
Minato and Kushina...

Chapter 223

Title: Minato and Kushina...


After a couple more hours, Naruto who is currently in an unspecified underground place, it was a white room with no exit out of it and with a lot of Fuinjutsu writings on the wall. Yami's clone was there meditating and Naruto was doing the same too.

Yami's Clone finally opens his eyes and looks at Naruto.

 "You ready?" Asks the clone with a calm look on his eyes.

Naruto opens his eyes too, and it can be seen that he has entered Sage Mode. 

"Yes." He answers with a resolute look on his eyes. He was meditating as Yami told him, he needs to get rid of his negative energy before he can even attempt to try and fight the nine tails, or else he will just simply be influenced by the malicious chakra that the nine tails releases. 

"Okay then, get ready, I will open the seal for you. Usually we would need to go and get the seal from the Toad Sage, but sadly we can't waste anymore time. The Nine Tails power is needed in this war." Says Yami's clone, while on the inside he actually has another thought inside his mind. 'I know that Jiraya might have left a message for Naruto, thinking that I wouldn't be able to open the Eight Diagram Seal without the key. After all, not anyone can open a seal made by the Shinigami… but I can. I didn't just study the concept of death as an abstract thing for nothing.' 

As the clone thinks that, he extends his fist towards Naruto and they both bump fists. Immediately Naruto feels something strange as his conscience is pulled inside his mental space and he is in front of a cage. He sees the Nine Tailed fox looking at him intently and steam coming out of the beast's mouth. 

But suddenly the nine tails looks behind Naruto and says. "So you are here too…"

The nine tails voice sends chills down Naruto's spine as he looks at the beast who for some reason has a strange look on its face and Naruto could swear that it almost seemed like it was fear.

Naruto also turns around to look behind himself and sees Yami's clone in his Jonin uniform standing behind him. The clone is also looking straight at the Nine Tails eyes and has no fear in them. "I am going to open it now Naruto. After this, I can no longer help you in any way."

Naruto nods at this and the clone then walks forward and floats in front of the giant cage. He rips out the paper holding the seal together and points his palm towards the seal… dark energy extends from his hand and slowly the cage shakes and the water down there is turbulent as the cages slowly open. The nine tails and Naruto are all concentrated and ready to fight each-other as Yami's clone fades away from Naruto's Mindscape. 

But still as the clone got out of here, he looked below him and when he saw the 'water'  he couldn't help but contemplate. 'Is that the Nine Tails urine or something…'


As soon as he is on the outside world, the clone gets up and puts his hand on Naruto's head and slowly dark chakra flows through his hand as he does that.

On the inside, Naruto looks at the nine tails, neither of them made a move when Yami's clone was here, but as soon as he is gone. The nine tails gathers his chakra and opens its mouth as chakra quickly gathers towards it forming a giant Tailed Beast bomb, the nine tails compresses the bomb and aims it toward Naruto.

When Naruto sees this he immediately attempts to flee. But he us too slow and just like a blast the tailed beast bomb comes towards Naruto at speeds that he is unable to dodge. 

'Sh*t, I am gonna die.' Thinks Naruto, as he glances at the blast who has almost engulfed him. 


But suddenly a dark wall appears in front of him, no not a dark wall. More like a dark box as it surrounded the Tailed Beast Blast and seals it…


And then the box disappears in a puf of smoke. Naruto immediately turns back and breaths a sigh of relief. 

'That was most likely Yami helping me. I can't allow the Kyuubi (Nine Tails) to use a Tailed Beat Bomb or I will be instantly killed.' Contemplates Naruto and as he thinks of this he remembers Yami's words enters Sage Mode since technically he is standing still. 

He immediately turns around and does the shadow clone handsign. 


Immediately dozens of shadow clones appear and they all gather chakra into their hands and with another clone's support they make a Rasengan and then put even more chakra into it mixed with Narutre Chakra.

<Odama Rasengan>

And each clone jumps up with giant rasengans in each of their hands slamming it at the nine tails.


But as that happens the Nine Tails swings its tails wildly and destroys a huge number of the shadow clones, it gets up and immediately starts gathering chakra again. Naruto can't move quite fast enough to stop it, but suddenly..


Chains come out of the water and grab the Nine Tails by its foot toweling it over and suddenly a yellow flash moves around and…


A rasengan is slammed in the Kyuubi's face.

Naruto looks at the two figures and he is surprised to see them. "Mom?... Dad?..."


On the outside the clone Yami had a small smile on his face. He knew that Minato and Kushina left some of their chakra with Naruto, since Naruto hadn't fought against Nagato, he didn't see his father when he was about to release the nine tails during canon timeline. But this time he hot to see them both when he broke the seal, and Yami's clone simply used this to his advantage.

Putting Minato and Kushina… well more like shadow clones of them, under a genjutsu and as they explain things to Naruto they will manipulate him to have an even better opinion of Yami and that he was instructed by Kushina that he has to be strict to Naruto.

When Naruto heard that he remembers all of the times Yami has been harsh on him and how even when Yami reprimanded him, Yami still protected Naruto. 


Twenty minutes later and Naruto opened his eyes, and he sees Yami's (clone) face. He can see a slight worried look on the clones face and Naruto smiles at him. "You are really nice on the inside aren't you uncle Yami."

Immediately the clowns face become annoyed. "What are you talking about kid?... Anyway did you take some of the Kyuubi's power?."

Naruto nods at this. "Yep uncle Yami."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say uncle Yami."

Yamk's clone just grabs Naruto by the shoulder and both of them teleport away from here.

 "Tch! Little brat." Says Yami's clone with a fond look on his face. "So you did meet them… Minato and Kushina…"

Naruto smiles at that brightly as they are teleported on a forest. "Yep, they said a lot of good things about you."

The clone just looks to the side a little embarrassed and says. "Whatever brat."


And so the clone dispels himself. With his last thoughts being. 'Hook, line and sinker. The plan continues. Naruto can now sense emotions but we have been able to do the same for decades. So we also have a counter measure against it and fabricate emotions. The original will be pleased to hear this.'


In another place Sasuke opens his eyes… with fully matured Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan in them.


What!??!? Where is Yami and what is he doing?? Well… you will find out in the next chapter of Naruto: Dream to Immortality. 😁👍


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