
Becoming The Clan Head

Yeah right as if I am going in a battle against the third Raikage that even

Kyuubi chakra Naruto couldn't beat without the clue from eight tails. Plus he was weakened by Edo Tensei. So yeah no thank you.

I just put up a face like I am thinking.

Me:" I am sorry Hokage -sama,

Sakumo -sama but I have to look after my clan for a bit because of our recent tragedy.

And me taking down 1 tails jinchuriki has used all the luck I have.

I am too weak to help Hokage -sama."

Hokage looks at me and says.

Hiruzen:" Ok kid look out for yourself on the road. By the way Yami you have a talent at haggling if you weren't an amazing ninja I would think you were a scheming merchant."

I smile and scrach the cack of my head and say.

Me:" Yeah I would like to think I would make a good merchant. But I had to think all the jurney from konoha to here just to say that and what I was going to say."

That's a lie even though I had minimal experience in marketing in my last life that didn't mean I couldn't act like I did.

I have acted my whole new life and and most of my last, combining that with some shows in my last life, I made myself act like a professional in this when really I am not.

The hokage has a small laugh and says.

Hokage:" Yeah but I think that is still talent in the job, you could give someone a week to think about it and they wouldn't come up with anything half decent.

Take care of your self Yami, I have high hopes for you."

I look at him sadly and say.

Me:" You too please be careful

Hokage -sama... ahhhh I can't wait for this war to end I am just so tired of it."

I then go towards a medical tent to just sleep I am way to tired. But as I turn around the Hokage says.

Hokeage:" Oh yeah I almost forgot Yami for captureing Ichibi you get 30% of the money in the deal."

He just throws a scroll at me I open it and its a letter to konoha's bank with the hokages seal and signature.

Oh so I get 30.000.000. I thought the hokage wouldn't give me anything because we are at war time but hey more money will help advance my plan after the war ends.

-Time Skip- (Tomorrow)

I woke up, told Sakumo that I am going back to Konoha and went on immediately.

I didn't have any truble in the road and went top speed towards konoha I arrived in a day and a half. I immediately went to a hotel to wash up and go to the market get some new clothes to wear that look like the ones I already have but hey they are new. I then slept to be completely focused and then go towards the Inuzuka clan compound.

So then lets get this scheme into action so I can start the mext part of my plan.

I then go into the clan compound and concentrate on my sensing and sense all of the ninja members of the clan were here and most of the civilian ones this is good.

Well then I make a clone and tell everyone to meet me at the clan head house.


-10 Minutes Later-

Everyone of the ninja side of the clan are here and even some civilians.

Then I go inside the others follow me and go towards the big dinner and meting rooom then I stand before the door and point with my hand inside.

Subconsciously guide them and get am advantage.

They follow and everyone ninja and nonninja that came sit down on the big tables the room is terrible it doesn't have any decoration just 5 rectangular big tables and a platform for speeches.

I then make 5 clones and tell to disguise as civilians then I also go in and tell the people attending.

Me:" Ladies and gentlemen you can you sit down please."

They all sit down after they do so I sit down last. Another show of superiority by me, they really don't understand the language of subtlety.

Then after I sit down I immediately say.

Me:" I have something to say to all of you. I WILL BECOME THE CLAN HEAD."

I look at them all challenging them to speak I saw Tsume with the head down all sience she sat down finally look at me with something like approval in her eyes. So all that manipulation during the time we were living under the same roof wasn't in vain, the girl probably has a crush on me.

Then some Inuzuka says.


He has chunin chakra level.

I just look at him and use [Paralysis Jutsu] and he is like stuck in a place in fear then I just keep looking at him and say.

Me:" Sit down, I didn't give you permission to speak yet."

He just sits down with a scared expression and full of sweat, and I just say.

Me:" From what I know the Strongest Inuzuka is the clan head.

So to not waste my time and your time I have decided to challenge all of you in battle. All of you against me."

???:" Arrogant prick."

??:" Who does he think he is."

Some of them were annoyed when I said so. Actually there were less people annoyed by this than I expected.

But really though it isn't exactly really hard to take them out. None of them have the battlefield experience that I have, most of them are trackers to find any enemy that has crossed into the Fire Country and that is rare and for them to fight it is even rarer.

Anyway I get up from my chair and go infront of the room and tell my dog to stay hidden the opposite of me and that is behind anybody that challenges me.

I then say.

Me:" C'mon you have to get up I am getting old jut waiting for you."

All of the Inuzuka ninja get up and one of them says.

???:" How about we go outside no need to ruin the house."

Me:" No need you guys won't be able to even blink when I am finished."

With an angry face all of them attack me immediately withought saying anything

I probably pised them off enough. I then signal my clones they all throw senbon at them fast for no civilians to notice and it hits them all in the neck and as soon as I see this I use shunshin and go through them and to the side of my dog behind them. The people only saw me going through like a flash and all the ninja falling down. I then turn to all of them and say.


They don't say anything they just look at me with fear and clap uncertainly. Then I take the Senbon out of the ninjas necks and say to them.



They all look at me like they saw their leader or some deity. They are really easy to convince when you have power and a little genjutsu.

First step of my plan completed.

-Time Skip- (3 days later)

As I was going around Konoha I kept thinking of the ways I can improve the individual strength of every Inuzuka njinja clan member. I have some ideas and some experimental techniques that I could try on them. I could make the techniques usable even for me, in theory they should work. But no way in hell am I testing them on myself. Better test them on some Inuzuka ninja first.

I plan on how to convince them.

I guess I will just use power and glory manipulation technique to pull them towards me even though cliche it is the best one after all every one wants power and most want glory. And it is more convenient this way after all if an Inuzuka went missing suddenly it would be difficult to explain, we do have a small amount of ninja clansmen. But him volunteering is the best way possible. Anyway on to the little stuff.

I leave my shadow clones to do paperwork and improve the economic side. Now I just need some materials to start my experiment I had my clone do that.

Then as I am walking I see a ramen stand. Ahhhh that is the Ichiraku Ramen. It is really small ramen stand it probably jut opened I see a teenager working there and I see 2 familiar people eating in there one of them I know from the academy and one from the anime. I smile and go to talk to them.

Me:" Hey....

Hey guys this chapter took a little longer to write becouse I lengthen it a bit to leave it in a cliffhanger. After all I cultivate the Dao of cliffhangers. I am almost at the immoral rank in that Dao.

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