
Run For It

Page and Derek walk through the second pair of glass doors and renter the lobby. Turning left, they head down a long hall with doors on both sides, the lights halfway down the hall are all dead, a dense darkness filling in where the light can't reach. Page and Derek cautiously walk down the hallway, Page on the left and Derek on the right. They both have their guns at the ready, scanning the side they're on as their footsteps echo throughout the building. They soon reach the dark part of the hall, the flashlights on their guns being the only source of light now.

Only able to see the small cones of light in front of them, Page and Derek stand slightly closer together to distance themselves from the doors as much as possible. As they near a door on the left that's opened slightly ajar, they can hear the sound of something being eaten. The sound of teeth moving up and down as something stretchy and chewy is mashed in between them, sending chills down their spines and making Page feel a little sick to her stomach. The two glance at each other before looking towards the open door as they near it.

Only a few steps away, Page points her gun away from the door as she grabs the handle. Gently, she turns it as she slowly pushes the door close. With a soft click, the door closes, the sound of something eating now mostly gone. Page lightly raising her hand off the handle and grabs the key from her pocket. She tries to put it in the lock, but it doesn't fit. She puts the key away and the two continue down the hall, their lights soon shine on another large lobby, slightly larger than the first one connected to the garden.

As they walk into the lobby they look out the glass doors leading out to a large parking lot and see flashing red lights, along with the sound of a blaring siren. It doesn't take them long to realize that they're coming from an ambulance barreling towards the hospital with no intent to stop. It's about to crash into the hospital! Page and Derek jump back into the hallway as the ambulance breaks through the two pair of double doors, glass flying all over the lobby. Page and Derek see the ambulance fly past the hallway and drive out of site, and within seconds they hear it crash with a loud bang that seems to shake the entire building.

They hurry into the lobby to see the ambulance has crashed into the back wall of the lobby, only able to see the back side of it. The doors to the back are open, showing two dead people, one looks to have been a zombie while the other person looks to have been human, they must have both died from impact, no doubt the driver did too. They can start to smell something burning as a light starts to emit from the sides of the ambulance. The flames quickly start to spread and become larger.

Page and Derek hurry through the lobby and enter a wider hallway as smoke alarms go off. Luckily the annoying, blaring, alarm make them put their guns away to cover their ears, because soon a loud explosion back in the lobby goes off. The two notice zombies in small waiting room to the sides of the hallway starting to move around and start to make their way towards the hallway. Page and Derek uncover their ears as they run in a full on sprint before the zombies can enter and block the hallway. The whole hospital seems to have been woken up by the smoke alarms as the two continue their mad dash into another lobby. They stop when they see that the next hallway is already filled with zombies.

"Upstairs!" Derek exclaims as he waves for her to follow him. Zombies start to enter and fill up the lobby as they make it to the stairs in the back left of the room, practically skipping every other step as they hurry to the second floor. Reaching the second floor they see the hallway heading the direction they need tro go is also filled with zombies, but it's not completely blocked off. Derek grabs a flash grenade off his belt.

"Cover your eyes!" He shouts before chucking the grenade at the zombies. Page and Derek cover their eyes as the flash goes off, blinding the zombies in their way. They quickly uncover their eyes and hurry past the zombies as they recover from the flashbang. They quickly reach the end of the hall, a set of smaller stairs to their right, zombies crowding it and quickly taking notice of them. Page and Derek grab their pistols and start to unload on the zombies. Page only had two shots left in her clip, and it soon starts to just click. She quickly reloads her magazine and continues to shoot at them zombies.

They soon all fall to the ground as both Page's and Derek's clip become empty. They hurry down the stairs, not wasting precious time to reload just yet and turn right upon reaching the first floor. They burst through a door and enter a much smaller parking lot. Only a few zombies walk about the parking lot, but the street a couple yards away is full of them. The two quickly distance themselves from the hospital as a horde of zombies start to approach the door they just ran through. Page sees a gas station across the street, a wide enough gap in the mass of zombies to run to it.

They hurry towards the street and the zombies start to move in towards them, the gap slowly becoming thinner. As they run through it they can feel fingers brush against them just barely out of reach. They hurry into the gas station, Derek grabbing some movable shelves and putting them in front of the doors. Two zombies with grey skin are inside the building with them. The two quickly reload their guns and take them out with headshots. They see a hole in the ceiling, leading up to the roof.

"Can your grapple hook work with two people?" Page asks.

"No," He says as he puts his gun away and grabs his hookshot, "But I can toss it down to you after I use it," He heads over to the hole.

"Hold on, how can I-" Page gets interrupted when Derek shoots the hookshot at the ceiling, and gets pulled up through the hole and disappears out of sight, "Hey!" Page shouts as she runs over to the hole, unable to see Derek at all. She turns to the front doors to the store as zombies start to bang against the entire front part of the store. The windows are already starting to crack.

"Derek?!" She calls out, now starting to get filled with worry. She glances back at the windows, only to notice the zombies they had shot are starting to get back up, "Derek!" She yells at the hole in the ceiling as she brings up her gun and shoots at the two zombies. It takes four shots to take them both out again, but she knows they won't be down for long. Seeing that the glass is going to give in at any moment, she looks around for some other way to escape. She sees a ladder in a back room with a door leading out.

I hope there's a ladder on the back wall outside. Once I find him, I'm going to taser him until he passes out. And then I'm going to drag his ass to the shipping yard and let Jacob handle him!

Page starts to head to the back room when she hears something fall on the ground behind her. She turns to see the hookshot Derek had laying on the ground. She quickly grabs the hookshot just as the glass breaks and zombies start to fall into the store. She puts the hookshot in her bag as she runs into the back room. Heading through the back door she finds herself in an small driveway, the left leading around to the front of the gas station and to the right leading back to the streets.

A ladder leading to the roof stands directly to her left. She quickly grabs onto it.

"Page? Page?!" She hears Derek calling out from the top of the roof. Before she yell and call him a 'son of a bitch' something in the corner of her eye catches her attention.

The fucking bull?! Are you serious!? How does it always seem to know where I'm at?!

The bull lets out a roar before it starts to charge towards her. She quickly climbs, reaching the top of the ladder as the bull comes charging into the wall. She has to hold on tight from the impact that caused the ladder to shake. Luckily the ladder is a caged ladder that has guards on the top half which protect Page from the bull's tails as their blades scrape against the guarding. She reaches the top to see Derek staring down at the hole with a hand running through his hair. An troubled looked of frustration is on his face. As she walks over to him he notices her, and becomes relieved, only to notice the anger in her eyes.

"Page you're alright-" Page slaps him in the face before he can finish his sentence.

"You left me, to die!" She shouts at him as he recovers from the sudden blow. He starts to rub the side of his face she slapped.

"I dropped the hookshot for you didn't I?" He retaliates, his look of relief gone and now an expression of utter annoyance taking its place.

"Yeah, right before the zombies broke through the glass," Page walks away from Derek, looking around for some place they could go to. There's a parking garage right next to the gas station. Page takes the hookshot out of the bag and, examining it for a second before walking up to the side of the building. She glances to the left to see the bull has broken free and is attacking all the zombies in front of the gas station. Derek starts to walk up to her as she aims the gun at the parking garage.

"Hey, what are you-?" She shoots it, and pulls the trigger. She goes flying upward towards the building and is pulled into the third story level of the parking garage. She lands on her hand and knees, rewinding the grapple. She quickly looks around to make sure there aren't any zombies. Coast is clear. She turns around to Derek.

I really shouldn't, especially after what he did...He's lucky I'm not Jacob…

She throws the hookshot at the building. It lands inches to the right of Derek. He grabs the hookshot and soon comes flying towards the parking garage. He lands a couple feet next to her.

"...Thanks," Derek says hesitantly as he gets up and puts it back in its holster.

"Try and leave me again, and I'm shooting you," Page warns before she starts walking, "Now come on, we need to go before the bull finds out where we are,"

Derek stands there for a second before he joins her.

"Jacob, you there?"

"Yeah. I'm at the entrance gate to the shipping yard, you two almost here or what?"

"We're in a parking garage right next to a gas station that's across the street from the hospital,"

"Stand on the side near the road, what level are you on?"

"The third one," Page states as she walks to the side of the building looking over the street, Derek following. She sees a large gate not too far away down the street, a lone figure standing near it.

"There you are," Jacob replies, "I see ya now...wait, Derek's the guy who saved your life?"


"You said you helped someone cause they saved your life, but you didn't tell me it was Derek,"

"Uh, yeah…" She glances at Derek before looking back down at the gate, "Look, that's not super important right now. The bull is at the gas station, do you think I could make it there in a car?"

"The last thing we need is the bull to follow us to the shipping yard. If you can make down to the street I'm sure you can run here, you two aren't that far and most of the zombies seem to be heading towards the hospital,"

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit," She puts her radio back on her belt, "Come on," Page says before she heads for some stairs on the far right of the floor. Luckily there aren't many zombies so they're able to make it to the stairs with ease. They hurry down the stairs and reach the first floor in seconds. Heading onto the street they hurry to the large gate where Jacob is. It's only a couple yards away. They make it halfway to the gate when they hear the sound of a bull far behind them.

Glancing behind them they see the bull has already started stampeding towards them. They look back towards the gate and see Jacob is already pulling the gate open. Soon there's enough space to run through.

"Come on! Hurry!" He shouts as he waves an arm at them. They reach the gate, the bull already halfway there. As soon as Page and Derek run into the shipping yard all three of them slide the gate shut and quickly move to the side of it. They all have their guns drawn as they wait for the bull to reach the gate. There's a loud bang as the gate becomes partly dented in the middle. There here the bull snort a bit and than nothing. Pure silence. They all finally have a moment to breath when they hear the bull start to walk away, then it runs off, probably to go attack more zombies.

As they all relax a bit, they hear helicopter blades whirling through the air. They turn towards the docked ships to see a helicopter with the Terrasave logo on it landing on one of them. It's filled with people in full tactical vests, wearing gas masks, and machine guns at the ready.

I won't have any artwork for the next couple of chapters since I'm working on them currently, but I'll be able to upload more chapters sooner. Today I'll be uploading two chapters since they are the last parts of Page's city segment. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and thanks for being so patient with the whole 4 days of no chapters this past week! :)

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