

" Don't worry about it, I have changed my mind. I will let you know about it on a very special day", Yi Lan said inaudibly since her index finger was on his lips.

" Why are you suddenly changing your mind? You looked so eager to tell me the secret, a moment ago but what made you change your mind?", Lie Ruge asked slowly bringing her lips closer to Yi Lan's lips. She planted a kiss on his lips before Yi Lan could give her his reply. She kissed him slowly and then she fastened the pace. Noticing his reaction she quickly pushed him on the bed. She pulled off the jacket she was wearing before she moved on to removing Yi Lan's belt but Yi Lan stopped her before she could fully touch the belt. He quickly turned her over, Lie Ruge thought that maybe Yi Lan wanted to be in control but what Yi Lan did next made her laugh her guts out.

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