Being born a devil from a fallen clan I wanted only two things, make my clan great again and study magic. So, how did I end up mixed up in a world of cults, giant monsters, and a whole plethora or other things that can kill me at any time? Oh, right, there is also seven witches who want to be 'besties'. Well, at least it couldn't get worse that OH MY SATANS IS THAT A RABBIT? RUN!
3° Person P.O.V.
Beatrice was walking through her library. She continued to wait for that person, for the one that would one day come and take her away from here. It was what her mother told her and wait for this person is what she would do.
However, she long since tired of it.
She was lonely. Far too lonely for far too long.
She didn't want this. She wanted to find That Person
Sighing she looked at the door as it was opened. Looking at it with some expectations she saw it was only Roswaal, the prick who 'owned' this mansion.
She long since disliked the being, a parasite in Beatrice's eyes who would be better off dead already. He was one of her few acquaintances from all the way back, but she despised what had become of the once genius boy with the whole world ahead of him.
"Sooo, I just got a message. I will have to go out for a few days, so taaaake care of the mansion." Roswaal said and Beatrice snorted.
"I will do no such thing, I suppose. I will protect my library and that is it." Beatrice said dismissively to the stupid clown who sighed before leaving. The two were used to this sort of routine, and neither really wanted or care to change anything about it.
"Veeeery well. I supoooose I should get some maids soon enough to take care of that type of thing." Roswaal said with Beatrice waving her hand for him to leave, not wanting to interact with him even one moment more than absolutely necessary.
As Roswaal left the room Beatrice moved to the many, many books in her library and chose one she hasn't yet read before. It was amongst those her mother said were useless so she never cared to study them, but Beatrice literally didn't have anything else to do for now.
However, amongst the many devil summoning rituals for the 72 pillars of the Underworld, one caught her eyes.
Vassago is a mighty Prince of Hell, ruling over twenty-six legions of devils. He can be persuaded to tell the magician who summons him of events past and future, can discover hidden and lost things, and has a "good" nature when compared to other devils. He can be seen as a spirit with a Good Nature, and his office is to declare things Past and to Come, and to discover all things hidden or lost.
As Beatrice read this her eyes widened as a crazy thought passed through her lonely mind.
"... Can this devil find when That Person will come? Can he tell me when and how I will meet that person?"
As she thought this, despite her better sense, Beatrice couldn't help but do something considerably stupid if seen by anyone else.
She went to the forest near the mansion, beyond the point where all the barriers were kept. With no hesitation she found a mabeast and killed it with a single shot of magic through the head, piercing it and ending its life then and there.
With the blood of the mabeast, a creature that had magic on it, she went back to her library. With this blood, she carefully set up the summoning seal as the book entailed. This was not something she would normally do, but she had long since gotten desperate.
She needed help. No matter how it was obtained, she wanted to find That Person who would take her away from that library.
After completing the circle she began pouring in the energy to summon it while fervently praying inside for a miracle, for someone that could help her.
In the past Echidna also tried this ritual several times but failed every single one of them. Not because she lacked in any way but because of the place in which she tried it. In a stable space this ritual could have never worked as there were barriers between dimensions far too strong, but, in this library in which Beatrice was, space was not the same as that of the outside world. In many ways it was a pocket dimension barely connected to the rest of the world, the barriers between dimensions there were much thinner by comparison.
As such, unlike what happened to Echidna and everyone else who tried this ritual for the last 1000 years, the summoning circle glowed brightly, connecting with the other side and, from it, a figure was summoned.
It was a young male, looking no more than 13 or 14 years old with tan skin, blond hair, and piercing red eyes. He wore strange clothes unlike those Beatrice was used to but she did not care about that as she observed the one that perhaps could save her from the evil that was solitude.
MC's P.O.V.
This is not what I expected. Not at all.
This was supposed to be a simple contract, I have only reached High Class less than two weeks ago being only 13 years old right now. I spent most of all my time focused almost exclusively on growing stronger, so much so that I don't even have any friends besides my books on magic and my future wife who visits every so often. It was a sheltered life but one I highly enjoyed as magic was simply far too fascinating for me. This was, in all honesty, my very first contract. It was supposed to be a simple deal as I got a call and went to see who wanted a contract with me, so how did this shit happen?
"So, you are the one that will help me find That Person, I suppose?"
The person that said that is a petite girl with long cream-colored hair that she has tied in two twin drills along with blue eyes that have a butterfly pattern at the center. She wears a red frilled dress with pink ribbons, tights, and shoes. A tiny crown lays latched upon the rear right side of her hair, with a butterfly-shaped ribbon joining her cape at her sternum.
But, this is not the most relevant matter. No, this is not it at all.
It is, instead, two other things. First that this girl is clearly not anything I have seen before. But, more importantly, this is not Kansas anymore.
I know, it sounds like a meme (I guess this is what it is called, Latia was never too specific on those matters), but I was supposed to be IN Kansas USA since my family owns one of the cities there. They may be gone now but I still have responsibilities to take care of the matters from the family less some other noble encroaches and takes over what is left of my family's power, as such I was working as governor there.
To be fair it wasn't that important a city, nothing too big, but I enjoyed it well enough since it was a quiet place that let me train in peace while also completing the family rituals to improve myself.
The rituals are something passed down on the Vassago line to increase our powers since the Vassago power isn't that strong in combat so they had to figure out some way to get stronger even with their family trait not being that useful in pure combat.
Normally no devil from the Vassago family would start then until they are considerably older since, if done wrong, they could have negative consequences and are quite painful even when they succeed, but I could not just wait. I have long since decided that I had to show enough power and increase my rank if I am to re-establish my family as one of the 72 pillars properly. I know I can re-establish my clan at any time if I take the offer from Leviathan-sama, but that would mean aligning myself with the New Satan faction and I won't risk dying in the cold war between the New and Old Satan factions like what happened with my uncles and parents.
No, if I am to re-establish my clan I will do so properly with my own powers and not because someone just gave me what I want.
But that is not relevant at this moment. No, what is important is that this place's ambient mana is completely different from anything I have ever sensed before or studied about. This fact makes no sense unless this is a completely different world, but if so, how did I even get here?
I mean, yeah I answered to anyone trying to contract with my house since I am the last descendant of it, but how DID I got summoned here?
No, take a deep breath, don't go having a panic attack now. I look at the little girl who summoned me and answered.
"I do not know what you mean by 'that person', but my name is Maximilian Vassago, you may just call me Max for short I suppose. I am a pureblood devil and you summoned me. As for the agreement between summoner and devil, tell me what is it exactly you want from me?" I said and the girl looked down and opened a book she was holding on tight.
She looked it over, frowned, and spoke.
"... I want you to find me the person who is destined to be my contractor."
Can't she be more precise here?
I mean, sure I have the power of the three clans that birthed me with my father being the previous last Vassago and my mother being from the Búne and Agares families so finding people is normally quite easy for me, but...
"Do you have any description of who this person is? Any ideas on who it could be?" I question.
The powers from my three house traits are Dragon Transformation and dragon taming from my Búne bloodline, time manipulation from my Agares bloodline, and Sensing from my Vassago bloodline.
While the first is completely useless for finding other people the other two are fairly useful for it. The Time Manipulation from the Agares bloodline allows one to replay images from the past without fail so finding out what happened in a crime and where a criminal or someone that passed by a location is truly quite simple.
Meanwhile the Sensing skill is even more useful as it allows one to have a heightened sensory ability, it let me identify the location of people in a large area around me as well as sending and receiving messages from them. Truly it was a most useful ability to have even if not really THAT useful for combat.
In either case, finding someone for me is extremely simple as long as I know who to look for or know where the person is at any given point in time.
"... I do not know how he looks, I suppose." The girl said and my eye twitched.
"Do you know that person's name, any place he was at, or anything about that person at all?" I asked, fearing the possible answer.
"... I do not know any of that, I suppose. I only know that mother said that That Person will come one day and will take me away from this library and be my contractor."
Well, that is about as useful as a low-class devil in the Vatican. Seriously, with no basic information I am pretty much useless, you know? Come on, this is my first contract so could you not send me an impossible request like that?
"Look, I can't help you with that. Honestly speaking I need at least some information on someone if I am to find the person. Maybe, in the future, I could help you. But, right now I am little more than a rookie and haven't fully mastered my powers just yet, as such right now I can't help you."
It was true. Maybe if I complete all the rituals I could do what this girl wants but I am quite far from that level right now.
As I explain the facts I look on as the girl basically deflates. It is as if I had kicked her to the ground and stomped in what remained. However, she quickly gets back up as it seems she thought about something.
"But, if you master your powers, can you find That Person for me?" She questions and I shrug.
"I can't say for certain that I can, but the original Vassago was known for being able to search into fate itself to find the perfect matches or objects that he only knew something very vaguely about. I have no clue if I will be able to reach that level, but I do wish to try and reach it someday." I explain to the loli who looks down before nodding her head.
"I see, then you might be able to help Betsy, I suppose. What would you like in exchange for that." She questions and I scratch my head at that.
"To be honest, devils have been accepting money for a while now."
Betsy shows a grimace as I speak about money, maybe she doesn't have any (well, even if she had I probably wouldn't be able to use it). Regardless, I look around at the many books and wonder if there is anything about magic here, just the thought of new magics to learn getting me all excited. As I look around a bit I see the girl opening a book she had beside her.
Her eyes widen and she shakes a bit as she opened her mouth to speak.
"Y-You. You, you, you, you-"
"... Yes?" I question.
And, not two seconds after, I have a pink and blond missile hitting me in the chest as the girl who summoned me hugs me for all she was worth.
"Found you, now and forever." She says with tears in her eyes as she looks at me.
... Is this what father meant when he said that women like throwing themselves at handsome men like him and me? I do not understand it, why can't things just make more sense like magical formulas?
Meanwhile, in another place, a white woman looked almost as if she was panting in ecstasy as she had a crystal ball in front of her, her eyes glued to it intensely.
Around her five other women looked over in wonder as they saw Echidna's state.
"Wow, this is interesting. Chidna hasn't been like this for a while." A little girl with tan skin and green hair said as she observed Echidna's face.
"Whatever, sigh, this is troublesome and I want to slee-" A big woman with a voluptuous figure and a pretty face said as she laid on the floor, being too lazy to get up from the ground.
"I wonder if what she is looking at is tasty." A girl in what looked like a coffin while being completely restrained said as she showed off her teeth.
"H-her expression, it is as if she is in, in love." A timid girl with pink hair said as she looked on from over her large scarf.
"Whatever if it is love or not, she better not be plotting anything that will cause harm into the world. I will not let her cause harm to people, otherwise, otherwise I will punch her head to help set her straight." A blond woman with her hair in a ponytail said with signs of tears in her eyes.
As the ruckus was going on, Echidna had a book in her hands as she looked with rapt attention at what she was seeing.
Living proof that other worlds existed, that devils existed, and her mind that was normally so calm was already filling with a greed for knowledge greater than any she has had for a long, long time.
She had decided long ago not to interfere with Beatrice directly again, to see what Echidna's creation would decide if left by herself, but this new experiment had a worth much greater than the original one involving Beatrice. The two weren't even in the same order of magnitude.
As such Echidna had a book in front of her, it was a book from which she could write messages for those who possessed the other copies. In the book that was in the hands, Echidna wrote one message for the lost little spirit.
You will bring the one from another world to you, he is That Person which was destined to you.
Echidna smiled as she observed the silly spirit hug the newest enigma the Witch of Greed desired to understand. The silly little thing would follow the enigma while carrying her gospel and, via the book, Echidna would be able to observe everything, to learn and discover lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of things she wanted to know.
A wide, greedy, disgusting smile spread across Echidna's features as she thought on all she would obtain. Of how her greed would be satisfied next.
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Please tell me it all in reviews as this is my first step in the maddening world of ReZero while still using the also mad world of DxD. How the two will play out on each other I am not yet fully sure, but I want to see how it will go.
Thanks for all, Favorite, Follow, and Review.
King out.