
Body Aches

Several days after their first respective lessons, Rowan and Severus appeared to both be in pain. Severus with sores muscles and Rowan with internal sore magic channels. After having worked on their homework for an hour or two in their shared study room right next to their workroom, the two of them decided to tactfully take a half an hour break.

The two of them rest on their backs on a pair of matching settees. The two of them sat in silence until a groan escaped from Severus' lips. "I didn't think I could hurt more than last year."

"Apparently, grandfather wasn't completely serious last year," Rowan drily commented, before wincing and rubbing her chest. Her chest still hurt a bit in the same location where Sir Knight Prince had stuck his hand into her chest. "I didn't know magic could hurt this bad, but my inside channels are all bruised."

Severus blinked in surprise and turned his head to the side to gaze at his twin. "What exactly have you been doing with Sir Knight Prince?" He arched his brow.

A dry laugh escapes from Rowan's mouth. "As you know, my magic is much more volatile than is the norm for the family. Sir Knight Prince informed me yesterday that Parseltongue can help control magical volatility. I expected my magic to be drained using parseltongue, but what I did not expect was the strain of my magic channels at having a constant rush of magic pouring through. In other words, my channels are simply not used to the flow of magic so smoothly nor at such a high rate."

Severus winced in imagination, before gloomily retorting, "At least you don't get physically beaten. If I didn't know any better, I would think grandfather enjoys inflicting pain upon others."

Rowan snorts as if to say, "Knowing grandfather that is not out of the question."

Changing the subject, Rowan smirks, "So, Lily accepted." She knew full well that Lily had since Petunia had written to her. And besides Severus had been horribly cheerful as of late. It was frankly starting to grate on her nerves.

Severus flushes brightly but is unable to protest. Rather he appears rather shy much to Rowan's disgust. Rowan rolls her eyes to speak, it wasn't as though the betrothal wasn't planned. Though Rowan had to admit the urgency shown by her grandfather was strange. She would have thought he would have postponed as much as possible.

The pitter-patter of tiny footsteps causes Rowan and Severus to immediately share a panicked look. They remain utterly silent in the hope that Rodrigo does not see them. They are much too sore that the idea of playing with the little boy fills them with dread.

The pitter-patter of Rodrigo's footsteps slows down as if the little boy is standing in the doorway inquisitively peeking inside. Not spotting them inside, the little boy steps inside with curiosity. He creeps forward before spotting the tips of his shoes.

Trying to be sneaky, the three-year-old not so quietly creeps forward before loudly shouting, "Boo!" Rodrigo is immensely pleased with himself and fails to notice the lack of a surprised response from Rowan or Severus.

Rowan tactfully gazes at Severus conveying her thoughts with a single glance. "You're his favorite, so, you take care of it."

Severus gives Rowan a stink eye as if saying, "Please, you're the one who's a girl. Where's your maternal instincts?!"

Sparks seem to fly between them in silence, but the battle is won before it has even started. Rodrigo climbs onto Rowan's side of the settee causing Severus to smirk at Rowan. Rowan can only snort in vexation and turns on one side to rest and allow the little boy to lie down next to her.

Wiggling closer to Rowan, Rodrigo finally is comfortable. "Story, please."

"Well, aren't you polite, Rodrigo?" Severus smirked even further at his twin.

Rowan repressed a sigh in her heart. "Alright, is there one you would like?"

"The bunny one!" Rodrigo insisted.

"Oh, alright," Rowan replied, "Once upon a time there were four little rabbits, and their names were-," she recounted the muggle tale of a certain naughty rabbit who snuck into Mr. McGregor's vegetable garden.

Rodrigo intently listens to the tale with wide dark eyes. He anxiously chews on his fist upon hearing as Mr. McGregor approaches. He loudly cheers as the smart bunny escapes and returns home to his family.

"Pleaze another!" Rodrigo sat up patting the seat cushion in excitement.

"That is enough," the voice of Georgine firmly interrupted.

Rowan and Severus startled in surprise having failed to have sensed or heard their aunt approach. Rodrigo pouts as he is picked up by his mother. "I want a story!" He pitifully whined.

"Nonsense, young man," Georgine firmly told her son. "Rowan and Severus have much to do. The two of them will have time later this afternoon for you." She paused to plant a fond kiss on the forehead of her pouting child. "And so do you. I did not see you copying your letters as you were asked to."

Rodrigo's bottom lip sticks out even further as he folds his arms over his chest in a sulk. "I no need no dum letters!"

"We shall see about that young man," Georgine suppressed a loving smile at her son's stubbornness. She loved every square inch of her child, but she was not about to spoil him rotten. She had seen enough of that among the other pureblood families to warn her of the dangers and troubles that would bring. That and well, she did not want a repeat of her niece, Eileen.

Turning her gaze toward her great-niece and nephew, Georgine arches her brow at them. "Sore or not, the two of you have idled long enough."

Rowan and Severus reluctantly sit up despite their bodies protesting otherwise. 

Georgine nods her head briskly at them and turns to go before changing her mind halfway. Turning partly toward her niece, she says, "I have responded to your friend, (Peter Pettigrew), Rowan, I will permit his mother to sell a limited number of products to the muggle and muggleborn clientele that frequent her shop." 

"Thank you, Aunt Georgine," Rowan sincerely thanked her aunt, all the while keeping the surprise out of her face. She had not been expecting her aunt to accept the proposal so very easily. Then again, it may not even be because of her. It may be to ensure the loyalty of Peter and ensure that he has far more to lose if the thought of betrayal ever dares to cross his mind.

Georgine keeps a firm grip on Rodrio, who gloomily gazes at them over his mother's shoulder. The little boy's scowling face looks nearly identical to when Severus was the same age. A choked laugh escapes from Rowan, who barely manages to cover her mouth. The only clue is that her shoulders are violently shaking from her trying to keep her laughter under restraint.

Sure, that their aunt is out of earshot, Severus impatiently waits for Rowan to get a grip. A bit breathless with a touch of a flush, Rowan finally is able to meet Severus's scowling face. "Pft," she claps her hands over her mouth to keep from laughing again.

Rowan has to turn away to not laugh again at Severus' matching scowl to that of Rodrigo's. In a muffled voice, she asks, "What is it?"

Severus barely refrains from rolling his eyes at his twin's antics. "What was that all about?"

"It is for Peter's mother," Rowan lowered her hand feeling much more in control. She turned to face Severus, who was no longer scowling. "And well, I thought it would help with their finances in the long run."

Severus thoughtfully nods his head, before rubbing the back of his tense neck with one hand. He winced, before saying, "Well, at least that is something."

"Mm," Rowan hummed in agreement before she also winced as she stretched. "At least, the weekend is nearly upon us. We'll be packed away to the Black Summer Residence. We may be learning manners and politics, but at least our bodies will get a chance to rest."

"Amen to that," Severus muttered under his breath before rising with a pained grunt.

The two of them hobble to their desk and return to their homework. It would be a long day but at least they were already nearly halfway to it. They only had six or so hours to go… 

Hope you have great holidays until next year! :}

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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