
Target Practice

Derek reaches the top of the building, just as Page walks onto a roof on the other side, a story lower than him. He grabs his rifle, kneeling down and taking aim. All the fire fills the air with heat, making the infrared nearly impossible to use, so he turns it off before he zooms in on her. His finger on the trigger, he stares through his scope at the concerned expression on her face as she stares down at the destruction down below.

Is this how Ada looked when she came to China, when she saw the destruction I helped cause? With all the fire, zombies, and screaming, it feels like I'm just reliving those moments from another perspective…

Derek is taken out of his thoughts when Jacob suddenly bursts through a nearby door, quickly barricading it with a two-by-four. Jacob looks down at the street for only a second before looking in Derek's direction. Derek quickly adjusts his gun. Just as he pulls the trigger, Jacob tackles Page down to the ground, the bullet flying where her head was moments before and hitting another building.


Aiming down, Derek can barely see their outlines behind a short parapet lining the buildings. He sees Jacob peek over the top of it with the shotgun. He ducks under the parapet on his roof as Jacob fires at him. Once the shots stop Derek quickly gets back up and aims, looking for Page. She's further down, a couple yards away from reaching a three story that she can enter. He sees her hair, revealing where her head is, and takes a shot. It scrapes the top of the parapet and misses.

Jacob fires again, Derek takes another shot, they both miss. Some zombies walk out from the building Page is crawling to and see her. She fires some shots, and than crawls back towards Jacob. Derek waits for her to reach Jacob, hoping she'll lift her head up enough. She doesn't. He takes another shot, this time trying to shoot through the parapet, but to no avail, it's too dense for the bullets to penetrate.

It's a fucking rifle, how can these cheap ass buildings block the shots?!

Page quickly dispatches the zombies in their path and the two make their way to the other side. Jacob gets back up and shoots at Derek, forcing him to duck while Page runs into the building. As Derek aims he sees Jacob enter the building, with Page nowhere in sight.

Before he can curse he hears moaning to his left. Turning he sees a couple zombies have found their way up to the roof. He pulls up his rifle, and fires at the closest one. Headshot. The thing falls to the ground, but before Derek can aim for the next one, it starts getting back up.

I can't waste my time or ammo here.

Derek looks around for any way off the roof. The building next to the one he's on has a pole in front of it. The street below is filled with zombies, but they're mostly scattered apart at the moment. He puts his rifle away, pulling out the hookshot and shooting the pole. He hits it first try. As his leftover roof space reduces to only a couple feet, Derek jumps off the roof, swinging down onto the street below. He stumbles forward a bit, but manages to keep his balance as nearby zombies start to take notice of him. Jacob and Page are nowhere in sight.

They must be heading for the airstrip.

Derek runs past a couple buildings, winding his way through all the zombies before coming across a dense group of them, forming an impenetrable wall in the street. He heads into a nearby building on the left, a zombie is on the stairs up above. As Derek hurries up the stairs, he pulls out his knife. Reaching the zombie, he stabs it in the head, stunning it a bit. He pulls the knife out, and shoves the zombie over the railing, which crumbles apart, and the zombie falls to the first floor. Reaching the second floor, he sees an open doorway at the end of a hall leading to some roofs.

He hurries through the hall, fire erupting from one of the rooms as he runs past it. On the roof he looks to the other side of the street for Page and Jacob. He stands there for a solid couple of seconds with no luck. He grabs his rifle and looks through the scope towards the airstrip. He can see Jacob but not Page standing a couple yards from the airplane, a giant creature emerging from it.

What the hell is that thing?

One of the creatures arms looks to be made out of a pair of legs, but than the legs merge together and form giant clawed hand. As Derek runs down the buildings to get closer to the airstrip, he talks into his earpiece.

"Hey, some giant thing just came out of an airplane. Mind telling me what it is?"

"Probably just some fat guy who got infected," Luther replies back much quicker than Derek expected.

"This thing had legs for arms and than the legs turned into claws," There's a couple seconds before Luther replies.

"Oh, you're cousin, Žetelica!"

"Cousin what?! What the fuck are you talking about?!"

"The serum you injected into the person you found, it's one of many combinations I gave you. It held a replica of the virus in you, but with some added stuff. Keep me updated on how well it does against Jacob. Is Page still alive?"

"...Yes she is. Jacob's been providing her cover fire,"

"Well make the most of Žetelica distracting them then,"

"Alright," Derek replies in an irritated tone as he runs through another building.

The nerve to say we're related! Having a similar virus doesn't make me related to that hideous creature!

Reaching the closest building to the airstrip, Derek makes his way to the roof. Reaching it, he looks down at the airstrip. Page is far off on the roof of a short building while Jacob is fighting the thing on the ground. The creature charges at Jacob, who dives out of the way. Derek aims at Page, and fires. Page barely moves in time to avoid it, backing up on the part of the roof covered by buildings.


Derek lowers his rifle as he stands back up and looks for some other place he could go to see her. He's distracted however as the fight between Jacob and the creature near the foot of the building he's on. He kneels down as he watches Jacob shoot at the creature, which only slightly flinches as it continues its pursuit on him. To Derek's luck, Page runs onto the street from a building across the street. As Derek brings up his rifle Page takes cover behind a stand that's not gotten hit by the fire yet.

She shows her head, aiming for the creature. Before Derek can line up the shot she shoots at the thing, and runs over to Jacob. The two head down the street as they continue shooting at the thing, once more getting out of Derek's line of sight.

I had a better chance at hitting her when she was fucking crawling behind the damn parapet!

Derek irritably gets up, jumping to the next building as he tries to follow them down the street. The next building is a two story, forcing him to go down the stairs. Hurrying down to the second floor he hurries through a hallway, brushing past a zombie and heads onto the roof. He runs into another three story, the stairs to the third floor gone. Using his hookshot, he pulls himself up to the doorway to the roof, grabbing onto the ledge before disengaging the hook. As he climbs up through the doorway, he hears a loud crashing noise from the street. He finally climbs up and hurries to the edge of the roof, looking down at the street to see Page and Jacob staring at a large burning wreckage in a few feet in front fo them.

Derek doesn't even bother to kneel as he brings up his rifle once more to take a shot. Page looks in his direction and moves her and Jacob out of the way as he fires. Derek stops looking through his scope as he glares down at them with a burning anger. Suddenly the two of them head for the building he's on top of. Derek looks around and sees another three story diagonally right. He jumps to it and jumps to another one straight ahead. He turns left and as he jumps onto that roof he hears another crashing noise. Turning back to the building he was originally on top, he sees Jacob and Page on a roof down below.

"There!" Jacob shouts pointing as he sees Derek up above. Derek puts away his rifle and starts running across the roofs as the two pursue him. He only has two more roofs before there's a large gap in the buildings as the main street branches off in between them. A metal telephone pole stands on the other side of the street. Derek grabs his hookshot and shoots it. He pulls the trigger to propel himself forward as he jumps off the last roof. He swings across the street over all the zombies and kicks through a window, landing inside a building on the other side of the street.

Dusting the glass and debri off his coat, Derek quickly heads out of the room and into a hallway.

"Luther, they've taken down the thing spotted me and tried to pursue me. I've manged to shake them off though," He says into his earpiece as he heads up the stairs to get to the roof. As he goes to open the door it's locked. He rams into it with his shoulder and it finally opens.

"How did they kill it?"

"Having part of a building fall onto it,"

"Give it a minute, it'll be fine. Them spotting you though...did they got a good look at you?"


"Good, I'd hate to dispose of you this soon…" The cold tone in Luther's voice makes Derek conscious of the device behind his ear, the thing that's keeping him human, "For now just keep an eye on them, I think I could have some use for Page," Luther says eerily.

"...Okay," Derek replies as he puts his hookshot away and grabs his rifle. He sees Jacob and Page looking down at something in the street, looking down he sees a burnt zombie with a large goo-like mass on it's arm.

Is that the thing from the plane?

Page and Jacob start shooting at it, catching it's attention. The goo suddenly forms a large shield on the creatures arm which it uses to protect itself as it hurries into a nearby horde of zombies. To Derek's surprise Jacob suddenly jumps off from the roof down below onto the street.

What is that crazy son of a bitch doing?

Derek zooms in on the burnt zombie as it plunges its arm into another zombie, the zombie quickly melting into more of that goo stuff and going onto its other arm. Seeing the creature do an altered version of what he did, sends a shiver down his spine as he recalls those last moments on the roof of the quad tower. The goo turns the creatures arm into a chainsaw, its organic engine roaring to life before it suddenly mows down the zombies in front of it to get to Jacob.

Derek watches as the two fight the creature, slowly deteriorating its shield. Page jumps down onto a tarp and falling through onto the street boy. Derek smiles a bit as he lets out a chuckle. His smile fades to a look of confusion as he watches Jacob put away the shotgun and pull out a knife. The creature charges at them with its chainsaw, Jacob jumping to the side as Page runs away from it. She doesn't have much room though as another horde of zombies are making their way to them.

She turns and shoots the thing in the legs The creature loses its balance a bit but continues to move forward, forcing her to jump out of the way. Before the creature can regain its footing Jacob runs up, stabbing it in the head with his knife and wrapping his arms around its arms, preventing it from moving them. Page shoots at it, missing a couple shots before shooting the chainsaw, which disintegrates. Some of the melting goo lands on Jacob causing his grip to weaken. The creature breaks free, rushing Page and hitting her in the head with its shield, her mask falling off as she falls to the ground.

"Page!" Jacob shouts before he rushes the thing.

Derek watches in slight amazement as Jacob grabs the creature and stabs in repeatedly in the head. It tries to fight back but is too weak. Jacob kicks it in the legs, causing it to fall to its knees. He stabs an eye on the shield, causing it to fall apart and the creature to fall back. He than gets on top of it and thrusts the knife into its head, the creature finally dying. Jacob takes off his mask and puts it on Page before picking her up and taking her to a nearby building that hasn't caught fire.

"The thing is dead for good. Jacob made sure of it,"

"How did he do it this time?"

"Jammed his knife into its skull over and over until it stopped moving,"

"This is much better than I anticipated, I thought he'd be able to get it down with just guns. How does it look?"

"It's, crystallizing..?" He's seen this before, and knows what it means.

"Great! I can't wait to see how G affects C!,"

"What? G and C?" Luther doesn't respond at all, "Luther? Luther,"

He must have run away from his computer or whatever to type up notes. So, this thing was made using the virus I was injected with and the G-virus that wiped out Raccoon City all those years ago, the virus Ada was suppose to get me.

Things aren't looking too good for Derek right now, I guess Luther had much higher expectations for him. Let's hope Derek can reach those expectations. What will emerge from the chrysalid? As always, hope you guys are enjoying the story and any comments you guys have are appreciated along with any power stones :)

TIWHimitsucreators' thoughts
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