

Prize for Winning Week#1.


*Bonus Chapters Are Released Friday Through Sunday.*

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