

"Well, you definitely took your time coming here, this should be literally at the top of your list of preference Mr Corner and Miss Pierce." The doctor started once she came into the office with the both of them and took her seat. She gestured for them to sit down before they began discussing. Azure noticed that she eyed Grey and even had the guts to lick her lips, flip her hair seductively and wink at him. Grey seemed oblivious to the doctor ogling him and so he went ahead to say what was on his mind.

"Someone like him remains at the bottom of our preference, we are only here because we think he can be of help to us. That sick bastard deserves hell." Grey was quick to respond to the Doctor who had quickly changed her attitude to that of a professional. After the meeting maybe she would have a chance to flirt some more with him.

"Even if it wasn't his fault?"

"What are you saying? How can it not be his fault? He changed, I couldn't recognize my own father because of his wicked ways and you say it's not his fault? Whose fault is it then? Who should I blame?" Azure was angry. She couldn't stand the doctor trying to defend that monster, not to mention how she had been openly ogling her boyfriend right in front of her. She only calmed down when Grey put his hand above hers.

"You think you were a victim? He was an even greater victim okay. How do you think he will feel when he realises that he's been sleeping with his daughter forcefully or that he's been beating his own little baby?" The doctor fired back at her.

"What do you mean? How do you mean he was a victim? Explain further before I lose it with you."

"We tested him, like we do every patient and I don't want to go into the details with you but we discovered that he's been taking some drugs that keeps his mind vulnerable and easy to manipulate and over the time, he has been having withdrawal symptoms. It's a rare drug and so it means that someone with a great deal of cash and intellect has been toying with his mind."

The doctor paused and took a sip of water. The couple were dumbstruck. Azure was furious, she so desperately needed to blame someone for her mishap and the doctor was saying that she couldn't blame him, that she needed to look for someone new to blame.

"You see, if he took those drugs, then it means that someone was controlling him. He has been without this drug for a long time now and so he is gradually regaining composure but he has no idea he has been sleeping with his daughter. He can't remember the past fifteen years of his life and all he does is sit and cry for the loss of you and your late mother. He would never touch you in his right senses, he still loves you and that's why he raped you and hit you. We presume he was made to believe that you were an impostor and he was furious that you wouldn't let him mourn his wife and kid in peace, that you were their murderer and so he took out all the frustration and anger on you. Someone made him believe that you aren't his daughter and you should be looking for this person and not verbally abusing him like this."

"We need to see him nonetheless. Thank you for the information." Azure snapped at the doctor not caring what the fuck she was saying.

"Weeks ago, we would have let you see him, but he is currently in an extremely fragile state and making him aware that his daughter is alive will set an unbalance in his treatment. Sorry but we can't let you see him until he is stable enough. By the way, he did mention his desire to see his therapist when he first arrived here. He called her Miss Sandra Jones if I recall and said that she works in Brainhills hospital. We thought that it would be of help if we spoke to her and so we tried finding her but it turns out, no one by that name works there. I don't know if it would be of any help to you but still, you need to know."

"Thank you doctor. Please if it becomes safe to have visitors, then call us. We'll really love to speak with him" Grey got to his feet and stretched out his hand to the doctor for a shake.

"Sure I will. Goodbye now, I'll see you later." When she shook Grey's hand, her hands lingered in his linger than usual and the doctor seemed to be looking and smiling at Grey in a way that Azure found uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to let go of his hand!?" Azure didn't wait for him, she just walked out of the woman's office and stood outside waiting for him.

Grey was amused when he came outside, "Did anyone ever tell you how hot you look when you're jealous and angry all at once." He took her handbag from her into his right hand and used his left hand to take a hold of her hand as they walked out. Azure pouted and refused to look at him. 'just why do you have to be so handsome and catch the attention of every girl, I can't even have you to myself for a day!' she wondered.

"Come on, you can't be mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong."

"I hate her so much. How can she be flirting with you right in front of me, she acted like I wasn't even there."

Grey chuckled. "Do you want me to stop her from being your father's doctor?"

"Don't. She seems to know what she does, let her just be with him, I really don't care."

When the got into the car, Grey noticed Azure's unusual silence and he knew it had nothing to do with her being jealous and everything to do with her having conflicted feelings about her dad.

"How do you feel?"

"What do you mean?" Azure feigned ignorance.

"Your dad. Finding out that it wasn't his fault, does it help you hate him any less. Do you feel a sense of relief that he wasn't in his mind, are you okay in general?"

"Would you hate him any less if you were in my situation? I don't know if I'm being a horrible daughter but the truth is I don't hate him any less. I still think of him as a monster and just because he wasn't in his right mind doesn't make the hurt he made me feel disappear. It's even more horrifying that it wasn't his fault because now it feels like I don't have a reason to hate him. I don't know what to think at all. By the way, drop me off at Natalia's house."

"Natalia's house? Why is that?"

"I need to talk to her about something. Just drop me off there. Working at your office is quite boring. I'll come there tomorrow." Whenever Azure came to his office, he made her do some typing or some errands to keep her busy. He also got her opinion for some projects and much more.

"Fine. I don't expect you to like my line of work anyways. I'm seeing my PI today with regards to what the doctor said earlier. We can get a footage and see who exactly your father has been meeting for the past fifteen years. Whoever it is clearly has a connection with who we need."

"Good. You don't have to tell me what you do, just as long as in the end the bastard is caught and also, you might as well stop feeling guilty about that day. I don't remember it well and you should forget about it too."

"Liar. You haven't forgotten it. We have arrived at Talia's house. Go on in now."

"I want you to know that I love you. I love everything about you and I don't care what you said or what made you say them, my love for you only grew stronger seeing that we looked past it and moved on." She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss before she left the car.

He watched her with a smile until she entered his sister's house. There truly wasn't anyone like her.


"Oh my goodness , it's so good to see you Zuzu. I was so relieved when Nick told me it was good between the both of you, I am so sorry for what he said to you. I don't know what made him say such but..... "

"It's okay Natty. We are fine, we forgave each other and are still in love. I came here because I'm in need of some girl talk. Are you busy?"

"I'm never too busy, Elisa is coming over very soon and I do have plans with Trevor later tonight. I guess we can just all hang out for dinner, you, me, Elisa, Trevor, Nick and Luke. By the way, what happened to you? At the mention of Nick's name, your face turned crimson red."

Azure only blushed harder, 'gosh what is wrong with me! Why can't I just stop blushing' she wondered as she bent her head letting her hair cover her face.

"Don't tell me the both of you had a make up sex." Natalia gasped as she thought about it some more while Azure's eyes widened in disbelief "You had sex with Nicholas! I can't believe it. I have to tell Elisa to come over immediately and hear this fucking amazing news." Azure managed to hit her phone down before she pressed the call button.

"We didn't have sex Natt. He is taking my feelings into consideration and so we didn't have sex. I'm still not sure I'm ready for that. I want to, but.... There's just a but there." Azure heaved a sigh when Natalia muttered an 'oh' in defeat.

"Before we even talk about that, I told Grey to ask you and Lisa to move out of your houses and I know it's not in my place but it will be safer that way."

"You do know we have guards right? We're okay, it's just your sense of security kicking in. Want some tea? I'm making some."

"Yes please, some tea would be great. Think about it Natty, the day that the Eddy dude almost raped me, the only people who knew about it were the six of us and the guards who carried his body out. One of the guards would've leaked that information to the press, who then is to say that one of the guards may not be a disciple of the killer. We can't put our trust in guards, I trust Trevor and I trust Luke, I trust Grey and I have great confidence in the gun skills of my grandfather despite his age. We have to be together and not separated in these times, the killer may strike at anytime."

"There is some sense in what your saying but.... Fine, I'll move in. When the dinner is over, Trevor will come over here and help me pack some things, same with Liss. I'll convince her to move in with Lucas. Don't worry. " Azure collapsed on the chair in relief.

Natalia ran and opened the door once she heard the knock. "My blossom friend!, you won't believe what I'm about to say. Zuzu had some with Nicholas."

"What!" Elisa pushed pass Natalia and went over to Azure who was putting off the stove that Natty had abandoned. "You had sex with Nick! How was it? Is he as good as the girls claim he is? How big is he? Come on tell me, stop keeping quiet!"

"I didn't sleep with Nick, I'm serious. You have to stop spreading such rumors Natt." Azure mixed the tea and poured three cups and took them to the sitting room.

"The thing is that last night, Grey did make me feel so good with just his mouth. I can literally still feel him on me and I want to return the favour. I'm worried I won't do it right, I mean I've never done this before and it's so new like... " Azure's face was still red in embarrassment.

"You worry too much my sweetheart. Just watch porn and you'll lean a lot."

"Eww Liss, how can you suggest that to this poor innocent girl. You don't have to try so hard, so long as its the warmth of you mouth against him, it'll drive him to Mars."

"By 'him', you don't mean his..... thing down there right." Azure couldn't imagine herself doing that to Grey.

"Oh, but I do. I can give you some training if you want. Talia, do you still have that my dildo I kept here to hide from Lucas and a spare new one too?"

"Seriously Lisa, you are going to play porn teacher right now? I'm definitely telling Luke about this."

"You can't. This is for our girlfriend here, we have to help her okay. By the way, we have to go to a Victoria Secret store. The new makes are amazing. I know this because I modelled some last week . If you're going to seduce Mr Amazing, then you're going to need some new lacy numbers."

"You girls are spoiling me so much. Grey is going to be so mad, he'll stop me from seeing you guys." She still couldn't stop blushing. Grey was much bigger than the dildos Natalia had brought out and she was already flushed.

"Nonsense, he is going to be thankful and if anything, he is going to wish we spoilt you earlier by the time you're done with him." Lisa said as she took off her shoes and went over to the mp3 player. She put in a CD that had pure sexual songs and wiggled her brows at Azure while Natalia laughed out loud at Azure's dropped jaw.

The two girls did a number on Azure. They made her deep throat a dildo, bought some lingerie and teddies. They had her watch some porn videos - forcefully - and even went as far as making her watch the fifty shades trilogy.

By evening, the three girls showed up for dinner and ate their meal with the guys. Elisa agreed to move in with Lucas despite how hard it would be for the both of them due their agreement to not have any more sex until they were married.

Azure managed to keep her cool and avoid any intense eye contact with Grey.

When they were done eating, Trevor and Luke each went to their girlfriend's home to help pack.


"Azure, what's up with you? You're acting strange."

"Oh, come on. I'm always strange. I'm just really tired and want to rest. The girls were so exhausting." She sighed, relaxed her back and faced the window, praying to God that Nick bought it and wouldn't ask anymore questions.

"Well, you have to know that we are closer to finding who the sick killer is. I know you don't want the details but I'll tell you anyways. My PI and his team looked through every footage for our said timeframe and they realized that everyday for the past fifteen years between the time of five to seven, all cameras on the 4th floor are turned off. That means that the illegal act would most likely take place between those hours. The owner of the hospital said that he has no idea who, but he gets paid half a million per two months just to make sure that this routine is observed. It was sent by email and the sender is private. They managed to trace the device that sent it but it was found with a person who claims to have bought it two years ago from a store that sells used phones. What you won't believe is that———"

Grey turned to her direction only to find her asleep. He chuckled at the thought of speaking to himself like a mad person.

"We are here. Get up now." Grey woke Azure and led her inside the house. When he dropped her on the bed, he decided to do some work before he joined her in bed however, thirty minutes later, he was feeling out of the work mood so he decided to just go to bed.

The glass cup of water he brought up for her to take before he would let her go to bed dropped on the floor and shattered.

"What are you trying to do?" She was wearing a Victoria Secret lace teddy with some heels. She had taken a shower and had zero to none make up on her face.

"I'm trying to seduce you. Is it working?" Azure said in a sultry voice and used the band on her wrist to keep her hair up exposing her inviting neck.

" Yes but Azure, this is.... "

"This is what I want. I want this Grey, I want you. All of you."

"You don't have to just because you feel pressured. I'll go in and take a shower, you can just go to bed. I'll be long since I'm taking a cold shower."

"I know what you're thinking but that's not it. I don't feel pressured or forced, I genuinely want you." She took slow steps to him and stopped right in front of him. "Don't hold back tonight. I'm nerve wrecked yes, but I want this and I know you do too."

Next chapter