

Derek's taken back by her suggestion. He glances at himself, then at Page before looking back to Ada.

"...No," He replies sternly, "That, can't be what he planned to do," Glancing back at Page, he notices the radio on her belt. He walks over and cautiously takes the radio off her belt as if it might wake her, "Jacob, you there?" He asks into the radio, "Jacob!" Some time passes by, and no response.

Derek stands there, staring at the radio, hoping for a response.

"Derek come on," Ada says as she places a hand on his shoulder, "We don't have-"

"Warning, power plant in critical condition. Fifteen minutes until meltdown. All personnel evacuate the facility immediately,"

"Time…Jacob, you better know what you're doing…" Ada mutters as she looks up at the ceiling where the automated voice came from, "Maybe there's a map of the place in here," She states as she walks over to the computer, a timer in the upper right corner displaying a timer till the meltdown, "We need to find a lab…" She mutters as she starts typing away.

"Derek, you there?!" Jacob's voice suddenly exclaims from the radio.

"Jacob, everything alright?" Derek asks.

"Everything's fine-!" His voice quickly cuts off, a loud metallic bang echoing somewhere near him. Ada glances over at Derek as she plugs her phone into the computer, "What's wrong?"

"...Were you planning on injecting Page with the virus that's in me?" Derek asks as more noises can be heard in the background.

"I doubt that's how Luther brought you back, he must have made something new. Check all the files, there must be something about reviving dead people somewhere in the place,"

There's a lot more clanging.

"Get back here!" A deep, disgruntled, unknown voice shouts.

"Who's that? What's going on Jacob?" Ada asks as she walks up to Derek.

"Nothing, everything's fine! Just focus on finding that revive!"

"Jacob? Jacob?!" Derek asks, but there's no response.

"I was barely able to get access to the map of this place," Ada says as she unplugs her phone from the computer, "If we have any chance of getting any important files we need to get to Luther's personal computer," She grabs her phone, opening a map of the lab, "But I don't see a head office of any sorts,"

"Let me see," Derek says, holding a hand out. Ada hands him the phone and he looks through it. There's an upper floor, which they're on, and a lower floor. Leaving the hall would put them in the upper east wing, with the door to their left being a break room that has stairs leading down below. The first room of the lab they had entered was Sub Lab 2, which connects to a garden room and the Upper Main Lab. There's a room for offices on the lower floor, but there's no main office.

Luther had his own office back at the lab I was in...but he did most of his stuff on the computers in the labs themselves…

"The main lab," Derek says, turning the screen toward Ada and pointing at it, "Luther must have used a computer in there to keep his data,"

"The main labs split into two floors," Ada grabs a knife from her belt and hands it to Derek, "I'll check downstairs, you check up here,"

Derek nods in response before Ada grabs her phone and heads out of the room into the upper east wing. Derek soons follows, seeing Ada disappear into the door to the left. As the door clicks he stands there for a second, staring at the door leading out to sub lab 2. He tightens his grip on the knife and heads for the door. Entering sub lab 2 the zombie Ada had shot and kicked to the floor was back up, and only a few feet from Derek, quickly taking notice of him. He swings the knife upward at the zombie, salshing it across the face.

Before the zombie can recover from the blow Derek plunges the knife into the side of its head. The zombie starts to fall to the floor, Derek having to let go of the knife before it breaks from the pressure. Two other zombies in the room take notice of him and start making their way to him as he pulls the knife out of the corpse's head. The lights suddenly turn off, with red ones turning on, giving the lab an unnerving redish-black tone.

"Warning, power plant in critical condition. Ten minutes until meltdown. All personnel evacuate the facility immediately,"

Fuck, I don't have time for this!

Derek runs towards the door to the main lab, a zombie blocking his path. He jumps up onto a nearby table, knocking over several glass vials. He jumps off the other end of the table and runs for the door. He enters a massive room full of tables, giant testing tubes filled with glowing liquids, and some computers on some tables at the ends of the room. The red lights almost make the liquid in the tubes look like blood. The room is easily twice the size of the sub lab. One of those large creatures that had chased Derek back in the lab he had woken up in floats inside one of the test tubes near the middle of the room.

He hurries over to the closest computer which is only a few feet away to his left. The computer is already unlocked, a timer in the upper right corner and a red warning symbol in the bottom right by the date. Several folders cover the desktop, a lot with different names in other languages that must be the names of various B.O.W's and viruses. He stops scanning the names when he sees one called "Derek". He quickly opens it up, a little over eight minutes left on the timer.

Opening the folder, even more folders are inside. Derek lets out a grunt of annoyance as he quickly reads the names of the folders. They're all dates. Some date to shortly after the incident in China. He starts with the most recent date, which dates back a couple months ago. An email labeled, "Success" catches his eyes. Opening it, he sees it's addressed to some guy named Norton. It reads:

"Success! After all this time, Phoenix is complete, and I was able to bring back Derek C. Simmons from the dead! I'm sure you're excited about this too, I'm already working on another vial of it and will send it to the lab in Mazraea along with the instructions on how to make it as promised,"

Derek clicks on the attachment in the email and a pdf opens up giving detailed instructions on how to make Phoenix. He sees a printer sitting right by the computer, so he clicks print and the pages soon start coming out of the printer.

"Warning, power plant in critical condition. Five minutes until meltdown. All personnel evacuate the facility immediately,"

Derek quickly grabs the pages, opening up a map of the lab and locating the chemical mixing lab, which is connected to the upper main lab in the far back left of the room.

I need more time! Jacob, I'm counting on you…

He runs through the main lab, hurrying to the chemical mixing lab.

"I'll check downstairs, you check up here," Ada says before leaving the hall and entering the east wing. Heading for the door to the left she enters a medium sized room a little smaller than the one she was in. The room has a tile floor, most of it being covered by a large carpet rug. Wooden counters line the right side of the room, a staircase leading downstairs sits at the other end of the room on the left side. A long blood trail leads from the door over the carpet to the stairs. She double checks her magazine.

Whatever made this trail better die in six bullets.

With time being a luxury she knows she doesn't have, Ada heads for the stairs. As she reaches the bottom half of the stairs she sees something feeding on a corpse that's the source of the blood trail. In the right side of the room down below is what looks like a human with a larger upper body hunching over its meal. Its left arm appears to be slightly more muscular than the average person's arm, but it's right arm has swollen up to something much larger. She can just barely see part of a giant eye on the shoulder.

You've got to be kidding me, did that lunatic really make another G?!

Before Ada can attempt to make her way down the lights suddenly go out, with red ones turning on and dimly lighting up the place.

"Warning, power plant in critical condition. Ten minutes until meltdown. All personnel evacuate the facility immediately,"

Gosh dammit! I don't have time to have this thing chasing me, there's no way six bullets are enough for it! … Maybe, that thing Luther gave me will come in handy after all…

She reaches in her back pocket, pulling out a pair of ordinary looking shades. Putting them on and pressing a small button on the side she looks around, the glasses scanning the room for electronics. They lock on too many of the things on the counters, but she finds something on the door leading to the lower east wing. She clicks on another button, locking onto it. She grabs her phone, showing her an image of the thing she's locked onto.

Metal shutters, perfect.

She starts tapping on various things, getting it ready to close. Holding her phone tightly, she runs down the stairs, the mutated man taking notice of her. It lets out an inhuman roar before it starts to dash toward her as she runs past. She bursts through the door, quickly closing it and jumping away as she taps on the engage button. A heavy metal door comes down in front of the door. As she takes the glasses off she can hear the thing banging on the other side of the metal wall.

Hopefully that'll hold it…

Turning around into the east wing she sees she's not alone, six other zombies in the room with her. She presses a button on the inside of the glasses between the lenses before chucking it into the middle of the room. She puts an arm over her eyes as the glass explode with a bright flash, tiny flaming sparks flying around. One lands on her arm and she quickly puts it out. The zombies walk around blindly, some starting to catch fire from the sparks. She runs through them and heads into the sub lab 4. It looks identical to the room Derek, Jacob, and her had first entered. Luckily this room seems to be empty. She hurries to the door to the far right of the room leading to the main lab, but her steps awaken the zombies on the ground. They start to stand up, a couple standing in her path. She slides over a nearby table into the walkway in the middle and continues to the door. She enters a massive room, easily twice the size of the one she was just in. Tons of test tubes make two rows going down almost the entire length of the room. In the middle of the room is a slightly raised platform with stairs leading up to it from all four sides. Several computers sit in the corners of the platform.

She hurries past the test tubes, most filled with various disgusting things like human bodies in various stages of rot or mutation. Some of them look like even more messed up versions of the thing in the break room. She reaches the platform and goes to the closest computer, which is already unlocked, another timer in the upper right corner, displaying a little less than eight minutes, and a red warning symbol in the lower right by the date. Several folders with names of B.O.W's and other things cover the desktop. She sees one named "Derek" and clicks on it. It opens to show more folders, all labeled with various dates. Some date to shortly after the incident in China. Ada opens the most recent on, finding an email labeled, "Success". Opening it, she sees it's addressed to Norton.

So, you were still working with him all this time...guess you getting fired was just a cover up.

After she finishes reading it she clicks on the attachment, opening up the instructions. She plugs her phone into the computer and starts copying the files into it.

"Warning, power plant in critical condition. Five minutes until meltdown. All personnel evacuate the facility immediately,"

The files in her phone, she quickly detaches it, pulling up the map on it and looking for a room where she could make it. The chemical mixing lab upstairs seems to be the best bet, however it's connected only to the upper main lab. An elevator sits at the far end on the left side of the room though, connecting the upper and lower main labs. She heads for the elevator. Reaching it she gets inside and presses the button to go up, the door closing before it starts up.

Jacob, you better do something and fast, you promised to help me get him back...

Less than five minutes left till complete meltdown. Can they make phoenix in time? What the hell is Jacob doing? Who is this man Ada is thinking about? Guess we'll have to wait and see, though not as much for Jacob. The next chapter will be about him and whatever the heck was making all that ruckus in the background. As always hope you're enjoying the story and let me know what you think so far. :)

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