
Best There Ever Was (5)

First Birthday:

I am woken up by Mom running her hand through my hair. Noticing that I am awake, she stops and smiles while looking down on me. I look up to her and say, "Mommy up" while having my arms outstretched and making grasping motions with my hands. She lets out a chuckle and in one fell swoop she lifts me up and tosses me up in to the air. A second later she softly catches me and while giggling I yell, "Again, again".

Laughing along with me, Mom throws me up again and once more catches me softly. "Again Mommy Again" I say while clapping my hands. "Alright Beyond, up you go again." Mom says through her laughter. After a good 10 minutes of playing around, Mom stops throwing me up and started carrying me out of my room.

"So Beyond do you know what day it is?" asked Mom. "It'sss my birthday!" I say, while in my mind I am cursing my inability to pronounce words correctly. With an even bigger smile blossoming on her face Mom says, "That's right, Beyond! Now let's go get breakfast." We go down the stairs and enter the living room, I see that the living room beautifully decorated in black, blue, and gold streamers with a large "Happy Birthday" sign stretching across the room.

The streamers are hanging from the ceiling braided into wonderful patterns of black, blue, and gold. The streamers give off the feeling that I am looking I at an upside down bamboo forest with patterns engraved into the wood. The "Happy Birthday" sign perfectly framed within the forest of streamers. Looking on in amazement, I wonder how long it must have taken to braid the streamers in such beautiful works of art. Knowing that even folding streamers is a pain in the ass. Turning to look at Mom and Dad, I see their proud smiles looking back at me. Undoubtedly proud that their hours of work ended up being so successful. I run over to them and give them a big hugs while being thankful to have such hard working and caring parents.

Dad picks me up and says, "Lets go have breakfast" I couldn't have agreed more.

[A fun filled day later]

With the day coming to a close, I am laid into bed. Dad comes and sits next to me. He speaks with a

soft somber tone, "Beyond, I have one last present for you." With that he takes out a small black case. Opening it reveals a necklace with an engraved obsidian pendent. On the front of the pendent the beautiful crest from the front door was engraved. The crests depicts a running suicune and a origin form giratina in a yin yang formation. With a dual sided tribal wave tattoo surrounding them, finishing the crest is a faint spiral galaxy as the background. Checking the back, shows a message. "May the sea rest your soul and the stars light your path. Love Mom and Dad" just under the message I can make out "Property of Beyond LeNight".

I look at Mom and Dad not knowing what to say.

After Mom and Dad have said their final good nights to me and have left my bedroom. I start finalizing my future plans. I concluding that I am old enough to start phase 1 of my plan to be The Pokemon Master. I run through it once more.

Phase 1 nicknamed "Solid Base Building Phase" has 3 major pillars of success plus one binding agent holding it all together. The first pillar is becoming ambidextrous (the ability to use both hands with equal skill), this will allow me to have greater mobility in all my future actions. As well as just being an extremely helpful skill. I hope to do this through learning to write with both my hands, throwing two balls at the same time, and switching what hand I use as my dominate hand from day to day.

The second pillar pf this plan is to destroy any bad habits that I have carried over from my past life. Such as not brushing my teeth twice a day or not eating healthy. All the while implanting better habits into muscle memory. This is in order to be the best person I can be.

The third and final pillar of Phase 1 is to gain a basic understanding of this world. Things such as the geography, culture, and politics of the planet will have to be learned. While I gain this knowledge, I will have to update my common sense to fit this new environment. I believe this can be done through reading newspapers, books, magazines, and looking through the internet if they have it.

The binding agent for this plan is to be a brilliant actor. This is vital because if I can't act like my age then a few problems arise. These problems can be criminals kidnapping me to study how I am so intelligent to having corporations and media outlets not leaving my family alone in order to get something or even losing the love of Mom and Dad. I have already begun with this through acting like a baby for the last year, but I will have to get better at it or my facade could crumble.

With my plan finalized and ready to be set into motion, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Dreaming about what my future holds.

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