
Only Hope

Page runs down the hallway, the rain scraping against the glass as Derek continues his pursuit at nothing more than a fast walk. She reaches the end of the hall, the door leading out to the yard to her right and the hall continuing down to her left leading to the cafeteria where there's most likely zombies waiting for her. She glances out to quickly see if the bull's anywhere in sight, she doesn't see anything. Turning back to the hall she ran down, she sees Derek is already halfway down the hall, now nothing more than a couple yards away from her and quickly gaining. His body starts to twitch a bit before he comes to a stop.

Derek's skin starts to come apart, going inside out as his body transforms into a large sabertooth tiger made of exposed muscle and bone. As Page runs through the door into the outdoor yard Derek lets out a beastly roar. The rain crashes down on her head as she runs through the yard to the right side of it where a caged off staircase lies. She hears the door break open as she approaches the staircase. She pulls on the door but it's locked, a very sturdy lock on it.


Page knows she can't just shoot it off without getting a face full of shrapnel, so she knows she has no choice but to find some other way to the main office. Turning around she sees Derek slowly pacing toward her.

"Derek, I've already shot you once," She says as she holds up her gun, the rain starting to make it a bit hard to see as it runs through her hair and down her face, "Don't make me do it again," His pace slowly comes to a halt before he lets out another roar and charges at her. Page dives to the left as he comes lunging at her. She can hear his claws scrape against the wet concrete as he goes sliding, unable to stop himself to from crashing into the cage with a hard thud. She quickly gets up and runs for the door to get back into the prison, but she doesn't make it far before hearing him chasing after her. She glances to to see him already lunging at her. She jumps to the side, her left shoulder getting slashed by one of his claws as he flies past her.

Despite the cold rain chilling her whole body, her shoulder is filled with a burning pain from the wound. Derek lands a couple yards in front of her, and quickly turns around. She expects him to come at her, but he doesn't, instead he starts to pace, patrolling a small area in front of the door she's trying to get to.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Page says as she brings up her gun. She shoots at him a couple times, but he seems unaffected, his bones acting as a tough plating, "Gosh dammit!" She goes to put her gun in her bag to grab her magnum, but he comes at her. She moves back, barely avoiding the claw he slashes at her. As Page tries to get her magnum he starts to once more slowly approach her, forcing her to walk backwards. As she grabs her magnum she feels just how empty her bag is, barely any bullets left.

As she pulls out the magnum Derek starts coming at her again. He lunges at her again, and she pulls the trigger. She jumps to the side as, barely avoiding him as he goes past her. He lands on the ground hard, rolling a bit before stopping on his side. As he starts to get up Page hesitates to shoot, but does before he can fully recover from the blow. He falls to the floor again. Page takes the opportunity to run for the door.

"P-Page…" She hears a slightly deeper version of Derek's voice say. She turns to see Derek turning back to human as he stands up, "You're just like everyone else, trying to kill me cause I'm a monster!" He shouts angrily.

"What are you talking about?!" Page responds, "I didn't shoot you until you tried to strangle me to death!" He doesn't respond, just continues to glare at her with a burning gaze. It's obvious the virus is taking over his brain.

I need to meet up with Jacob, if we can get Lutrher, maybe we can get a cure for him.

Page goes to head for the door but she sees something much larger coming at her from her right side. She runs away from the door as the bull charges through the fences like they're made of paper. Its tails nearly hit her as it barrels past her and runs into the wall, breaking it into pieces and making a large hole. The bull quickly recovers, turning around and facing her, its mangled head splitting apart and opening up like a flower, four insect-like limbs coming out from inside its neck, a large eye looking staring sits in between the them in the center of its neck.

The legs on its left side are all lumpy and have no skin or fur to cover them, showing the exposed and blood covered muscle. Page goes to shoot it, but the barrel is empty. The bull starts to move toward her, but Derek, whose now transformed into his sabertooth form again, shoves it to the side. He then starts running at Page.

She runs to the far end of the yard near the outer fence as he chases, the bull quickly getting back up on its feet. As Derek gets ready to lunge at her, the bull stabs him in the side with two of its limbs. It carries him off the ground, but Derek slashes at one of the limbs, causing it to drop him. Derek cuts the other limb, causing the bull to stumble back a bit. He pulls the limbs out of him as the bull is already regenerating the severed limbs. While they're distracted with each other, Page takes the chance to reload her magnum with the last six bullets she has for it. She has to make every shot count.

The bull's limbs are nearly fully regenerated but Derek lungs at the bull, slashing its giant eye. The bull bellows in agony as it steps back, the limbs flailing about. They soon retract into the neck as the head comes back together. The bull quickly charges at Derek, who jumps to the side, but he gets hit by one of its tails as the bull suddenly stops and starts flailing around. Derek tries to jump onto the bull's side but he kicks kicked by its back feet, being sent flying and landing on the ground a couple yards away.

"Derek!" Page exclaims as he sits on the ground. The bull turns to him as he gets up, getting ready to charge at him. The bull starts to run, but Page shoots it in the leg, causing it to fall over. Derek takes the chance to jump onto the bull's back, turning around and using his claws to pry at the tear in its head, trying to pull it open. The bull's tails flail about, slashing at his back but his bone plating protects him. He slowly pulls open the bull's head, causing the limbs to come out to protect the eye. One of the limbs manages to stab into his shoulder, but he keeps the head open.

Page runs to the front of the bull, shooting the bull in the eye. The bull spasms in pain, causing Derek to lose his grip a bit, but he holds on tight and keeps it open. Page shoots it two more times, and the eye stops moving, the bull finally going limp. Derek gets off the bull, transforming back to human as he turns to the bull, Page unable to see his face but able to hear his heavy breathing.

"You better stay dead this time," He says sternly. Page lowers her gun, hoping he's at least somewhat in control of himself now. However, she's proven wrong when he turns to her, with the same hate filled look, "Don't think I forgot about you," As Derek starts to walk toward her, Page sees something behind him start to move.

"Watch out!" She exclaims as she runs to him, pushing him to the side. In that moment, everything seems to slow down. Derek watches one of the bull's insect limbs lunge toward Page. The claw plunges itself into her chest, and come out her back. He can see every drop of blood fly out from the wounds and the life slowly fade from Page's face as he's unable to do anything but watch as he falls. Everything seems to return to normal as he hits the ground, the limb retracting out from her and her body falls backwards onto the cold concrete.

As Derek quickly gets up the limb goes to stab him, but he grabs it, and tears the claw off. He walks to the bull's body, the eye already recovered, and plunges his hand into the beasts neck. He grabs the back of the eye and rips it out from the bull's body, the eye looking around, terrified. He then places his other hand on it, and crushes the eye, blood splattering everywhere. He drops the eye, which lands with a wet splash onto the ground. He turns around to see Page on the ground, her lifeless eyes staring up at the cloud filled sky. He sees Page getting stabbed by the bull again in his mind, no one's ever jumped in front of him, sacrificing themselves to protect him. Something inside of him erupts, breaking the grasp the virus had on him.

"Page…Page?!" He exclaims as he hurries over to her, kneeling down and picking her torso up, her limbs and head limply dangling, "Page!" He cries out, tears now joining in with the rain. He's unable to think of anything else to do but hold her corpse as he hopes that somehow she'll come back to life. He brings her closer, holding her tightly as he cries into her shoulder. Crying is something he's never experienced, along with the pain of grief.

Why did she do it?! Why did she get herself killed!? I would have been fine...I would have survived the attack…

He's too lost in thoughts to bother noticing a large explosion erupt in the upstairs caged staircase. Jacob watches the lower half of the monster's body fall to the floor, the upper half now in a million pieces. As he walks past the corpse he heads into the stairwell, seeing a naked Derek huddled over something, he's only able to see a pair of legs in pants and boots, which he recognizes as Page's right away.

"Page? Page!" He shouts to no response. He hurries down the stairs and tries to open the door, but it's locked. He kicks the door several times, the lock finally breaking, and runs over to her and Derek. Reaching them, he sees the large puddle of blood on the ground that's slowly dissipating from all the rain.

"She...she jumped in front of the bull," Derek says weakly as he lifts his head off her shoulder, too heavy with guilt to look up at Jacob, "To protect me…" Jacob stands there for some time, just staring at Page, looking at her pale and dead face.

"Get up, we're not leaving her like this," He states. Derek doesn't respond. Jacob walks over to him, grabbing one of his arms "I said, get up-"

"No!" Derek retaliates, pushing off Jacob's hand.

"We need to move,"

"How can you be so, heartless?!" Derek suddenly yells, "Page just died and you're not showing a hint of any remorse!" He glares up at Jacob angrily, Jacob showing little to no emotion on his face as he looks back down at him.

"I can't help what I am," Jacob replies after some time with a stern look, "You think I don't want to care? I swore to myself that I'd keep her safe, yet here I am standing over her dead body, because, of some fucking, bull!" Jacob yells, looking over at the bull's corpse, a flame billowing up inside him. He walks over to it, grabbing one of the horns and placing a leg on its neck, then tears the head off, "This, fucking bull," He mutters to himself as he stares into its lifeless eyes before chucking it as hard as he can. The head lands a few yards away, by a fence. He stands there, catching his breath for awhile.

"All I feel, is anger," He finally states between breaths before turning around and walking back up to Derek, "I've just been good at hiding it, especially from her," The fire in his eyes calming down.

"What, are you?"

"I, use to think I was human, until I was in the marines, stationed up in some country I've forgotten the name of. Me and my group were attacked, we won the fight, but it caused something inside me to stir up. I killed all my fellow soldiers, leaving me the only survivor.

When I got back, they questioned me, and I told them the truth. They asked me why, and all I said was, 'I felt like it'. After that I was dishonorably discharged and sent a mental hospital, where doctors and therapists tried to figure me out, as if I was some elaborate puzzle, but I'm as clear as a blank slate. While I was in the hospital, I was visited by the families of the people I killed, all of them calling me a monster, but I felt no guilt...not until my family came and I saw how they looked at me with terror hidden behind their eyes, like I wasn't the Jacob they knew and loved. I could almost smell their fear. That's when I realized those people were right, I was a monster, one that was fueled by blood lust. I spent most of my days in there keeping to myself, until, something happened, and Luther took a morbid interest in me, giving me the choice to join Terrasave, so I took it. I figured it's better than being where I was, I'd be able to kill stuff as a job and hopefully it'd help keep myself in check.

I was given some clothes and some equipment, and shipped off to Africa for my first mission, where I was assigned Page as a partner. After what happened that night, I made a promise to myself that I'd do everything I could to keep her safe, especially from myself. Page was the only other person in this whole world beside my family who I grew to care for, yet I don't feel anything looking at her dead body..." Jacob glances at Derek, realizing something, "If Luther brought you back from the dead, then there must be a way to bring her back from the dead, right?"

Derek comes to that sudden realization too, looking at Page before looking back to Jacob.

"There's a map of the prison in the security room," Derek states, "I saw a tunnel somewhere underneath the prison leading somewhere, perhaps a lab,"

"...That seems like our only hope,"

Derek puts an arm behind Page's back and one under her knees and lifts her up as he stands up. He follows Jacob to the large hole in the wall and make their way to the security room.

Man, this was a tough chapter to name and an even tougher one to write. Does Luther have another lab on the island, and if so, can you they find a way to revive her? We'll have to wait and see. Let me know what you guys think, and I hope you'll continue to read my story. ;~;

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