
Fight with Minato

And Kushina immediately jumps back far away to view the battle and not interrupt.

As soon as she does so Minato does a

[Fire Style Fire Ball Jutsu] I then use

[Earth Style Earth Wall] to block it but I immediately jump back because I sensed a shadow clone behind Minato and I am sure he was about to use a wind jutsu to power up his Fire Jutsu.

But he doesn't use the jutsu he just keeps looking at me then he smirks and says.

Minato:" So you are a sensor ..."

Me:" You are also a sensor right."

Minato:" You are right I am a sensor ..."

I think 'Yeah he is a sensor but from the manga I know he is the opposite of me, he is a long range sensor which can sense chakra further than me and more clearly from far away but from close the chakra sense is more turbulent and he has to concentrate to sense clearer up close.

But I know in the anime he learned a technique to sense chakra nearby I don't think he has learned that technique yet.'

Then Minato comes to me in a Taijutsu fight up close and we are warming up fighting leisurely while talking. I still keep an eye on his clone also.

Minato:" You knew when I sensed your chakra when we first met it was quite surprising seeing a kid yunger that me with more chakra, the only other person my age that has more chakra than me is Kushina."

He is right Kushina has about the same amount of chakra as me maybe a little higher but I know that when she becomes a Jinchuriki she will leave me behind a lot by chakra amount after all being a jinchuriki on top of an Uzumaki you are asking for a monstrous amount of chakra.

Anyway as we are fighting in Taijutsu I get serious as he is about to punch me I activate [Four Legged Technique] swipe his hand sideways and then swipe his legs under him and kick him in the stomach and he flies away. As he is flying away I see him do handsigns and I immediately jump backwards and as soon as I step in the ground I feel the ground moving I jump up and throw a kunai when a hand comes out of the earth and it pops in a smoke cloud that obscures my vision. I also sense that Minato's chakra has disappeared but I can still smell him but he was somehow able to suppress his chakra.

Then I smell him and kick behind me he blocks with a kunai pointed at my foot but I still kick him away, my sandals are after all ninja sandals with light metal inside the core of it.

I just look at him and ask him.

Me:" How were you able to suppress your chakra like that."

He looks at me and smirks.

Minato:" It was from a seal you will learn in the Intermediate Uzumaki Fuinjutsu book. But it has a drawback you can't use ninjutsu while you have it on you."

He shows me his wrist with a ripped tag on it. Ohhh I see now, well then I need to make countermeasures against that.

Minato:" How about you, how were able to find me."

I just point towards my nose.

Minato:" Ahhhh I see I didn't take that in account I forgot about it."

He then uses.

[Lightning Style: Spider Net]

And a lightning spider net starts spreading on the ground I jump back on a tree. Then Minato looks at me and throws a kunai. I see the kunai heading towards me then as I dodge the kunai, Minato apears from it he used 'Substitution' with the kunai then I kick back immediately he positions his body mid air and dodges and still kicks me towards my face which I block with my hand. And throw him agains the tree hard but then it turns out it was a log and he is behind me with a kunai about to stab at me I immediately use substitution.

He stabs the genjutsu on the log that looks like me lightly in the shoulder not to hurt me but then it poofs out and it turns onto a log.

Then I am behind him with a Kunai at his neck.

He puts his hands up and says.

Minato:" I give up."

I look at him smile and say.

Me:" That was close if this was a real battle I am not sure I would have won."

Not really because I didn't have my dog and I didn't really use my full strength.

If this was a real battle he would have died in the first Taijutsu fight I would have thrown an explosive kunai at him when I kicked him away.

But I am sure he also didn't use his full power to try and kill me. And I am not going to get a big head just because I beat the 4th hokage when he was 9.

Well me and Kushina have some laughs about our battle and how Minato was beaten by someone yunger than him. Minato just has a smile and says he didn't summon toads in this fight or he would have won.

We have some laughs about that and make jokes at each other.

Well that is true but I don't think he would be able to summon big toads like Gamabunta without having at least Jounin chakra.

But really that Minato has a monstrous instincts and spatial awareness, I did notice that when I got behind him he had to stop himself from trying to stab me automatically and that immediate repositioning after a Substitution.

The Flying Thunder God technique is strong but what makes it overpowered is Minato. After all if you gave someone random the abbility to teleport to a kunai but he could teleport to a kunai and get a projectile in his scull thrown by a random ninja. Minato beat 1000 ninja like that and he didn't do even the slightest mistake with it or he would have died.

But I still won because I had a kunai at his throat and could have killed before he could react.



I don't know is my imagination or is my

Dao of cliffhanger getting weaker.

I need to go to seclusion to cultivate (sleep) to make a better foundation.

HolyJokercreators' thoughts
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