
The Drive

Heading back to the city, Page, Jacob, and Derek walk past the heavily dented gate which has been knocked down and lays a couple feet away from the entrance to the shipping yard. The open gateway shows all the zombies in the city walking around aimlessly, a couple wandering toward the shipping yard. Not wanting to waste any ammo, the group hurries over to the parking garage Page and Derek had hookshot to.

Reaching the parking garage the group walks up to an suv with a red paint job. Jacob peeks inside through the windows for anyone or anything inside. A corpse sits in the driver's seat, the skin is grey and starting to rot. Jacob grabs his knife before pulling on the handle. It's locked. He puts his knife away and grabs a lockpick from his back pocket.

"How much ammo do you guys have?" Jacob asks as he stops messing with the lock.

"Um," Page opens her bag and checks her supplies, "Enough for about three more clips for my handgun and one more clip for my magnum,"

"Two more clips for my handgun, and I'm on my last clip for my rifle,"

"Why do you ask?" Page asks, getting a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Well once I unlock this door, its alarm is probably gonna go off. It'll take me a minute to turn it off,"


"Just make it quick," Derek says as him and Page ready their guns, standing a couple feet away from the car.

With a small click, Jacob unlocks the door, putting his lockpick away and grabbing his knife before opening the door. The second the door opens the alarm goes off, echoing throughout the entire first floor of the parking garage. The corpse in the driver's seat wakes up, but before it can do anything Jacob pulls it out, causing it to fall to the floor. Jacob quickly kneels down, plunging his knife into the side of the had of the zombie. He pulls his knife out and quickly checks if the keys are in the ignition.

They're not.


"Damnit? Why did you say dammit?" Derek asks as he glances back to Jacob, who stabs the zombie on the ground in the head again to stop it from regenerating.

"The keys aren't on the person, they must have dropped them in the car somewhere,"

Derek turns back to zombies starting to reach the entrance to the parking garage, and some walking down the ramp from the floor above.

Jacob quickly looks around the center console of the car to see no key, checking around the floor he spots something under one the driver's seat. Before he even tries to reach for it he once more stabs the zombie on the ground before it can fully regenerate. Luckily it seems to regenerate at a slower pace than the other grey zombies they've encountered. As the zombies start to get within a couple yards of them, Page and Derek start to shoot, trying to slow their assault.

Jacob puts his arm under the chair and tries to reach for the key. After some struggle, he grabs it and pulls it out from under the chair. Sticking it in the ignition and turning it, the alarm turns off.

"Get in!" Jacob exclaims as he unlocks the other doors.

"You go in the passenger seat," Page tells Derek before hurrying to the back door and getting inside. Derek runs around the vehicle as the engine is started and gets into the passenger seat. As he buckles up Jacob locks the door, turns on the headlights onto the oncoming horde of zombies, and stomps on the gas.

The wheels start burning rubber and they quickly take off, the car breaking its way through the barricade of zombies. They exit the parking garage and go out onto the streets. Passing by the nearby gas station they make a left at the intersection.

"Hopefully it'll be a straight shot from here," Jacob states as they drive past some burning buildings and crashed cars.

To their luck, the drive is easy without having a raging bull after them. Though some crashed cars, and others simply parked, on the road act as obstacles, there's nothing that stops them in their tracks. As they drive through the city Page and Derek look through their windows, seeing all the destruction that's happened in the short couple of hours they've been there. Some buildings have caught fire, while others have shattered windows, hinting that someone might have broken through and fallen to their death, wethor it was an accident or perhaps zombies were sinking their teeth into them. It reminds Derek and Page of that night in China, something that neither of them have good memories of.

"Where do you think that rocket came from?" Page asks as she looks away from the window, trying to focus on something else.

"I have no doubts it was Ada," He replies bluntly as he continues to stare at the road ahead.

"Ada?" Page and Derek ask at the same time. Derek's a bit surprised that she had been found out, but it brings him relief to know that he wasn't the only one to fuck up his job.

"The reports said she, also died during the outbreak in China. Don't tell me Luther brought her back from the dead too," Page says with some concern.

"No, that was a fake Ada, a clone,"


"Yeah, just ask Derek here," He takes his right hand off the wheel and points to Derek with his thumb, "He's the one repsonsible for that,"

Page looks at Derek, who turns towards his window to avoid eye contact.

"He was so obsessed with Ada that he started a project to make a clone of her," Jacob continues on, "Using a virus to transform a person into a person copy of her, that's how the C-Virus came into existence and why the outbreak in China even occurred. The clone went awol and started the outbreak, hoping to destroy the world using her own strand of the C-Virus she had made,"

"...That was in the past…" Derek comments, turning his head towards the front of the car and glancing at Page, "And I'd like it to stay there…" Page sees Jacob glance at Derek, analyzing him, before turning back to the road. They soon reach the end of town, now driving in a large open field like the one outside the flea market. As Page looks out into the field to try and forget the disturbing information she just hear, Derek also looks out the window, but not out at the field. He finds himself glancing at Page's reflection in the rearview mirror.

Her disturbed expression bothers him. He ponders why he had turned to her when he said what he did, like he had to make sure she heard him.

Why should it matter what she thinks of me? Her and Jacob are just going to arrest me when we get off this damn island.

The fields seem to be endless, as they soon reach the ten minute mark of driving. Jacob turns on the radio to see if they'll get anything, but nothing comes on but static. Jacob turns the radio off and they continue driving in silence once more, the low hum of the engine and the tires driving on the dirt being the only noise. Luckily the prison soon comes into view, along with another larger building far off to the prison's left. It has some large chimneys sticking out of its roof, though not much smoke comes from them.

"What's that?" Page asks as she turns towards the front window.

"The power plant," Jacob replies.

"Wait, the power plant is only a few miles away from the prison?" Page asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, this island doesn't have the best placement of things," Jacob replies, "But that just begs the question, who the hell turned off the power? Look, the prison lights are still on, so it couldn't have been someone from there,"

"Could it have been Ada?"

"She was in the city, came from the market," Derek answers.

"So there's, another, person on this islands with us?" Page asks with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Seems so, only question is who? It seems like Luther has people from the China incident involved in this mess, you, me, Derek, Ada. I bet it's that Jake guy,"

"How about we just focus on finding a way off this island?" Derek states.

"Yeah, I'd have to agree with him," Page adds, "Let's just hope whoever was responsible for it isn't at the prison,"

After a couple more minutes of driving they reach the prison, where a lone guard at the front gate stop them.

"Hey, Jacob, how are things going? Looks like the apocalypse or something is happening in town," The guard says with a nervous smile. Page, Derek, and Jacob are all immediately suspicious. Jacob notices the guards hands are holding onto his gun very tightly.

"Yeah, just a small power outage, nothing too big to worry about," Jacob says, slowly reaching for his gun with his right arm, "Seems like you guys got lucky,"

"Yeah, yeah, we sure did. It's a good thing too cause the last thing we need are infected people and criminals walking around this island,"

"Infected?" Jacob asks, grabbing his handgun, "What infected?" The guard doesn't respond. They suddenly go to bring up their gun, but Jacob brings up his first and shoots, the guard's body falling to the floor. Jacob turns off the car.

"Seems like they were expecting us. Travelling on foot is out best bet at getting in, keep an eye out for anyone and anything, alright?" He asks as he places a hand on the door handle. Page and Derek both nod, a bit nervous as they exit the vehicle. They follow Jacob into a nearby building where the controls for the gate are, along with a monitor.

"Let's see if we can't find out whose behind this," Jacob says as he starts fidgeting with the computer. After some time he manages to hack into the prison's camera system and starts looking through the different monitors. Reaching one showing the security room of the room, they're all shocked to see Luther in the room with an officer. Luther sits at a computer doing something. He then turns and looks up at the camera, staring back at them before turning back to the computer and doing something that causes the camera to turn off.

Looks like they found the man whose the cause of everything that's happened so far. Will they manage to break through the prison's defenses and catch him? Guess we'll have to wait and see. As always, hope you're enjoying the story, let me know what you think so far, and maybe bump this book up with some power stones? :)

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