
Black Out

"The, dead..?" Derek asks the man.

"Yes, you've been dead for almost two years now. The showers is to the left, there;s clothes in there for you to put on once you finish cleaning yourself. I'll be waiting outside where I'll explain more. The man walks out of sight, his footsteps moving further until they stop. The sound of a heavy metal door opens, than it closes shut. A buzzer goes off as the door to the cell opens slightly.

Derek finds himself standing there, at a loss for words and several questions running through his mind. Shaking his head, he tries to ignore the thoughts as they start giving him a headache. He opens the cell door and glances over to the right first. It's a straight hall that ends in only a couple of feet, making a sharp right. He turns to the left to see an empty doorway leading to a large room lit up much more than the cell.

Walking into the large room, his footsteps echo off the tile floors onto the walls which are also covered in tiles. To the left are a couple lockers going along the length of the room, several short benches in front of them. Laying on the benches near the entrance are clothes and some towels. To the right are five wide shower stalls, white curtains all scrunched up to reveal they're empty, except the one on the far end of the room. Eager for a nice hot shower, Derek hurries over to the closest one.

As the room starts to become filled with steam Derek finds himself standing under the shower head, hot water pouring onto him as he just stands there.

Everything I worked for. If what that man said is true, than it's all gone. Everyone must think I'm dead, but that doesn't mean I can just show my face. Those fuckers Leon and Helena...and, Ada...no doubt showed the world what I am, and what I've done.

He lets out a shout of anger as he hits the wall in front of him with the side of his fist. He lowers his head, the water now going down his back as he takes deep breaths to calm himself while he tries to reorganize his thoughts.

I can deal with that later...I need to figure out who the hell this guy is and where am I.

If he had not been told he had woken up from the land of the dead, Derek would have savored the nice warm shower and taken a much longer time, but the thoughts were enough to shove him out of the shower and back into the cold.

He hurries over to the benches, grabbing the closest towel and wrapping it around himself. As he frantically dries himself he looks at the clothes left by the scientist. There's two different piles of clothes. The pile on the left like exactly like the clothes he was wearing that night in China. The clothes on the right are much more casual looking. A black v-neck, coffee-brown pants, dark brown boots, black socks, and a black belt.

Derek forgets the coldness of the room as he stares at his old clothes, memories of that night flashing through his head. Everything falling apart. The anger, the virus, becoming infected. Ada. The hand holding up the towel tightens into a fist as a rotten feeling starts to enter his blood stream. He shakes his head as he looks away from them, trying to shake off the feeling. Looking at the other clothes he tries to ignore the thoughts and feelings mustering up inside of him.

As Derek finishes dressing by putting on the belt he looks at his light grey coat. It is a nice coat. He hesitates, but grabs the coat, swiftly putting it on. The clothes provide a warm layer of protection from the bitter cold. As he heads out of the shower room he notices something in the cell he woke up in. Something silver laying on the pillow on the bed. Curious, he enters the cell. As he approaches the bed he realizes it's a flashlight. He picks it up, examining it, wondering, how it got there. Cold to the touch, but very study.

The lights go out and everything becomes pitch black.


With the press of a button, the flashlight turns on, illuminating the wall in front of him in a large cone. Derek holds the light up as he looks around the cell. He walks right up to the door when he hears something falling in the distance. It sounded like something pulling down a shower curtain. As Derek opens the door he shines his flashlight through the glass wall towards the doorway to the shower room. His light only shines a couple feet into the room. He stands there, staring into the darkness, the sounds of something moaning echoing through the room and into the hall.

"Fuck this," Derek mutters to himself quietly before turning around and heading down the hall. Turning the corner he finds the door leading out of the room. He turns the handle only for it to barely budge, it's locked. There's a card reader to the right of the door. He checks his pockets, hoping that the car he needs is in one of the pockets. Nothing. The sound of something crunching, like when you squash a bug, can be heard coming from the room.

Derek closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before turning away from the door and going back down the hall. The quiet echos of his footsteps join in with the eerie crunching noises as he approaches the room. As he enters, the light from his flashlight reaches the end of the room, showing what looks to be an injured person walking with a limp about fifteen feet away from him. Their limbs look to have a sort of, plating on them, like an exoskeleton. The head is missing all of its skin, nothing but the skull and some muscle remaining. Both eyeballs are gone, leaving nothing but empty sockets.

Something on the thing's chest reflects light back.

"You've got to be kidding me…" Derek says as the things stumbles towards him. Steeling himself and tightening the grip on the flashlight, Derek takes a step forward. The sound triggers the creature, causing it to suddenly let out an inhuman screech, part human, part insect, before it suddenly starts charging at him. Caught off guard, Derek doesn't react fast enough and gets knocked to the ground, the flashlight flying several feet away from them.

Derek manages to regain his senses and just barely manages to put his hands on the things head and chest, stopping it from biting him. The whole time the thing continues to screech, its stomach churning breath attacking Derek's nose. As he does everything he can to keep the thing at bay he sees the flashlight off to the right. Using all his strength, Derek pushes the thing off of him and he hurries over to the flashlight. Picking it up and standing, he turns around to see the thing already on its feet and rushing at him once more.

This time he reacts fast enough, stepping to the side and pushing it in the back, causing it to stumble forward and nearly lose it's balance. As the thing starts to turn around Derek swings the flashlight, hitting it face. As the creature stumbles back Derek swings once more. It takes four more swings before the creature is knocked down to the ground. Derek pummels it in the head over and over with the flashlight as it starts to flail its limbs around. His coat manages to keep him safe from some of its swings but its claws still cut through and cut him. He doesn't stop swinging until the thing goes limp.

As Derek catches his breath, the things fowl, rotting, odor continues to attack him. He sees the reflective thing on its chest is an ID Card of some sort. He quickly rips it off the thing, some blood and rotting skin coming off with it. After distancing himself he has to stand with his hands on his knees as the urge to vomit becomes stronger. He stands there, breathing in fresher air to try and flush out the smell so he doesn't puke.

Finally getting the smell out of his system he stands up straight as he lets out a sigh of relief. He shines the light on the ID Card, showing a picture of the scientist from before. It's an ID for Terrasave.

Luther C.

Head Scientist of B.O.W. Research

He shines the light on the thing that attacked him before walking out of the room.

Derek swipes the card through the reader and there's a clicking noise. He puts the card in his pocket before opening up the door. He finds himself in a small room, a short table sitting between two chairs. The room has a grey rug in the center. Two things sit on the table. A phone and an ear piece that periodically lights up blue. He picks up the earpiece, faint noise coming from it. He wipes it on his coat before putting it in his right ear.

"Good to see you're still alive," Luther's voice says into his ear.

"Where the hell am I?" Derek asks a bit aggressively, "What the hell was that thing?"

"Now, now. You've only just begun the test, once you finish it all will be explained,"

"Test? What test?"

"The phone in front of you will tell you that. I know you'll do just, fine," And with those words Luther's voice goes away, leaving Derek alone once more.

Just one more Chapter for Derek's segment and it will be going back to Page for anyone wanting to know. I hope you're enjoying this and be sure to leave comments! Let me know if you want me to give a heads-up whenever it will be switching. :)

TIWHimitsucreators' thoughts
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